Hampton Monday 100th Anniversary Program and History, May 7, 2007

A Collect for Clubwomen

By Mary Stewart

"Keep us, 0 God, from pettiness; let us be large in thought, in word, in deed.
Let us be done with fault-finding and leave off self-seeking.
May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face -- without self-pity and without prejudice.
May we never be hasty in judgment and always generous.
Let us take time for all things; make us to grow calm, serene, gentle.
Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straightforward and unafraid.
Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences; that in the big things of life we are at one.
And may we strive to touch and to know the great common human heart of us all.
And, oh Lord God, let us forget not to be kind."

Adopted by the Club in 1917

MAY 7, 2007
Organized 1907
Federated 1910
General Federation Member 1935-1994
Green & Gold
"The truth shall make you free."


Frances G. Harvey joined the Hampton Monday Club in 1967 and served as President of the Club from 1970 to 1972 and again in 1989 with Phyllis Tucker as a Co-President. That made Fran our longest-serving Club President. Frances died June 25, 2006, at age 89. Her 90th Birthday would have been today, May 7, 2007, the same as our 100th Anniversary Celebration. Fran remained active in both Club and Church activities as well as the General Federation of Women's Clubs and other organizations until shortly before her death. She was the sparkplug who began the preparation for our Centennial celebration. She chaired our Centennial Committee and organized the volunteers who wrote the Club History you will find in this 100th Anniversary Program Book. It is with loving memory that we dedicate the final product to her.


Welcome to Members and Guests Kathy Traut, President
Invocation Rev. Deborah Knowlton
Cutting of the Centennial Cake  
Special Music: "Wind Beneath My Wings" Evelena Hewlett
Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag  
Annual Reports of the Officers:  
Kathy Traut, President
Rosemarie Schwartz, Past President for Betty Powell, Secretary
Margaret Dennett, Treasurer
Vivianne Marcotte, Sunshine Committee
Diana LaMontagne, Membership Committee
Reading of Congratulatory Correspondence Karen Wilkins
Ben Moore, Chairman Hampton Board of Selectmen
Betty Moore, Director Tuck Memorial Museum
Sammi Moe, President Hampton Historical Society
Doc Noel, President Hampton Chamber of Commerce
Catherine Redden, Director Lane Memorial Library


Presentations and Awards:

1. Donations to the Hampton Historical Society and Tuck Museum: Silver service, silver spoons and chest; 2 china plates and cups; watercolor historical note cards painted by Bernice Palmer; $100 check for the barn project, presented to
- Sammi Moe, President, Hampton Historical Society;
- Betty Moore, Director, Tuck Museum

2. Presentation of the Club's cabinet and key to Rev. Deborah Knowlton for the Congregational Women's Guild

3. Presentation of the Club's remaining china plates and cups to Catherine Redden for the Friends of the Lane Memorial Library

4. Presentation of the President's gifts to the Club Board

5. Presentation of gift to the Club President

6. Presentation of the President's Gavel and Past President's Pin

Special Music: "Thank You" Evelena Hewlett
Poem: "The Penalty of Love" by Sidney Royse Lysaght (1860-1941)
Benediction: Hampton Monday Club's Final Reading of
"A Collect for Clubwomen" by Mary Stewart




LAMONTAGNE, DIANA, 1973 [*deceased]

*ANNA S. ROSS 1909 -- *RUTH SIMONS 1957
*CLARA J. POWERS 1914 -- *RUTH BRAGG 1962-1963
*MARY I. NOYES 1920 -- *FRANCES HARVEY 1970-1971
*CAROLINE SHEA 1923-1924 -- *BARBARA ORME 1974
*HELEN BROWN 1928 -- *R. ANN O'LOUGHLIN 1978-1979
*BERTHA M. BROWN 1929-1930 -- LOUISE GEE 1980-1981
*SARAH B. TOBEY 1931 -- *NAOMI BISHOP 1982-1983
*EDITH WARREN 1941-1942 -- IRENE CUNNINGHAM 1992-1993


Thank you to the authors of the 100 Year History:

1907-1917 -- Rosemarie Schwartz
1917-192 -- Erin Haggerty
1927-1937 -- Joanna Knochen
1937-1947 -- Betty Powell
1947-1957 -- Kathy Traut
1957-1967 -- Nancy Coes
1967-1977 -- Ruth Simons
1977-1987 -- Jean Dezarn
1987-1997 -- Florence Ward
1997-2007 -- Margaret Dennett
Typist & Co-Editor -- Vivianne Marcotte
Co-Editor -- Kathy Traut

And a huge thank you to everyone who served on the Centennial Committee:
Cake & Decorations: Margaret Dennett & Rosemarie Schwartz
Entertainment: Evelena Hewlett
Favors: Norma St. Germain & Joanna Knochen
Flowers: Nancy Coes
Helpers-at-large: Ann Dolan, Erin Haggerty, Vivianne Marcotte, Betty Powell, Florence Ward, Karen Wilkins
Invitations: June Lessard, Diana LaMontagne, Rosemarie Schwartz, Kathy Traut
Location Coordinators: Rosemarie Schwartz, Kathy Traut
Publicity: Isabel Grasso
2005 Committee: Fran Harvey, Dottie Malcolm, Ruth Simons, Phyllis Tucker


The Hampton Monday Club was conceived by two local women, Mrs. Howard Lane and Mrs. Augustus Locke. In 1907, meetings began with ten charter members:

Mrs. Hugh Brown
Mrs. Ernest G. Cole
Mrs. Howard G. Lane
Mrs. Augustus W. Locke
Mrs. William B. Mack
Miss Clara J. Powers
Mrs. Irving Powers
Mrs. William T. Ross
Mrs. Helen P. Sanborn
Mrs. Otis H. Whittier.

