The Hamptons Union, February 10, 1910

Vol. II, No. 6

Hampton News

The teachers training class will meet at the Free Baptist vestry Monday evening, February 14, at 7 o'clock. All superintendents, teachers, associate teachers are expected to be present. This class meets only once a month; please do not miss it, and please do not forget it.

The comedy, "Uncle Josiah," presented by the Hampton Falls Dramatic company, will be given at the town hall Tuesday evening, Feb. 22, for the benefit of The Men's League. The characters are all finely rendered. "Uncle Josiah" is a rich bit of comedy work. Dancing will follow the play.

Quite a party from Hampton visited the Choral Union concert at Newburyport Monday afternoon. Among the number were: Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and daughter, Mrs. Charles T. Brown, Miss Watson, Mrs. C. Stickney, Mrs. Charles Batchelder, Miss Amy Marston and Miss Fay Pearl.

Through the courtesy of Mrs. Sarah F. Batchelder and the Rev. D. H. Adams, tickets were furnished the Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips and wife, Miss Lillian and Miss Amy Marston, to attend the Choral Union rehearsal at Newburyport. Last Monday afternoon this company took the trip via the electric car and arrived at city hall in time for the rehearsal. After the singing was over the party looked about the city and then took the train for Hampton. "There is no place like home." The trip was much enjoyed even if it was a cold winter day.

A very excellent sermon was preached in the Congregational church Sunday morning, by the Rev. George H. Driver of Exeter, in exchange with the pastor, Rev. Mr. Partington.

Albert T. Johnson went to Boston on the 31st and underwent a slight operation for abscesses in the head. He was able to return home the next day.

The ladies of the Free Baptist church, who advertised in this paper an experience social and supper at the vestry for Friday evening, Feb. 11, have postponed this event for a short time.

J. Austin Johnson has received a patent on his extension ladder, word being received from Washington to that effect on Friday.

Mrs. John I. Page has recently had slight ill turns which render physical condition much weaker than usual.

The W. C. T. U. will hold a "Frances Willard Memorial Meeting" at Mrs. Annie M. True's on Wednesday, Feb. 15, at 2:30 o'clock. If stormy the meeting will be held the next fair day. This meeting is open to all, and a full attendance is desired. Lunch will be served early, and a collection will be taken for the Memorial fund.

A larger attendance than usual attended the morning service at the Free Baptist church last Sunday and listed to the sermon by the pastor, using for his subject, "The Christian Life in Some of Its Characteristics." The Sunday school is flourishing under the able management and guidance of the Rev. D. H. Adams. The officers, teachers and members of the school are much interested in the work and much good is being done. Let the good work go on is our earnest prayer.

The Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips and family at the Free Baptist parsonage observed the anniversary of his birthday last Saturday. Another mile stone of Life's journey is passed.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Thurlow are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter.

Fred Moore of North Hampton has purchased the house formerly owned by E. L. Bedell, and moved his household goods in on Wednesday.

Miss Isabel W. Stuart, Mrs. D. O. Leavitt and Ms. Dow attended the lecture at Exeter on Wednesday evening.

The Q and Q Whist party met with Mrs. Warren Drew last Saturday night. The house was very prettily decorated. The prizes were won by Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Littlefield and Miss Edna Nudd. Lunch

Mr. amd Mrs. Warren Drew spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Graves at Newmarket last week.

Mr. and Mrs. George Poor of Rowley, Mass., spent the week with their brother, M. W. Littlefield at the Beach.

S.C. Littlefield of Dover was with her brother, M. W. Littlefield, over Sunday.

D. A. Munsey has returned, after spending a few days in Lynn with his mother.

An order issued Jan. 25 by the postal authorities forbids the depositing of loose coins in rural delivery boxes in lieu of stamps for letters or postal cards. With the extension of the rural service this annoyance has grown to such an extent that last year 300,000,000 coins were deposited in the delivery boxes, greatly to the inconvenience and oftentimes loss to the carrier. Hereafter, mail matters must be properly stamped, and all carriers are provided with stamps for the convenience of patrons of the route.

