Time To Move Employees, Build A New Courthouse

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Hampton Union, Friday, October 1, 2004

[The following article is courtesy of the Hampton Union and Seacoast Online.]

There was a bit of good news in Hampton this week, especially for those people who have to work or do business in the Hampton District Court building - the state wants to find a temporary location to house the court while it continues planning for a new courthouse.

To some people, having to move to temporary quarters might seem like an inconvenience, but for the people in the courthouse it would spell relief.

Relief from fleas. Relief from mold. Relief from working in an old, old building that has not been properly maintained.

Town Manager James Barrington says that by helping the state find a temporary site, it will give the town a leg up on its desire to build a new courthouse in town, rather than furthering discussions on whether to build a combined Hampton-Exeter courthouse elsewhere.

"They (state court officials) have indicated interest in staying in Hampton and having the new courthouse built here," said Barrington.

That would be beneficial for local lawyers and police (and maybe defendants, too), who would not have to travel and take up additional time to do their jobs.

This plan will also get the town out of the "slum lord" business, as Barrington put it, since the old courthouse is owned by the town, which considers it too far gone to fix.

The sooner the better appears to be the verdict in this case.

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