According to the original club constitution, "The object of the association shall be the improvement of its members and the practical consideration of the important questions that grow out of the relations of the individual to society. It shall be independent of sect, party or social cliques, the basis of membership being earnestness of purpose, love of truth and a desire to promote the best interests of humanity." According to the by-laws, "meetings of the club shall be on the first and third Monday afternoon of each month". Also, "The annual fee shall be fifty cents with a fine of five cents for tardiness or absence."

The meetings were held in each others' homes. Programs usually included a piano selection or vocal solos by the members. There was even a club musical quartet. Members also wrote and presented papers on poets, writers, composers, artists, etc. A current events topic was always presented and discussed. At first, refreshments were kept very simple (a beverage, such as lemonade, was usually served), but gradually sandwiches, ice cream, cake and coffee were added. Once a year there was a "Gentlemen's Night". The first such affair occurred in February of 1908 when the menu consisted of escalloped oysters, sandwiches, olives, cake, ice cream, homemade candy and coffee.

The question of joining the state federation arose in 1909; and in April 1910, after much discussion, delegates were named to attend the convention in Keene, NH. On November 7, 1910, the Federation dues of $2.00 were paid. The Federation motto was as follows:

"In Principle, like our granite
In Aspiration, like our mountains
In Sympathy, swift and far-reaching, like our rivers "

Each year a different subject was studied and discussed:

1909-1910 - Miscellaneous 1913-1914 - Studies in America
1910-1911 - Our Country 1914-1915 - Current Topics
1911-1912 - England 1915-1916 - Miscellaneous
1912-1913 - France 1916-1917 - South America and Misc.

Originally, the club kept its membership to fifteen members, since this was a reasonable number to be hosted in a private home. However, by 1914, membership had grown to twenty members, plus one associate member and two honorary members. The club committees were of Entertainment, Education, Civics, Philanthropic and Visitation.

In 1908, the treasury balance was $4.70; in 1910 it was $66.88; in 1911, it grew to $78.30. During that time, it was noted in the minutes that the printing of the yearbooks cost $6.00. After joining the state federation in 1910, Reciprocity Days were added to the club calendar. On these occasions, members of the Hampton Club would hostess visiting guests from other clubs, and vice-versa. These were fine opportunities for making new acquaintances among members of sister clubs. During one of the early years the Civics Committee was instrumental in urging the town selectmen to clean up a vacant lot. Planned summer outings were popular, particularly beach days at North Beach and trolley trips to New Hampshire College (now UNH) in Durham.

All members of the Hampton Monday Club took a very active role in making the meetings informative and entertaining, which set a strong precedent for future growth and longevity.


Life changed dramatically between 1917 and 1927. War was brewing in Europe. Eventually, America became involved. The Prohibition Bill was a big factor in the voting booth; a flu epidemic was fatal for many; women's rights and their places in society were changing. It was known as the "Roaring 20's".

As the world and our country was affected by these forces, so was the Hampton Monday Club. Its bimonthly meetings continued to be held in private homes. However, special meetings were held in the Grange Hall, the Congregational Church or the Town Hall. Some of the subjects chosen for discussion as quoted in the annual programs were:
Civil Government and Reconstruction work in our Country
The changing Ideals of Womanhood
The Jewish Problem relative to Palestine
Parliamentary Law
World Crisis
Duties of every Citizen
Our Candidates and their platforms
New Hampshire
Members continued to enjoy delicious dainty refreshments during the social hour.

Membership in the Hampton Monday Club in 1917 consisted of twenty active members, five associate members, and two honorary members. By 1927, membership had grown to forty four active, eight associate, and six honorary members. Dues were set at $1.75 which included the program booklet.

The Hampton Monday Club's affiliation with the Federation of Women's Clubs beginning in 1910, resulted in the Club's support of nine charities by the end of 1927. These were the Audubon Society, Memorial Hospital, Prosperity Fund, Traveling Library, Children's Aid and Protective Society, Hampshire House, Mercy Home, the Scholarship Fund, and the Flower Mission.

Club presidents during this ten year period were:

Alice Thompson Mary Noyes Caroline Shae (2 years)
Gertrude Carlisle Margaret Noyes Emily Hutchins
Jessie Toppan Emma Young Margaret Wingate

Because of the critical times both abroad and at home, many pertinent subjects were brought up for discussion at meetings, and the membership was asked to participate in many varied causes, including Armenian and Syrian relief.

The Club contributed to a "war chest" formed by the Federation which contributed to various war-work organizations. This allowed the Monday Club to participate on a greater scale than such a small club could manage to do on its own. Nevertheless, Hampton women contributed $19,000 to the Liberty Loan Bond Fund. The Philanthropic Committee was pressed into action and raised money for the Red Cross. Christmas packages were sent abroad to the troops, and used clothing was sent to the suffering in Europe. Members were encouraged to follow the rice and potato diet and to limit their intake of meat, wheat and butter. They were asked to restrict their purchase of woolen products because these things were needed for our soldiers. Members were told to boycott German-made goods.

The Flu epidemic reached Hampton, which affected many members and delayed meetings. Calls from the Public Health Commission were frequent, requesting funds for more nurses and for a Public Health nurse here in Town. The Club contributed to these causes and to the Tuberculosis campaign. The school lunch program was also supported.

The Civics Committee was called upon to help improve conditions on the Beach and to work toward improving cleanliness in the Town's only barbershop. It was suggested that wastebaskets be placed in convenient places in the Village. Fir trees were planted in front of the Center School and were used as community Christmas trees until they grew so tall that decorating them was no longer possible.

The State Commission on Americana asked the Hampton Monday Club to help "foreign people" in Town to learn to read and to write English.

The Women's Suffrage Law, the 19th amendment, was passed on August 26, 1920. The Club members were encouraged to register to vote before the November election because two important bills were on the ballot. One was the 18th amendment, Prohibition, and the other was the Sabbath Day Law. In connection with women now being able to cast a vote, one of the Club's guest speakers traced the changes in women's lives, particularly stressing the "last great" change caused by the War, getting the Franchise, and taking women out of the home and broadening her interests into political, educational and social problems. Her message - "Make home the center, but not the boundary of life". This became the Club's motto.

