Atlantic News, Thursday, August 16, 2001
[The following article is courtesy of the Atlantic News]
ONLY AT ACT ONE — Doug Shapiro, Brian
DeLorenzo, Robert Saoud and David
Brown are Forever Plaid as they
put on the final play of ACT
ONE’s summer season
[Atlantic News Courtesy Photo]
HAMPTON — Once upon a time, there were four guys — Sparky, Smudge, Jinx and Frankie — who loved to sing. They met in high school when they joined the Audio Visual Club. They got together, practiced, and dreamed of becoming like the idols, The Four Aces, The Four Lads, The Four Freshmen, The Hi-Los and The Crew Cuts. They rehearsed in the basement of Smudge’s family’s plumbing supply company. And now, miraculously, audiences can hear from them summer at ACT ONE’s Hampton Summer Theatre.
“Forever Plaid” will be performed August 15 through 24 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Wednesdays and Thursdays and 8 p.m. on Fridays at the Performing Arts Center, Winnacunnet High School, Hampton. Tickets are $14 for seniors and students, $18 for adults at matinees, and $18 seniors and students and $22 for adults at evening performances. For reservations, call the ACT ONE Box Office at (603) 926-2281.
“Forever Plaid” opened in New York on May 20, 1990, and was written, directed and choreographed by Stuart Ross with musical continuity and arrangements by James Raitt. It received unanimous rave reviews (38 out of 38!) and ran for over four years. This production stars Doug Shapiro as Smudge; Brian DeLorenzo as Jinx; Robert Saoud as Sparky; and David Brown as Frankie. “Forever Plaid” is directed by Peter Miller; the musical director is Deb Lewis.
“Forever Plaid” is the story of four unlikely heroes whose dreams of musical glory come true when they miraculously return to earth. Enroute to pick up their custom-made plaid tuxedos, this endearing harmony group was “snuffed out mid coda” in a collision with a school bus of eager teens who were on their way to see the Beatles’ debut on the “Ed Sullivan Show” in 1964. Now, through a hole in the ozone layer and some “astro technical stuff,” these nerdy crooners with angelic voices come back to do the show they never got to do in life. Songs include “Catch A Falling Star,” “Sixteen Tons,” “Chain Gang,” “Love is a Many Splendored Thing,” “Moments to Remember,” “Three Coins in the Fountain,” “No, Not Much,” and others just as memorable.
ACT ONE is a non-profit arts organization located in East Hampstead, New Hampshire. “Forever Plaid” is the last Mainstage theatre performance. The Family Concert Series and Arts Alive! Children’s Theatre have several more performances scheduled for this season. Call the box office for ticket reservations, (603) 926-2281.