Performing Arts Center at Winnacunnet
Hampton, New Hampshire
June 13, 2001 through August 25, 2001
Dear Theatre Patron,
New Playhouse at Hampton welcomes you to its 2001 summer performance series!
When it was announced in 1999 that the old Hampton Playhouse had seen its last performance at the barn on Winnacunnet Road after 52 seasons, a small group of diehard theatre lovers decided that “the show must go on”. They formed the non-profit “New Playhouse at Hampton” for the purpose of maintaining live theatre in Hampton.
Our long-term goal is the establishment of a performing arts center in the area which will present top quality professional productions for public enjoyment, and include facilities to educate young, talented people in the theatre arts. Achieving that goal will take a lot of time and effort. Meanwhile, we must keep theatre alive in Hampton while we plan for the future.
This season is a transition. Thanks to the cooperation of Winnacunnet High School, its Performing Arts Center offers a great new venue for this new season. Stephanie Nugent’s ACT ONE is bringing us a rich mix of nostalgic dramatization, new comedies and a concert by guitar virtuoso Ed Gerhard. We know you will enjoy them, and we hope you will spread the word to your friends and neighbors!
On behalf of our Board of Trustees, our hard working staff, the many volunteers who are making this season a reality, and the talented ACT ONE ensemble that produces the shows, I would like to extend my personal thanks to each of you for supporting us by your attendance, and invite you to pitch in and join us in our efforts. For show times, prices, or general information, contact the ACT ONE box office at 926-2281 (926-ACT1).
Enjoy the show!
Fred Rice
“New Playhouse at Hampton”
[* “ACT ONE” = “Artists’ Collaborative Theatre Of New England”]
New Playhouse At Hampton
Our Long Term Purpose:
To produce live theatre in an educational environment by combining the talents of young, talented yet unproven actors, designers & directors in a professional internship environment that fosters the learning and development of this special art form for future generation.
Board of Trustees
Fred Rice | Chair |
Glen French | Vice Chair – Admin. |
Ann Carnaby | Vice Chair – Production |
Brenda Dugan | Secretary |
Lee Hoginski | Treasurer |
Priscilla Patrick | Chair – Front of House |
Lis Premo | Trustee-at-Large |
Bob Houle | Trustee-at-Large |
Special thanks goes to our long-time supporter and Box Office Manager, Bob Stockbridge, who has been with Hampton theatre for over fifty years.
Dear Theatre Patron,
Welcome to the beautiful Performing Arts Center at Winnacunnet! Please help us maintain our summer home by remembering that New Hampshire State Law makes all school campuses “Drug-Free Zones.” Smoking is not permitted on school property.
Light refreshments are available at intermission. Please feel free to use the picnic tables on the front lawn and enjoy the summer weather! Proceeds from concessions will aide ACT ONE’S Hampton Summer Theatre becoming established as the most fun professional theatre on the Seacoast!
We would very much like to know your ideas about the theatre, the shows, and the future. Exit questionnaires are available in the theatre lobby. Please share your thoughts about today’s performance and what you would like to see in coming years. If you are not already on the mailing list, this is an excellent opportunity to make sure you are among the first to know what happens next.
One last word: please remember that the use of cameras and all other recording devices is prohibited by Actors’ Equity Association, the union of professional actors and stage managers in the United States. We are very pleased you have joined us, and hope you enjoy ACT ONE’s Hampton Summer Theatre Season 2001!
The Company of Hampton Summer Theatre
A Widening Circle
ACT ONE was formed in 1997 to bring people together, face-to-face, to share in the experience of professional theatre. From the beginning, there have been those of you who have supported this ephemeral vision, not only with that most important asset, your personal presence, but also, and often without being asked, with contributions above and beyond the cost of your ticket.
Non-profit theatre is designed to serve ends commercial theatre cannot. It is a big undertaking and requires big talents to make it worthwhile. Without our Circle of Friends, the cost of providing these performances and programs would be out of reach of many patrons. ACT ONE simply would not exist without its dedicated Circle of Friends.