A letter was sent to President Harding asking that Mrs. Thomas Winter be appointed to the Advisory Delegation to represent the U.S. at the Armament Conference.

Scholarships continued to be funded each year: and one year, a Colonial Tea was held at the Town Hall. The proceeds were presented to the senior class of the Academy to help defray graduation costs.

Ironically, and despite the fact that the Hampton Monday Club had been extremely active in community outreach, war efforts, and various philanthropic causes, the members were also requested to make suggestions as to how they might enlarge the scope of the Club's power in the community in the future.


In 1927, Sara M. Lane was Club President over fifty three members. Miss Adeline C. Marston was recording secretary. There were fourteen meetings that year.
The slogan of the Club was: "Every member buy a tree,
Save Franconia Notch for Posterity".
Five dollars was sent to the Society for the Preservation of NH Forests.
Some obligations that were met included the Children's Aid and Protective Society, the NH Tuberculosis Association, and the Pennsylvania Miners.

1927 was an "exceptional year". That is, according to an article written by Caroline Cole in the Manchester Union: "it was an exceptionally wet winter and spring, it filled the soil and it could hold no more water". The Mississippi River submerged the "whole" 32,000 square miles. All the levees failed. The Federal Government began again with five billion dollars to rethink and replan the system of curtailing The River. The Town of Hampton sent $400 to help with relief. The final Club outing that year was to the home of Daniel Webster in Franklin, NH.

In 1928, Helen Brown was President.. The International Relations Committee meeting discussed the political situation: "France, England, Germany and China, `What Our Neighbors are Thinking". During the year, a braided rug exhibition was held, Beethoven's music was studied, and a drama reading, "Love and Tea", was enjoyed by all. The General Convention ended the winter to spring season with a meeting in Swampscott, MA.

In 1929, President Bertha Brown presided over fifty-three active members, seven associate members and six honorary members. Average attendance was thirty members. Meetings included a Gentlemen's Night, with a community sing, a male quartet and a one act play. Chairperson of the Home Economic Committee attended a `hat seminar" conducted by county Farm Bureau Services. Twelve ladies learned to make felt hats. Some of the Club's contributions benefited an ex-soldier in need and Mrs. Bessie Roberts during her bereavement. A $2.50 gold piece was awarded to a high school student who wrote the best essay on "Why I Should Vote". There was a `posture" meeting held in Dover: "Interested members were cordially invited to attend to learn how to sit and stand correctly". The Dennison Mfg. Co. had a two day exhibition at Town Hall which included "beautiful, artistic creations to delight every feminine heart".

In 1930, Bertha Brown continued as President of the Club which was still Federated. There were forty-five active members, who met fifteen times throughout the year in places as varied as Tuck Memorial, Baptist Vestry, Congregational Chapel, the Grange Hall and Center School Hall. The Music and Philanthropic Committee program for Guest Day was headed by Mrs. Florence Roeve. The Leavey Trio, combining the talents of Mrs. Leavey, and the Misses Doris and Ruth Leavey, entertained. Professor James Tarfts spoke about Sir Walter Scott and "The Lady of the Lake".

The annual meeting of the Federation of Women was held in Keene, NH. Many members went by car and "were glad that no accidents occurred to mar the day's outing!"

In 1931, Sarah B. Toby was President with forty three active members and ten associates. Average attendance was thirty members. Some of the meetings' programs included a discussion of the life works of John Greenleaf Whittier. (He had visited in Hampton Falls at the home of Mrs. Helen Savage.) A music program on the works of Tschaikowsky presented by Mrs. Robert Elliot, Mrs. Kempton, Mrs. Eloise Lane Smith, and Mrs. Carl Smith. Two hundred townspeople attended this performance.

The 1931-32 Monday Club Scrapbooks were dedicated to George Washington. It was noted that he came through Hampton in 1789 on his way to Portsmouth.

In 1932, Anna Gilmore presided over forty eight active members, ten associates, and two honoraries. An average of thirty five members met at Center School, the Congregational Church and various homes. The music for the year was Patriotic music from the Revolutionary War period.

J.R. Langley, State chairman of Unemployment and Relief, spoke to the Monday Club, presenting statistics of unemployment and relief in NH. Cost of relief in 1928 was $66,420; in 1932, it was $2,237,914. Fifteen thousand people were out of work. Forty-thousand families were helped by Federal dollars; seventy-five thousand received State funded Mothers' Aid. $90,000 was raised from the private sector, and $235,000 was spent on highways to help employment. New Hampshire was the thirty-fourth state to borrow from the Federal Government: $667,420 was the amount. This meeting was presented before the onset of winter because there was great concern expressed for impoverished citizens.

Many trips were made to bring clothing and food to needy people. Two coats were made for children; one-hundred pairs of used stockings were sorted and taken to families. The Home Economics Committee presented a period Fashion Show; 1790-1933 styles prevailed. Miss Adeline Marston provided the gowns and models. Miss Clara Brown, home demonstration agent, held a "clothes clinic" to present instruction in making over old clothes by combining two dresses, etc.. A cordial invitation was extended to the women of the town to be present.

A photo show of the large sweeping waves and the damage that devastated the Hampton Beach front was presented by David Colt, a local photographer and periodical store proprietor. The presentation was presented before an audience of one hundred twenty five townspeople at the Congregational Church.

A sympathy card was sent to Mrs. Thomas Alva Edison on the death of her husband. A response card was received from the family. Mrs. Randolph Coolidge gave a talk about joining the NH League of Arts and Crafts and establishing a shop in this area.

Member Emma Fall Schofield was the first female judge appointed to the bench in MA.

Mrs. Charlotte Batchelder was President in 1933, and Mrs. Helena Savage presided over the Club as President in 1934. The Club was still a member of the NH Federation of Women's Clubs. At a two day meeting of the Federation held at UNH, Mrs. Eloise Smith, formerly of Hampton and "now active in the intellectual life of Harvard", spoke about "World Problems".

