The Hamptons Union, February 3, 1910

Vol. II, No. 5

Hampton News

Mrs. Fred S. Marston is spending a few days in Portland, Me.

Miss Mildred Batchelder is spending a few days at her home.

On Sunday evening, John L. B. Thompson fell down the cellar stairs at his home and was seriously injured. He is attended by Dr. Mack.

Robert Dennis is being broken in as a relief night operator at the Telephone Exchange.

Mr. Charles Cutts fell on the ice Saturday Night and cut his eye and seven stitches was required to close the wound.

Mrs. E. H. Thompson slipped on the ice on Friday afternoon and broke her right wrist.

Winfield Hobbs spent Sunday on a visit to his mother, who is seriously sick.

An infant son was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Sanborn on Monday, Jan. 31.

The What-so-ever mission circle will meet with Beatrice Church on Saturday afternoon.

Miss Isabel W. Stuart dined with a friend of Newburyport on Wednesday, a member of the Newburyport Womans' club, and had the pleasure of hearing Rev. Mr. Crowthers, D.D. of Amesbury, a noted speaker.

Miss Ruth Leavitt has improved sufficiently from her recent severe illness to warrant her relatives and friends to be reasonably assured of her safe recovery.

The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn F. Hobbs, who has been sick with scarlet fever in Halifax, N.S., is now convalescent.

Mrs. Lucy A. Marston has in her possession an unpublished poem of Whittier's. It was written for the Knox brothers, who guided Whittier's party up Mount Chocorua. One of these brothers is the original "Barefoot Boy," in the poem of that name. Another brother married Mabel, daughter of Mrs. Jennie Thompson of this town.

Mrs. Annie Berry and Mrs. Emma Young entertained the Woman's Missionary Auxiliary at the chapel on Wednesday afternoon with a large attendance present. The program was in charge of the first vice president Mrs. Lucy Marston. The Gospel in Latin Lands, The Waldenses, and Italians in America were the topics.

The husband and brother of Rena Carbonneau were in town on Friday and identified the young lady, who was drowned, as the wife and sister. Burial was in the cemetery in town. The deceased was one of fourteen children.

The congregation responded heartily to the appeal of the pastor on Sunday morning at the Congregational church for foreign missions, the collection amounting to some over $65.00. The text was "At the Name of Jesus Every Knee Shall Bow," and the sermon which followed proved how fast those words were being fulfilled. On an average last year there were 2,600 converts admitted to church in foreign countries every Sunday during the year. Just one year ago there was not one school for girls outside of the mission schools in China and today there are ten schools established by royal ladies and taught by them.

Mrs. Josiah J.Dearborn is seriously ill at her home at Bride Hill.

The Q. and Q. whist party met with Mrs. D. A. Munsey at Hampton beach last Saturday. Prizes were won by Frank Merritt, Mrs. Hobbs and Mr. Drew. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess.

Mrs. Laura Rebekah Jones, the mother of Mrs. W. Lincoln Phillips, of Weld, Maine, has been visiting for a week at the Free Baptist parsonage.

Last Sunday, a good audience attended the service at the Free Baptist church. Theme, "Lessons From the Fate of Belshazzar." The chorus is a great help to the Sunday morning service, and the duet by Gladys and Ada Tarlton was much enjoyed.

There has been such an increase in numbers in the Free Baptist Sunday school and Sunday night services that it was found necessary to order more singing books. The books have come, have been properly marked and are ready for use. The singers are invited to come in and use them. The use of them will be free to adults and to children half price. Come and help us sing.

Sunday morning at the Free Baptist Church at 10:30, the pastor, the Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips will preach from the theme, "The Christian Life in Some of Its Characteristics." The chorus choir for an opening selection will sing, "By Grace Are Ye Saved;" words by Fanny Crosby. Mrs. Fennell will sing as a solo, "Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus." A vocal selection by Adam Geibel. Come and hear them sing. Sunday school at the close of the morning service at 11:45. A special service will be held at 6:30. Subject, "Am I My Brother's Keeper?" A Patriarch's yes. The answer of the Lawyer. Wise men prophet and the answer of our Master. There will be special singing and Mr. Phillips will play a Cornet solo entitled, "The Last Chord," with violin and piano accompaniment." Mid-week prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 o"clock. You will be welcome at all these services. Come.

The Rev. Lincoln Phillips attended the joint meeting of the new Durham quarterly meeting and the Rockingham association of Free Baptist churches at Gonic last week. He reports a large attendance and helpful inspiring meetings. The Young Peoples' convention Tuesday evening, with an address by the Rev. Geo. H. Salley of South Berwick, was a splendid service. The address Wednesday by R. W. Preston, principal of New Hampton Institute, was fine. He was assisted by Dr. Tracey.

A ladies' choir, in addition to the chorus, is soon to be formed. The chorus and ladies choir, the Phillips family orchestra and quartet will furnish music at the Sunday services.

The East Rockingham ministers meeting meet at the Free Baptist parsonage Monday afternoon. The next meeting will be the first Monday in June. It will be an all meeting of the members and their wives at the Congregational church.