If you have supported the re-birth of professional theatre on New Hampshire’s Seacoast, all of us in this remarkable Circle thank you. If you have not yet had the pleasure, please take the opportunity to stop by the Box Office at intermission or after the performance to find out how you too can become a part of this effort. You can join us in building a theatre company that provides, with each new stellar performance, not only truly worthwhile exchanges between people, but also an outrageously good time.
Dear Friends and Theatre Patrons,
Welcome to Hampton Summer Theatre 2001! We have a great season of entertainment lined up for this summer and are pleased you have joined us.
All of us at ACT ONE feel privileged to be part of continuing the tradition of professional theatre that began in Hampton 54 years ago. It takes a great deal of hard work and many helping hands to create quality arts programming. This summer’s season was made possible through the outstanding contributions of:
+ ACT ONE’s dedicated Board of Directors
+ our generous Circle of Friends
+ our wonderful Volunteer Guild
+ the many charitable foundations that foster our work with grants, advice, and encouragement
+ the forward-thinking businesses and corporations that underwrite programming, donate in-kind support, and place advertisements in our theatre playbill.
The impressive talents of Diane St. Jean, graphic designer, and Peter Waldron, set and lighting designer, have been instrumental. Many thanks to both of you for being such patient and pleasant collaborators!
I am personally indebted to two gentlemen, Bill Burford, our new Producing Director, and Bob Stockbridge, our genius Box Office Associate. Thank you both for your professionalism, expertise, and devotion to ACT ONE’s mission. It is an honor to work with you both.
Stephanie Voss Nugent
Executive Director
Actors’ Equity Association was founded in 1913 to protect actors from the severe mistreatment that permeated the industry at the time. Since its inception, Equity has had only twelve presidents, including its current president, Tony Award winner Ron Silver. The 39,000 member association consists of distinguished stars and other professional actors and stage managers who work nationwide: from New York’s Broadway to Los Angeles; from Minneapolis to Miami; in regional, stock and dinner theatre; and in theatre for young audiences, which builds the audiences of tomorrow. These actors and stage managers are committed to working in the theatre as a profession, not an avocation, and they bring to you the finest professional training and experience. By presenting Equity productions, this theatre offers to you, our audience, the best entertainment presented by the finest quality actors and stage managers that your admission dollars can buy. |
Hampton Summer Theatrepresents “Driving Miss Daisy”July 3-13“Bon Voyage”July 18-27 |
Family Concert SeriesSaturday Evenings, 8 pm July 7 – Armstrong & Aichele
ACT ONE is committed to developing programs that build community. Today more than ever, it is essential to draw friends and neighbors out of insular living rooms, away from televisions and computers, to join together in a shared experience of the arts and humanities. The exploration of ideas and emotions that live theatre makes possible is vital to the health of our society, prompting dialogue and discovery at many levels. By producing high quality professional theatre and outreach programs for schools, seniors, and libraries, the Collaborative seeks to enliven hearts, minds, and spirits and strengthen the bonds of community. |
Hampton Summer Theatrepresents “Of Pirates and Poets”August 1-10 “Forever Plaid”August 15-24 |
Family Concert SeriesSaturday Evenings, 8 pm August 4 – A Tribute to
Artists’ Collaborative Theatre Of New England
salutes the wonderful
who help create Hampton Summer Theatre
These generous folks usher, sell refreshments, distribute posters and brochures, and assist with mailings. If you would like to join ACT ONE’s Volunteer Guild, please stop by the Box Office.
Caitlyn Cameron
Brenda Dugan
Linda & Jo Finkle
Bea Friedman
Nancy Gordon
Keegan Hamilton
Armand Houle
Miriam Mosher
Priscilla Patrick
Liz & Sara Premo
Louise Pryor
Fred & Joan Rice
Dorothy Rogers
Norman Tessier
Erin, Ryan, Devan,
and Shawna VanDalinda
Many thanks for your stellar work!