The Federated Women's project was to "Save Mt. Kearsarge and its Adjoining Forest". Hampton's quota was $25, and the Monday Club Civics Committee was in charge of securing this amount from the community. The mountain and sixteen acres was successfully acquired for $7,000 in 1934. The NH Federation, Portsmouth District, met at Hampton Beach. A tour of the beach preceded their meeting at the Convention Hall Casino.

In 1934, an international current events and musical program was open to the public.

In 1935, Mrs. Helena Savage presided over forty-five active members. Bimonthly meetings were held during this era at 2:30 PM.

The usual `Beach Picnic' was held in October at North Beach. The Peace Program included Mrs. Lane's talk called "Menace of Another War". The Civics Committee program invited Professor French of UNH who gave a talk about Juvenile Delinquency in NH. Preceding this meeting, Club members were given information about House Bill 294 related to neglected and delinquent children and Bill 295, which created the Juvenile and Domestic Relations session of the Probate Court. A petition was signed by the members and forwarded to the proper authorities for voting.

In 1936 and 1937 President Olive B. Brooks presided over the sixteen meetings of forty-four members, eleven associates, and one honorary member. Helen Hayden was first Vice President.

From September 15th to the 18th the NH Federated Women held their 41st Fall Convention at the Hotel Ashworth on Hampton Beach. Guest speaker at the Portsmouth District Conference was George H. Styles Bridges, nominee for the US Senate in the upcoming elections. Five Club members assisted in a broadcast on the local radio station WHEB. They presented the History of the Hampton Monday Club, told a NH Folk Tale, and special music was provided by the Musical Committee.

Mrs. John Wingate was Civics Committee Chairperson for the year. Col. T. Allan Peck lectured and presented pictures on "The Evolution of Old Glory". Current events that were discussed included the "Ethiopian Situation".

The May meeting was held at Lamie's Tavern with Mrs. Viola Smith, President of the NH Federated Women's Club, as speaker. She said that "Hampton is to be congratulated in having a hostelry at which such privacy and hospitality can be had".

The Hampton Monday Club found Lamie's Tavern to be an ideal place for meetings "of this nature".


During this decade the meetings were held twice a month. Members met at the Congregational Church, Grange Hall, Methodist Church, Baptist Church and Center School Hall. Dress code for meetings included wearing hats and gloves. The membership ranged from sixty nine to one hundred twenty eight. Luncheons were priced at $5.00. A Guest Book was presented to the Club by Margaret Wingate who instructed the group that it was to be used at every meeting. The standing Committees were Education, Entertainment, Civic, Home Economics, Philanthropic, Music, and Emergency War Relief.

During these war years the Club was very active in the promotion of purchasing war bonds, and purchased many themselves. There were three all day Sewing Meetings for the Red Cross and Bundles for Britain. About 4% of the materials donated were lost at sea. Members took a Red Cross course and collected magazines for the men in the service.

Fund raisers included a Dessert Bridge, many plays by the Drama Club, Food Sales, and programs by the chorus made up of talented members, who also played musical instruments. Donations were made to the Golden Rule Farm for Boys, Christmas baskets for shut-ins, the Franklin Orphans' Home, the Nurses' Scholarship Fund, Defense work, infantile paralysis, the Veteran's Association, and the blind. One of the donations was for school lunches and cod liver oil.

Upon induction into the Club, each new member was presented with a rose. At one of the meetings, the Hampton School Chorus sang a selection of Negro Spirituals. The following prayer was read in memory of a deceased member: "Who does his work from day to day, and meets whatever comes his way, Believing God has willed it so, has found real greatness here below." Edgar A. Guest.

Under the Civil Defense program there were hand-outs entitled "When the Bombs Drop". A legislative speaker told the group "that contrary to public opinion, the legislators are of superior ability and character, and the most outstanding ability and character shown is found in those elected by the smaller towns".

There was a speaker about Pearl Harbor, "When Paradise became Hell in a few short minutes". A speaker from Phillips Exeter Academy gave a talk on "The Lost Generation" from World War I., stating that it is up to women to help prevent a similar situation from ever being repeated. Christmas boxes were sent to all Hampton men in the Armed Services during the war years.

Open meetings were held when men, women and children of the area were invited. A Children's Day was held when the first graders came and sang Christmas Carols. They were treated to refreshments.

The Scrapbooks contained clippings of the meetings, photos of members and guests, and the reports of Committees and Officers.


In 1947, the Hampton Monday Club had one hundred twelve active members, eleven honorary members, twelve officers, and nine committees of special interest. These were the Ways and Means, Music, Entertainment and Dramatic, Philanthropic, Civic, Art, Education, and Girl Scouts Committees. It was the seventh year of sponsorship for the Girl Scouts in Hampton. A tenth Committee was added in 1949, the Transportation Committee.

During the 1940's and 1950's, the Club held two general meetings every month. These were held on the first and third Mondays. Special Interest Committee meetings were held in addition to these. Each general meeting usually had two or three program segments in addition to the business meeting. These included a speaker, special music, and often some learning activity, such as rug hooking. Usually the meetings were held in two different locations each month, most often the Congregational and Methodist Churches and the Grange Hall.

Meetings were usually held in the afternoons and had "tea and cake" for refreshments unless there was a luncheon scheduled. The Refreshment Committee usually consisted of eight to eleven women. Fancy name tags were made each month. There was an annual Children's Christmas Party in December, with entertainment. In 1947 a Mr. Brooks, "Illusionist Extraordinaire", performed and movies were shown.

In 1947 the Club celebrated its 40th Anniversary with a "Birthday Luncheon" on October 6th in the Congregational Church Dining Room. The entertainment consisted of book reviews by Mrs. Remick Leavin. Book reviews were a frequent program topic. On March 15, 1948 an "Official 40th Anniversary Celebration" was held, and honored the Club's Past Presidents. A "Brief History" by Mrs. Edwin Batchelder was presented. There was special music by the Leavin family and Muriel Bennett of Portsmouth. A corsage was presented to each Past President.