The ministers of the four churches viz: MacLaughlin, Quimby, Partington and Phillips, held a private meeting at the Methodist parsonage last Saturday afternoon.

Last Sunday evening according to announcement there was a special service at the Free Baptist church. The Phillips family orchestra played two selections followed by a praise service. This was followed; by scripture reading and prayer. Captain Dallas W. Cobb, Jr. who has charge of the Salvation Army work at Portsmouth was then introduced. He gave an able and inspiring address, giving an account of the work from the beginning to the present time.

The ladies of the Free Baptist church will hold an experience social and supper in their vestry Friday evening, Feb. 11. Supper will be served from 5:30 to 7:30 o'clock. Supper tickets are 15 cents. Home made candy will be on sale. All are invited.

The Dierstrick Skool, which will be given under the auspices of Winnicummet Rebekah lodge, 26, on Friday evening, Feb. 11, at the town hall, bids fair to be an evening full of fun. Many of our most popular townspeople will renew their youth. Arrangements have been made for [trolley] cars to run at the close of entertainment to Hampton Falls and beach. Don't fail to go see the infant class.

The Woman's Missionary Auxiliary of the Free Baptist society held their monthly meeting at their vestry Wednesday afternoon of this week. Twenty-nine ladies were present. The topic of the meeting was, "Prayer and Praise" The following was the order of service: Singing, responsive reading, scripture and prayer. Report of last meeting. Reading by Miss Ida Lane, singing, reading by Mrs. Cora Perkins, recitation by Marion Garland, reading by Mrs. Winnie Phillips, reading, The Child's Prayer, by Mrs. Sarah Brown, poem, by Mrs. Adams, reading by Jessie Moulton, business. A committee was appointed to nominate officers for the coming year. The first Wednesday in March is the annual meeting. The new officers for the ensuing year will be elected. The society is in a prosperous condition. Much interest is manifest. Each member seems to be willing to do their part. Mrs. Stevens entertained the society in an able and pleasing manner. A bountiful repast was furnished for all including the minister and his family and Brother D. H. Adams. The meeting closed in peace, harmony and good will, and all went home smiling and happy.

On Friday evening, January 28, at their hall in Odd Fellows' Block, was held the joint installation of Perkins' Post No.78, G.A.R. and the Womans' Relief corps, in the presence of a few invited guests. Past Commander, John W. Warner of North Hampton, installed the officers of the post in his usual efficient manner, while Mrs. Lizzie Elkins of Exeter acted as installing officer of the corps, performing her duties most ably. Rev. J. A. Ross made some very interesting remarks, after which ice cream and cake was served by the ladies and a pleasant social hour enjoyed.

Alvin True is putting a corn grinder in his planing mill for the benefit of the farmers in this vicinity, and as soon as it is in operation, which he expect it to be some time this week, he will be prepared to grind while customers wait. This will be one of the long felt needs of the village.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Francis Adams returned to Hampton on Wednesday, having visited friends and relatives in Camden, New Jersey, and Philadelphia during their weeks' absence.

Sanborn has a large line of beautiful designs in valentines right from the factory. All prices.

A pleasant event at the Squamscott House, Exeter, Wednesday, was the banquet of the county correspondents of the Exeter News Letter. Nearly every town in the county was represented and the number of writers who registered was nearly thirty. Previous to the banquet, which was held at 1:30, speaking and literary exercises were held in the parlor. The speakers who responded with appropriate words were: Miss S. E. Page of Atkinson; Mrs. R. S. Dudley, Brentwood; Miss Alice Mooreland, Brentwood; Warren Hoyt, Danville; Mrs. Mary T. Robinson and E. A. Holmes, East Kingston; Mary I. Holmes, Greenland; Mrs. Howard G. Lane, Hampton; George D. Dodge, Hampton Falls; Weare N. Shaw, Kensington; Henry T. Taplin, Newfields; Seth E. Dame, West Nottingham; Rev. A. H. Thompson, Raymond; Mooreland B. French, South Hampton; Frank H. Pearson, Stratham; William S. Harris, Windham.

Everybody Saw The Big [Halley's] Comet

Everybody had a grand view of the new comet in the western sky early Wednesday evening, and for the first time nearly everybody was out to watch the unusual sight. People in general were astonished to see such a tremendous object as this strange visitor seems to be.

Considerable interest has been aroused by the fact that it was plainly visible to everybody. Monday and Tuesday evenings with cloudy sky were a disappointment to everybody, and it was feared that the heavenly wonder might slip away before everybody got a chance to take a peek at it.

The structure of the comet appeared different than when first seen. Its whole body appeared to be more spread out, and the nucleus did not seem so yellow or quite so bright, but the nebulous portion was well defined, although it lacked the aurora-like bars of light first observed. On the whole the body seemed to run together more than at first.

This great nebulous light seemed to extend considerably above the line of Venus, and to break away to the south in a misty, irregular way, as though in its sweep around toward the north some of the tail had not kept pace with the rest of it. What the astronomers will say of this apparent breaking away will be of great interest.