The ACT ONE Company
Artists’ Collaborative Theatre Of New England
Courtlandt Gilmore, President
Marion Buffington
Marjan Frank
Lyn Seliwager
Sharon Stephan
Advisory Board
Nancy Beck
Martha Fuller Clark
Marie Harris
Jon Kimbell
M. Marguerite Mathews
Sandra Gae Mitchell
Donald Tirabassi
Charter Weeks
Helen Winebaum
Executive Director: | Stephanie Voss Nugent |
Producing Director: | William Burford |
Box Office Manager: | Robert Stockbridge |
Administrator: | Linnae Selinga |
House Manager: | David Vandenberg |
“Arts Alive!” Coordinator: | Kate Braun |
Lighting & Scenery Design: | Peter Waldron |
Costume Design: | Leslie Darling |
Master Electrician: | Aaron Hutto |
Sound Technician: | Stanley Zabecki |
Production Assistant: | Gina Heeks |
Production Intern: | Nora Henderson |
Wardrobe Mistress: | Joan Voss |
Sound Recording: | Landdrock Recording |
Sound Engineering: | Sound Reinforcement Concepts |
Jo Finkle, Angela DiMillo, Ashling Brennan, and Amber Gallagher for their important contributions to this summer’s season. |
Hampton Summer Theatre
is made possible through
generous grants from
The Josephine A. Lamprey Fund
created in 1999 to provide broad charitable support in the Seacoast area of New
Hampshire and beyond, with special priorities including the performing arts,
The Christos Papoutsy Art Ventures Fund
created in 1985 to improve access to the arts in the greater Portsmouth area and
to strengthen the network of arts organizations in the region,
The Whaleback Fund
established in 1983 by Warren and Elizabeth Delano to support charitable
organizations in the greater Portsmouth area and southern Maine communities,
The Greater Piscataqua Community Foundation
A regional division of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, a statewide community foundation. GPCF was established in 1983 for the purpose of building a permanent charitable endowment for the seacoast region.
The Foundation utilizes gifts and bequests from individuals, families and organizations interested in providing financial support for nonprofit agencies and institutions which serve residents of the seacoast communities of Maine and New Hampshire. These gifts and bequests make up a collection of funds which generate income for grants.
To learn more about the work of the Foundation, please contact Foundation staff locally at 430-9182, or in Concord at 1-800-464-6641.
Gratefully Acknowledges
the additional funding provided by
The Arthur Getz Charitable Trust
For Funding Mainstage Scenic Design
Bowstreet, Inc.
For Sponsorship of Later Life
The Fuller Foundation, Inc.
For Funding Organizational Support
The Isles of Shoals
Steamship Company
For Sponsorship of Bon Voyage
National Endowment for the Arts
For Support of the Mainstage Series and Arts Alive!
New Hampshire Public Radio
For Media Sponsorship of the Family Concert Series
New Hampshire State Council on the Arts
For Arts Alive! Funding
The Partnership for Effective Non-Profits
For Support of Development of Marketing Systems
The Rotary Club of Hampton
For Student Scholarships for Arts Alive!
The support of such philanthropic leaders
is pivotal to re-building professional theatre in Hampton.
Thank You!
Hampton Summer Theatre Advertisers
Andrew Lord & Co.
Ashworth By The Sea
Beach View Inn
Cadorette Printing Co.
Citizens Bank
College for Lifelong Learning, UNH
D. W.’s Oceanside Inn
Emerald Isle Motel
Hampton Internal Medicine
Hoyt’s Office Products
Isles Of Shoals Steamship Co.
Lamprey Brothers, Inc.
Mackensen & Company, Inc.
NH Public Radio
Ocean Wok
Old Salt and Lamie’s Inn, The
Port City Coffee Roasters
Portsmouth Athenaeum
Prudential Rush Realty
Purple Urchin Seaside Café
Ram Printing Inc.
River Woods At Exeter
Rogan’s Village Bake Shop
Rogers Center @ Merrimack College
Saunders at Rye Harbor
Seacoast Coca Cola
Stephen C. Smith, D.D.S.
T. Brooks Gifts
Vango Transportation Service
This Hampton Summer Theatre booklet, “ACT ONE”,is presented to Robert Stockbridge, with special thanks and appreciation for his support and labors of love for live theatre in Hampton for over fifty years, and is presented with compliments of the Lane Memorial Library, Hampton, New Hampshire. Compiled by John M. Holman, Hampton History Volunteer, Lane Memorial Library. August 2001 |