During this decade the Club's annual budget was generally close to $700, including $100 for programs and $100 for charities. Fourteen different charities were listed in the Program and supported annually in addition to area churches, Girl Scouts, and Federation support and projects. In those days the Club paid both federal and state taxes. Dues were $2 a year, and a guest could be invited by paying ten cents for each. Associate member fees were $3. There was only one associate member. At that time $1 made a significant difference to most people's budget.

In 1951 two silver trays that matched the silver service were presented to the Club by the Civics Committee.

There were many Club fund raisers with funds directed to various charities. Fund raisers included dessert bridge parties, food sales, rummage sales, Christmas card and gift wrap sales, and special programs with ticket sales. In 1948 the Club held a "Minstrel Show" to raise money for the Crotched Mountain Crippled Children's Hospital. $231 was raised.

The Club contributed to a "Penny Art Fund" which was used to purchase art for the Franklin Pierce home in Hillsboro, NH. They also helped to buy a truck to be used as a mobile dental unit. In 1950, $25 was used to purchase new band uniforms in Hampton. The original band uniforms had also been purchased by the Club. Food and clothing were sent to needy nurses in post-war Japan in 1950. In that same year $25 was given to a local policeman who broke both legs performing his civic duty during a November hurricane.

A Gentlemen's Night was held in January of 1950. Reciprocity meetings were also held, at which time other Federated Club members were invited to the meetings. Arts and crafts exhibits were popular at these meetings to showcase talented members.

The 1950's showed a decided political interest reflected in the Club's programs. One such program explained and encouraged support for the new United Nations Organization. At other meetings, several Senators were invited to speak, including Senator Doris Spollet, who spoke about the post war American acceptance of 205,000 "Displaced Persons" (DPs) from Europe. Attorney William Treat of Hampton spoke about the "Hoover Commission Report" (about the `evils" of wasteful Federal spending). Attorney Wesley Powell of Hampton Falls, who was running for the Senate seat, also spoke about Federal government waste. Interestingly, he mentioned that the national debt at the time (1949) was $5.5 billion ($6,215 per person) and that the yearly cost of the Federal government per person was $1,500.!

During the early fifties the Club held an "every house canvass" in Hampton to support blood typing and donation. There was a special Blood Bank established for the Korean War wounded. The Art Committee made favors for Exeter Hospital food trays. Scholarships continued to be awarded every year.

A Defense Bond Chairperson was added to the slate of officers in 1951-1952, and the Civic Committee was renamed the Public Affairs Committee. Care packages were sent by the Club at Christmas that year as part of the `CARE for Korea" campaign.

Of special merit was the July 12, 1956 presentation of a "Civil Defense Ground Observers Corps Achievement Award" to the Hampton Monday Club at a ceremony held at Hampton Beach. It was the first such award to any US Federated Women's Club and represented 4,708 hours of time devoted to the Civil Defense effort. Twenty members were acknowledged for their efforts, including Ruth Simons and Betty Bundy, both still members in 2007.

The Monday Club also sponsored a Red Cross Canteen and stocked supplies at the town fire station.

In 1957 the Hampton Monday Club celebrated its 50th "Golden" Anniversary. A special program was held and the State's First Lady was in attendance.


In 1967 Audrey Vanderpool was President. The Club celebrated its 60th birthday. Membership averaged one hundred members. Fund raisers and programs included rummage sales, card parties, auctions, a Silver Tea, Reciprocity Day, and Guest Night. Reports of three Exchange Students from Uruguay and France were read. The Christmas program given by Lois Harvey and her pupils from Crotched Mountain School for the Deaf "was especially wonderful".

For both the 1968 and 1969 Club years, Patricia Tilton served as President. The Club's artists entered art contests. Mrs. Bernice Palmer took 1st Prize, and Mrs. Gertrude Lougee took 2nd Prize. One of the meetings featured Paul Leavitt, Hampton Police Chief who spoke about the FBI Academy. The Club sent a contribution to Radio Free Europe.

For Club years 1970 and 1971, Frances Harvey was President. The Club continued its membership in the Federation and participated in many of its meetings, functions, and activities. Fran was a very busy President attending Federation meetings in Whitefields, Dover, Durham, Somersworth, Concord, and the Wentworth, and still found time to send two hundred and three notes and cards.

In November, Frances Harvey submitted a prayer amendment to the Congress of the United States which would have allowed the return of prayer in the public schools. It was a great disappointment that the House failed to muster the two third majority vote needed to pass the bill.

A pre-season Tea was held at the home of Gertrude Lougee. The majority of meetings were held in the Methodist Church. Guest Night featured Rev. Roger Palmquist who displayed his abilities as a chalk artist while singing hymns. In November Hampton celebrated an American Home Day and the Club members entertained with a fashion show of their own creations, showing their dress making abilities. The General Federation of Women's Clubs presented a Citation of Achievement to the Monday Club in recognition of their work to better the community. The scrapbooks containing the memorabilia of the Club were given to the Hampton Historical Society to be stored in the Tuck Museum.

In 1972, Minnie Philbrook was serving as President when the Club was recognized with an award from CARE in appreciation for its contribution to the "Human Factor and World Environment Project". A project for the beautification of the down town area of I Hampton was begun. A "Welcome to Hampton" sign was installed and hanging flower baskets were placed on electric and telephone poles.

In 1973 Eleanor Burnley served as President. The Civic Committee had Town Moderator Alfred Casassa and Selectwoman Helen Hayden as guests at one of the Club's meetings. The "Gay Nineties" was the theme for the Guest Night that year. A memorial tree was planted in the East End Park to honor the memory of Rita Merrill. The Civic Affairs Committee erected a second `Welcome to Hampton" sign.

