The Hamptons Union, January 20, 1910

Vol. II, No. 3

Hampton News

Mrs. Jennie McCoy is confined to her home with an attack of the grippe.

Mrs. Grafton N. Goodrich of Exeter, formerly of Hampton, has taken to the [Exeter] Cottage Hospital on Tuesday. She is attended by Dr. Day.

Mrs. Frank Sheffroth of Dorchester, Mass., spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Grafton N. Goodrich, of Exeter.

Mrs. E. J. Stickney was called to Freeport, Me., Sunday morning, by the serious illness of her mother.

Mrs. Benjamin Leavitt is visiting friends and relatives in Boston and Waltham, Mass.

Charles Carpenter is visiting at his home in Winchester, Mass.

Last week, Motorman George Munsey's mother slipped on the ice in front of her home and broke her hip, and was otherwise not seriously injured.

Mrs. Lester Fellows spent Tuesday with Miss Emma Davis.

The senior class of Hampton Academy will give a social in Academy Hall on Friday evening, January 21, 1910. There will be candy, cake and ice cream for sale.

[* (This Class Roll was not in the original article in the 1910 Hamptons Union)
Class of 1910, June 15, 1910, Class Roll:
Percival Moulton Blake
Pauline Brown [Wright]
Ray Warren Combs
Jessie Rollins Fogg
Guy Clinton Hendry
Raymond Oliver Hobbs
Frances Augusta Nudd
Leonard Parker Philbrick]

Thursday evening, Jan. 20, there will be a whist party, given by the Jr. O.U.A.M., in their hall in Post office Block. A first and second prize for each gentleman and lady holding the two highest scores. Admission 25 cents per couple. You are cordially invited to attend. No postponement.

Among the recent sales which J. Austin Johnson has made of his improved extension ladders are two of forty-four feet each, which are to go to South Bend, Indiana, the purchaser being George M. Studebaker, the largest manufacturer of automobiles in the country. Mr. Johnson has equipped the beach and village fire departments with his ladders. He has just placed an order with the Woodstock Lumber Co., for a quantity of seasoned lumber to be used in the manufacture of his ladders.

Mrs. E. B. Towle delightfully entertained a party of friends at whist in honor of her birthday anniversary last Friday evening. During the evening refreshments of ice cream, fancy cake, candy, etc., were served. It was a delightful occasion and thoroughly enjoyed by the guests.

Mrs. E. Warren Lane and her sister, Mrs. Curtis, went to Amesbury on Wednesday afternoon, shopping.

Mrs. C. O. Stevens has been kept indoors by severe poisoning of the face.

A horse of Mr. Whittier's came tearing down Lafayette road Monday afternoon with an overturned sleigh. When passing Lane's store, Howard Lane seized the sleigh at a great risk of his life and held the animal until help arrived. The horse was then led to the hotel stable.

Miss Ruth Leavitt was taken suddenly ill on Friday morning. Her symptoms gave her parents alarm, who summoned Dr. Mack, and on Sunday her illness developed into pneumonia, with a temperature at 106. On Monday Dr. Towle of Portsmouth was called on consultation and a trained nurse put in charge of the case. Tuesday and Wednesday, although the temperature has fallen, yet her condition is alarmingly serious.

Joseph Blake is suffering from an attack of appendicitis, and it is thought by his physician that an operation will be necessary.

At the Free Baptist church, Hampton, Sunday morning, the pastor, Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips, will preach from the theme, "The Main Traveled Roads of Life." The newly formed chorus will furnish music, and Miss Gladys Tarlton will sing a solo. Sunday School at the close of the morning service at 11:45. Choir rehearsal directly at the close of the Sunday school. Saturday evening service at 6:30. There will be special music by the Phillips family orchestra and quartet. There will be singing, praying, and testimonies. We hope to hear many new voices. Capt. D. W. Cobb, Jr. who is in charge of the local work of the Salvation Army of Portsmouth, is expected to be present and will speak in behalf of the work. Mid-week prayer-meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Subject, "Am I Willing To Be a Secret Christian?" You will be welcome to all these services. Come.

A most excellent union service was held at town hall last Sunday evening, the four churches and the town's people participating. The first in order was singing by a chorus of school children, and they did sing fine. Following this was a duet by Master Lindsey and Ada Tarlton, prayer by Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips, music by the Phillips family orchestra, quartet by the Phillips family, reading of the scriptures by Rev. Herbert F. Quimby. A most excellent address was then given by the Rev. Mr. Kneeland, D.D., of Boston, on Sabbath Protection, putting much emphasis upon the fourth commandment, "Remember the Sabbath Day to Keep It Holy." A male trio, composed of three ministers, viz; Phillips, Partlington and Quimby, rendered the selection entitled, "My Anchor Holds," in a very pleasing manner.

