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Hampton Union, Thursday, August 1957

[The following article is courtesy of the Hampton Union and Seacoast Online]

Col. George Ashworth

Marsh avenue, which was renamed Ashworth avenue at the Hampton town meeting last March in honor of the late George Ashworth, former Precinct Commissioner, will be officially dedicated from the bandstand Tuesday, August 20th, at 7:30 p.m.

Mr. James W. Tucker, Sr., will give the eulogy and some of the highlights of the late Mr. Ashworth’s life during his term as Precinct Commissioner and longtime resident and business man here at Hampton Beach. He will bring to light the many fine things Mr. Ashworth did during his lifetime and some of the tributes’ which have all ready been paid to this fine citizen.

This will form a part of the program arranged to help celebrate the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Hampton Beach Village Precinct.

An added attraction to the Stan “Zip” Bond act is also announced at this time. Bond, who dives from a 65 foot tower aflame, into a small tank of water has agreed to have his wife do a similar dive ahead of his which makes this event a double thrill.

This together with many other attractions for the celebration weeks starting August 17th to Labor Day. A full program of events will be published in next weeks’ Beachcomber.

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