Mrs. Burnley received a Citation from the NH Federation of Women's Club's for the Monday Club's efforts and contribution to the growth of the NH Federation. The Club also received a Citation of Appreciation from CARE for its outstanding participation in the Greater Federation of Women's Club's "CARE Africa" Program.

In 1974 Barbara Orme presided as President. The Drama Committee put on its traveling shoes and performed "Come Live in my House" in Exeter. Guest Night presented Mrs. Louise Moise who spoke and showed slides of her trip to the Virgin Islands. The Club received a thank you note from the Crotched Mountain Center for its generous donation.

In 1975, the President was Mrs. Floyd Gale. Mrs. Frances Leavitt Harvey served as District Director. The Club donated "Stories of New Hampshire" by Eva Speare to the Lane Library in memory of Mrs. James Tucker. The Drama Committee, who shared its many talents with sister clubs, had the honor to be asked to perform at the Mid-winter Conference of the NH Federation of Women's Clubs. Again the Hampton Monday Club was awarded the Certificate of Appreciation by CARE acknowledging the Club's outstanding support and notable service in behalf of the needy people of the world.

In 1976 Miss Phyllis Tucker served as President of the Club.

Club members attending the Town's bicentennial celebration were dressed in colonial costume. Princess Clear Sky, a Navajo Indian, presented the program "Along a Moccasin Trail". Princess Clear and her husband, Morning Star, performed the intricacy of the Eagle Dance.


The following ladies served as President of the Club during these ten years:
Dorothy Tobey, Naomi Bishop (2 terms)
R, Ann O'Loughlin (2 terms), Gerda Small
Louise Gee (2 terms), Patricia Tilton (2 terms)

The Committees included the Civics, Art, Drama, Literature, and Ways and Means.
The membership varied from one hundred thirty five to one hundred fifty five. Dues were $5. Members supported both the Greater Federation of Women's Clubs and the NH Federation of Women's Clubs. The Monday Club received several awards for community service such as concern for the environment and education from the NH Federation of Women's Clubs. Fran Harvey was District Director of NHWC and traveled throughout the State to attended their meetings.

The Club's meetings were generally held at the Congregational Church at 12:15 PM with a Tea to open the season in September. Members wore dresses or suits and often a hat, all appropriate for an Afternoon Tea.

At the October meeting of 1977, a 70th Anniversary Party was held at the Church honoring all past Presidents.

The Civics Committee initiated the Bench Project with financial help from businesses and organizations of the Town. With the help of the Department of Public Works, twenty five benches were placed around Town. A newspaper reporter took pictures of residents and friends enjoying these benches, which were considered great places to socialize.

The Drama Committee put on a Christmas play every year. Members brought books, cards, and games for the patients at the Veterans Hospital and the NH Hospital in Concord.

In 1978 Roberta Brush founded a Junior Women's Club sponsored by the Monday Club. Frances Harvey served as advisor to the new Club.

Rummage sales, fashion shows, food and garage sales were held as fund raisers. A scholarship was awarded to a qualified WHS senior in this as well as in all the other years in this ten year period. Another yearly event was the Civic Committee's booth at the Summerfest.

The Christmas Fair proceeds bought children's potty chairs for the children's unit at the Pease Air Force Base Hospital. Members also filled food baskets for Veterans. The Club entered a float in the Christmas parade.

It was noted in the Hampton Union that the Club's illustrious member, Fran Harvey, was a great donut maker and that Phyllis Tucker had a great Indian Pudding recipe that she was willing to share!

The third "Welcome to Hampton" sign was erected at Rt.27 and Rt.l by the Civics Committee.

In 1979 the Civics Committee promoted the Vials of Life Program which continued for six years. With the help of DPW, the Committee planted a mountain ash tree in front of the town hall.

In the spring of 1980, the Antiques Study Group honored guests from other Federated Clubs. Members were asked to wear period costumes. Many carried parasols and some wore long skirts, lovely lace shawls, and exquisite hats. All were tastefully modeled. Among other programs were talks by the Police Chief, The Lane Library's Librarian, a meteorologist, musicals by the Choral Group and Chamber Singers. Pastor James Barclay talked about "old homes in Hampton".

The Club made a donation to CARE Inc. Boston to help maintain two schools in Honduras.

In October of 1982 the Monday Club celebrated its 75th Anniversary, the Diamond Jubilee, at the Ashworth by the Sea. The WHS choral group provided the club with lovely music. Helen Hayden prepared and read a history of the Club. Included was the fact that the Monday Club was the first Federated Club in the country to receive a citation from the Air Defense Command for its many hours as a Group Observer Corp. and in other branches of Civil Defense.

Later that year gifts were collected for the Odyssey House. It had been noted that reading needed encouragement in our schools; therefore, a subscription to the "Seedling Reading Magazine" was given to the Marston School.

At the 1984 Fashion Show, it appeared that society was changing to a more casual lifestyle. The pant suit was introduced as a more casual way of dress. For the evening, navy blue pleated slacks with a blue and silver sequined top was modeled.

In 1985 six toddler car seats were donated to the Seacoast Visiting Nurses' Association, and $100 was given to the Ritchie McFarland Children's Center.


During this decade the Club met at the First Congregational Church on Winnacunnet Road. Refreshments were always provided at these meetings. There is no evidence to indicate that there were any dress code requirements.

The standing Committees remained pretty much the same: Civics, Cards and Games, Needlework, Crafts, Drama, Ways and Means, Research and Study, Hospitality, and Literature. These Committees were involved in activities such as library service to shut-ins and Easter decorations for the Rockingham Nursing Home. Programs included speakers from the Police and Fire Departments, the Chamber of Commerce, and Town Officers.