One of the most interesting meetings of the Womans' club in town was held on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Evelyn Mack. It was really a Hampton day, as all the topics of the afternoon had to do with Hampton. It being the birthday of Washington and Lincoln, first were given quotations from these two statesmen by the members. The Settlement of Hampton was a paper written and read by Mrs. Carrie Perkins; Industries of Hampton was given by Mrs. Caroline Cole; Churches, by Mrs. Martha Locke; Schools, by Mrs. Sarah Lane; a poem, "The Changling," by Miss Clara Powers; Old Houses and Landmarks, Mrs. Evelyn Mack; Legendary Incidents, Mrs. Martha Blake; War years, Mrs. Annie Whittier; Hampton Beach, Mrs. Anna Ross. Many old relics were exhibited by the members. Guests were Mrs. John Fraser of Rye; Mrs. Godfrey and the Misses Locke of town. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess.

Curtis DeLancey is cutting ice on the pond in the Small Gains [Editor's note: now Drakeside Road] and is filling the ice house in that vicinity.

Howard G. Lane and wife attended the annual reunion of New Hampton Literary Institution at Concord on Tuesday evening, held at the Eagle hotel. Over three hundred guests were present from all over the state.

The reunion was in the nature of a reception and banquet. The receiving party included: Gov. and Mrs. H. B. Quinby, Ex-Gov. Batchelder, Cyrus H. Little of Manchester, Mrs. Martha Dana Shepard of Boston and professors and trustees of the school.

Next Sunday morning worship at Free Baptist church at 10:30 with sermon by the pastor, Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips, theme;, "The Christian's Completed Life." The chorus choir for an opening will sing, "Will there be Light For Me?" By H. P. Danks. Mrs. Phillips will sing a solo entitled, "A Dream of Paradise." A vocal selection by Hamilton Gray. Come and hear the singing. Sunday School at the close of the morning service at 11:45. Come and bring a new scholar with you. Let us study God's word together. A special service will be held at 6:30. Sacred songs that have helped me. What shall we sing? How shall we sing? There will be special music. Come prepared with a testimony, verse or scripture, song or prayer. Let it be a spiritual, old fashioned meeting. Pray before you come to the service and it will surely be a success. The meeting will be what you make it. Mid-week prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. You are most cordially invited to be present at these services. "Whosoever will, may come."

"Come every Pious heart
That loves the Saviour's name
Your noblest powers exert
To celebrate his fame
Tell all above, and all below
The debt of love to him you owe."

The improvements that are being made in both old and new parts of the residence of C. O. Stevens are surely worth praiseworthy mention. The annex, which has been in the process of construction for some time, is nearing completion as rapidly as possible. Among the finished parts is a large combination china closet, slide, small closets, sets of drawers, etc., opening into both dining room and the immense new kitchen, and which does great credit to the work of Mr. Stevens, even the carving of the woodwork being his own accomplishment. The slide is so large that it will contain dishes enough for a meal at one time, thereby saving many unnecessary steps. The most prominent of all is the china closet, the door of which are filled in with small square panes of glass that nicely display the fine ware therein. All the doors of this and the various small closets on stop buttons. The pantry is entirely new and an immense affair, with its shelves and tables arranged in every convenient way. Beyond it is a small room in which ice, entered by window on the outside, is to be kept in a box arranged solely for that purpose. The laundry has a complete outfit of set tubs with hot and cold water running into each one. Two furnaces heat the house and an electric motor supplies power for bringing water into all of the apartments. The new part of the building was wired for lighting on Tuesday, the remainder of the house having been wired some time ago, and under an improved system light can be produced in a distant part of the house and piazza by the pressures of an electric button. In one of the sleeping apartments, a tiny bulb lights the face of a clock, by the simple pressure of a pneumatic bulb just as the bedside.