The cradle that baby Helen Lamprey is being rocked in is 200 years old, and belonged to Commodore Decatur.

The funeral services of Mrs. Sarah Leavitt, widow of the late Abraham Leavitt, were held in the Congregational church on Sunday afternoon. Rev. J. A. Ross officiating, assisted by the church quartet. The deceased leaves one son, William Leavitt, who owns a summer residence at North Beach. She was eighty-one years of age.

The Monday Club was entertained by Mrs. W. T. Ross on the afternoon of the 17th. All the members were present and twenty-three guests, Mrs. Sawyer and Mrs. Richards of Exeter, Miss Warner of North Hampton, and twenty of our own Hampton ladies. It was the annual musicale of the club, and was the most interesting one. The musicians outside the club were Miss Micheline, soprano, of Boston; Miss True, violinist, of Salisbury, and Mrs. Buswell, pianist and accompanist of Salisbury. It was a rare treat to hear a singer of Miss Micheline's talent in town. She is a young lady of great ability, who sings in the Colonial theatre in Boston, and a friend of Mr. and Mrs. Ross. The program was as follows: Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. Second movement was played as a piano duet by Mrs. Nye and Mrs. Lane. The Peer Gynt Suite was next given. Ibsen's Poems were read by Miss Powers and the musical numbers were played by Mrs. Nye and Miss Powers. This was followed by selections by Miss Micheline, soprano; Miss True and Mrs. Buswell. Refreshments of salads, sandwiches, ice cream, cake and coffee were served. It was a most enjoyable event of the season.

Miss Lida Watson is in town this week on a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Dow.

State Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Morrison, was in town visiting the schools on Wednesday.

The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. George Knowles on Friday afternoon. A full attendance is desired.

The funeral of Enoch P. Young was held at his late residence last Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. I. S. Jones was funeral director and Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips, pastor of the Free Baptist church, conducted the service. Mr. Young was a member of the Hampton Free Baptist church and died at the ripe age of eighty-six.

At the Free Baptist church last Sunday Mr. Phillips preached to a good audience, using for his theme, "The Great Self Sacrifice and Its Purpose, "Who Gave Himself For Us That He Might Redeem Us From Iniquity," amd Purify Unto Himself, a Peculiar People, Zealous of Good Works." (Titus 2,14). Three Elements, The "Who," the "What" and the "Why." Jesus Is Great. In Majesty, Wisdom, Knowledge, Power and Love. What is Meant By a Peculiar? "A People of His Own Possession." Jesus says, "They Shall Be Mine When I Come to Make Up My Jewels." "He Who Is a True Follower of the Lord Jesus, He Who Is an Out and Out Christian, a Servant of the Blessed Master, He Who Stands Up for the Right and Truth and God may be called peculiar."

Attention is called to the advertisement of L. B. Greely in another column. It is the proper time now to place orders for cemetery work to be set in the spring, and the Exeter Marble Works is an old and reliable firm with which to deal. Consult them before placing your orders

On Tuesday, Mrs. E. D. Berry received word from Miss Elizabeth Brewster of the death of her father. Miss Brewster being well known in town, her friends will be interested to know of her bereavement. Mr. Brewster died a week ago last Sunday, after having spent a very useful life, expending much of his wealth in charitable institutions, etc. Miss Brewster has the sympathy of those in town who know her best.

The little granddaughter of Mrs. B. J. Berry of Lynn, Mass., under the care of Mrs. C. O. Stevens is fast becoming a normal child. She takes great delight in being in the out-of-doors.

Mrs. Emery Janvrin, sister of Mrs. Mary Walton of Elmwood Farm, who visited Mrs. Walton and Mrs. Fred Sanborn for threee months last summer, is now very ill with pneumonia in Decator, Ill. She was born in Hampton, and Mr. Janvrin, her husband, who is also afflicted with the same kind of sickness, is a Seabrook man.

A cap, somewhat of a juvenile type and quite amusing in its make up and trimming of red crepe paper, labelled "For the School Ma'am," appeared, among other presents, on the Christmas tree at Elmwood Farm. Miss Irene Trefethen was the recipient of this useful article, but there is some mystery in regards to the donor.

Mrs. A. W. Patterson of Lynn, Mass., spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. C. O. Stevens.

At the residence of C. O. Stevens, a telephone has been placed, making one more of the many new improvements there, such as electric lighting, etc.

Although weather conditions last Friday and Saturday were poor, there was a good patronage at the reduction sale of the E. G. Cole Company during this week the advertised goods have gone rapidly. There are still some good bargains left and our readers should not neglect this opportunity.