The following ladies served as President during this ten year period:

Dorothy Boudreaux Irene Cunningham (2 terms)
Naomi Bishop Norma Nelson
Frances G. Harvey
Dorothy Malcolm
& Phyllis Tucker Margaret Dennett
Charlotte Pevear (2 terms) June Lessard

In 1987 with Dorothy Boudreaux presiding, the standing Committees were Civics, Drama, Needlework, Research and Study, Hospitality, and Literature. The Club held a book sale at the Demoulas Market as a fund raiser for the Winnacunnet High School Scholarship Fund. An Arts Festival was held in January and a Music Festival in March. At the Reciprocity Day meeting in April, auctioneer Paul McInnis spoke to the ladies. The May annual meeting and luncheon was held at the Greenhouse in Hampton Falls

In 1988 Naomi Bishop was President and a Veterans' Committee was added. This Committee placed a granite marker in the High Street Cemetery in memory of all past members of the Monday Club. In April the Civics Committee planted a Golden Chain tree in Founders' Park. Other Committee activities that year included donations to a local family for the transportation of two severely disabled children to and from school and to the Winnacunnet High School Band's Booster club for their trip to Walt Disney International Festival. The Club also sponsored a WHS sophomore to the Hugh O'Brien seminar. The $200 scholarship was awarded to a WHS senior girl pursuing a career in nursing. This was the year that the Club added its sign to the "Welcome to Hampton" billboard.

1989 proved to be a very busy year with the Co-Presidents, Fran Harvey and Phyllis Tucker presiding. The season opened in September with the usual Tea. In October there was a Book Review by author Laura Blizard; in November the members were entertained by a special guest speaker; and in December they made holiday decorations. Auctions were held in both January and February.

In March Ruth Kulberg was the speaker. The topic was "Eggs in Art". She guided the group as they decorated Easter Eggs.

A letter of thanks was received from the Hampton Victory Garden for the Club's support during the previous six years. It was noted that the 1988 growing season was the last for the Garden. In May a letter of thanks was received from Exeter Hospital for a donation made in memory of Margaret Judkins. Again this year the Club received a Citation from the General Federation of Women's Clubs of NH in appreciation for services to education. It received Second Place for Leadership, and Third Place for Large Club. The Club received another Citation that year. It read " for the Hampton Monday Club's commitment to the Youth of America through their support of the Foundations Programs for Public Service".

The "Keep America Beautiful Program" and "The Neighborhood Watch Program" raised $150 for the Scholarship Fund.

In 1990-1991 Charlotte Pevear was President. In March the Second Annual Decorators' Show was held with nineteen interior decorators participating. Norma Nelson, a dedicated volunteer, assisted in the distribution of flowers to patients at Exeter Hospital. The Club was again recognized for its dedication to community service since its inception in 1907.

Norma Nelson was President in 1994. The members had a jewelry making program and collected items for "A Safe Place". The major Fund Raiser this year was a yard sale. The proceeds went toward the Scholarship Fund.

As noted in the early history of the Club, the Monday Club was organized in 1907, Federated in 1910, joined the General Federation in 1935. In 1994 the Hampton Monday Club withdrew from the Federated Women's Clubs in order to devote more time and funds to local community needs.

1996 saw Margaret Dennett serving as President. One of the speakers that year addressed the Club about "The History of the Fuller Gardens". Activities included delivering books to shut-ins, and yard and bake sales to raise money for the Scholarship Fund.


During this ten year period, meetings were held on the first Monday of the month at the First Congregational Church on Winnacunnet Road.

In June of 1997, our 90th year, with June Lessard as President, the Club held a big and quite successful yard sale on Margaret Dennett's lawn. The proceeds were to benefit the scholarship fund. The season opened with the traditional Tea in September. Other programs included the Salem Singers, a group that not only sang but kept everyone laughing; a travelogue of Turkey; a craft demonstration; and a talk by Harvey Webber about antique walking sticks. In December, the Club was entertained by June Lessard's daughter and grandchildren leading the ladies in Christmas carols. In January Sister Doris gave an inspirational talk to open the new year.

The Needlework, Research and Study, and Civics Committees scheduled mid-month meetings and the Games Committee met several times a month. This group made a fun trip to Rockport, MA during that year. There were forty three active members and sixteen lifetime members in the Club.

Priscilla Brown agreed to share the Presidency with Dottie Malcolm in 1998. Florence Ward, a new member, was Vice-President and Program Chairman.

Among the programs that year was Dwight Hamsley, a talented handicapped artist. He described his pictures and photographs from his wheelchair while his assistant ran the slides. Although he didn't have full use of his hands, he was able to paint a colorful picture which he left with the Club. In November the "doll man", Michael Langton, showed puppets that he had made, including "Elmer" who was perched on the fireplace mantel in the movie, "On Golden Pond". Harvey Webber was back for a program. This time he appraised antiques brought in by members. In March with the North Hampton Women's Club as guests, The "Hat Lady" entertained with her collection of crazy hats and slippers. April's program guest was Tammy Hale who demonstrated the art of sponge painting and rag-rolling. The season closed in June with a luncheon at Lamie's.

Mid-month meetings and Christmas parties were held by the Needlework, Research and Study, Civics and Games Committees. Donations collected at the Christmas meeting went to A Safe Place; and in June, a scholarship was awarded to a college bound senior girl at WHS.

In 1999, Florence Ward served as President with new member, Betty Powell serving as Vice-President and Program Chairman. There were forty two active and thirteen lifetime members.

On July 20th, the Hampton Monday Club joined Town Officials and Workers, Masons and Eastern Stars, friends and relatives to honor one of its members and past President, Clara Gale, on her 100th birthday.

The November and December meetings included an a cappella group and a demonstration on wreath-making. In the much awaited year 2000, both Harvey Webber and Sister Doris returned to both entertain and inspire. Joanne Dodge came to announce the start of the newsletter, "Good Old Things". She read from the newsletter and encouraged the group to submit poems and prose for future publications. Both Isabel Grasso and Louise Calkins submitted entries. The June luncheon was held at the Seaside Eatery in Seabrook.

The Games Committee was dropped in this year, but the three major Committees continued with mid-month meetings and Christmas parties. The Civics Committee had a fun boat trip up the Piscataqua River.

President Betty Powell led the Club for the 2000-2001 season. Programs included a "Funny Fashion Show" put on by the General Whipple Ladies, a travelogue on Alaska by Ken and Winnie Caswell, Christmas decorations by Leonore Joubert, and encore performances by the Salem Singers and the "Hat Lady". A potluck luncheon was held in January followed by a "Penny Sale" which helped raise a little money for the scholarship fund. Potluck luncheons were very popular during this period. There were many talented cooks! In April, after another potluck, the Town manager, James Barrington, brought the Club up to date on Town business. The June luncheon was held at Lamie's.

For 2001, Helen Garland served as President and Karen Wilkins, a new member, served as Vice-President and Program Chairman. Programs included speakers from Shaker Village, Senior Friends of Portsmouth Hospital, and Sandy Point Discovery Center. The Club was entertained by the Winnacunnet Chamber Singers and Kevin Farley who demonstrated various instruments. The "Hat Lady" and the potluck luncheon were repeats. At the May luncheon, Ann Dolan was honored for her many years as Treasurer; and, as she so often did, Fran Harvey presided over the installation of the new officers.

In 2002, the season opener was special.. With Karen Wilkins as President, the Club held an elaborate Tea in September. The "Lighthouse Kids" addressed the Club in October. The teens told of their experience repairing and also raising money to repair the Shoals Lighthouse. The ladies donated to their cause. In November Betty Moore told of the many displays at the Tuck Museum including the Monday Club Collection. A Christmas cookie swap was held in December. The new year repeated such favorites as Harold Fernald's historical talks, potluck and penny sale, and the Salem Singers. The annual May luncheon was held at the Portsmouth Country Club.

Rosemarie Schwartz served as President in 2003 and 2004. The membership now consisted of thirty two regular and twelve lifetime members. In September of 2003, the Tea was held upstairs in the Congregational Church for the first time. The opening Teas continued to be held there for the remaining Club years. During this two year period, the Club's Christmas party consisted of a luncheon served by the Board, a cookie swap, and donations of winter hats, gloves and scarves to the Salvation Army. Programs included music by the "Notes", Jennifer Ramsay, talks by Martha Dana on her work with puppets and their psychological help for children, and Librarian, Catherine Redden, on the workings of the Lane Library.

Club members volunteered a couple of hours a week for three months helping the Chamber of Commerce with their spring promotional mailings. In turn the Chamber made a donation to the Club's Scholarship Fund. This practice continued through the spring of 2007.

At the April 2005 program, the ladies were shown slides of the Sand Sculptures created on the Beach as a pre-season competition event. Club members were so impressed that many volunteered as assistants during the Town's Sand Sculpture Competition in June. Both May luncheons during Rosemarie's two years as president, were held at the Hungry Traveler in Salisbury MA.

Kathy Traut led the Club as President for the next two years. By the end of Kathy's terms, membership had decreased to thirty active members with never more than twenty five in attendance at the monthly meetings which were held at the First Congregational Church. The 2005-2006 programs included a reenactment of history from members of the James House Association, an update report from the Lighthouse Kids, stories of Lake Winnipesaukee told by Harold Fernald, a collection of sea chanteys sung by the Marine Chantey Singers (one of whom was Club member, Joanne Knochen), and a most enlightening talk by Dave Weber about bird houses on Hampton's marshes. The Christmas luncheon and cookie swap, and potluck lunch and penny sale continued to be popular events. The 2006 May luncheon was held at the Hungry Traveler.

With the Club's Centennial approaching in 2007, a Centennial Committee was formed to plan for the event; and Fran Harvey was named to lead the Committee. Other members of the Committee were Ruth Simons, Dorothy Malcolm, and Phyllis Tucker. The Club members were saddened when Fran died suddenly in June. The Committee continued its work under Kathy Traut's direction.

In 2006 the Board became worried about the future of the Club. Since membership was dwindling and with the inability of most members to serve as officers and on committees, it was reluctantly voted at the December 2006 meeting to disband the Club. It was agreed that the life of the Hampton Monday Club would come to an end with the Centennial May Luncheon.

The 2006 September Tea was held as usual upstairs in the Congregational Church but with a heavy heart; for this would be the last Tea. Programs for this last year included a re-enactment of the old radio program, "The Life of Riley" by a Seabrook Actors' Group, a talk by Rev. Deb Knowlton about her visit to Japan, songs by Jennifer Ramsay and her husband, and a book signing and talk by author Judy Fracher on her mountain climbing experiences. The Club held its last Christmas party with the Board's luncheon, gift exchange and donations to the Salvation Army, and held its last penny sale in March.

Formal invitations for the Centennial May Luncheon were mailed to all Club members, Town Officials, the Chamber of Commerce, the Lane Library's Librarian, the Garden Club, the Historical Society and various other individuals and organizations.

The May 7th Centennial Celebration was held at the Old Salt Restaurant, formerly Lamie's Tavern, the site of the May 1937 meeting when it was said that " this was an ideal place for meetings such as these". Many Club luncheons were held there throughout the Club's hundred years.

The program for this final luncheon included the donation of the Club's silver service and matching silver trays, two of its china place settings with a collection of silver spoons, and Bernice Palmer's hand made watercolor note cards to the Hampton Historical Society; all to be kept at the Tuck Museum. Several other presentations and recognitions were made. An engraved brick was purchased for the WHS plaza, and a donation to the Tuck Museum's barn project was made for a carved plaque. These donations ensured that the name of the Hampton Monday Club would remain in view in perpetuity. The Club's treasury balance would be awarded as scholarships in June.

Each Club member was presented with a silver spoon from the Club's silver service and a copy of the Club's "100 Year History" as a momento of this historic event.

There was much reminiscing throughout the afternoon and Club members were hesitant to have this last Monday Club Luncheon come to a close.

We can certainly be proud of our Club's achievements and contributions to both community and country.