The Hamptons Union, February 17, 1910

Vol. II, No. 7

Hampton News

Miss Belle Nudd spent last week at Lawrence.

Mrs. Frank Merritt has returned, after a visit to her mother in Greenland.

Miss Edna Nudd and Miss Bessie Palmer spent a day in Newburyport recently.

Mrs. Carrie Miller Perkins is suffering from a sprained ankle.

Mrs. Ellen Blake returned home on Monday from a visit to her daughter in New York.

Mrs. Stanley Ward had as her guests at the Elizabeth H. Whittier club, Amesbury, on Monday night Mrs. Stickney and Miss Pollard. They missed the last car home and were obliged to hire a special one to take them over.

The Q and Q Whist club met with Mrs. Littlefield Saturday evening. The prizes were won by Miss Florence Elery, Frank Merritt and D.A. Munsey. Lunch was served by the hostess.

The marriage is announced of Mr. Edward Bennett and Miss Alta Eaton of Brookfield, Mass, which took place last August. Mrs. Bennett has been a teacher in that town since last September.

In the Superior court Tuesday there was a Hampton case on trial, it being that of the Hampton and Amesbury street railway, in an action in regard to taxes. John Scammon of Exeter appeared for the town of Hampton and Samuel W. Emery of Boston for the street railway.

The Q and Q Whist club will hold its next meeting at the Merritts on Thursday evening.

Mrs. Curtis, who is spending the winter with her sister, Mrs. E. Warren Lane, is making a short visit at her home in Bath, Me., but will return to Hampton in a few days.

A bird of most beautiful plumage, a large pheasant, it is believed, has lately been added to Mr. S. Albert Shaw's famous collection of mounted birds and animals. This bird was found here in Hampton, the species having been brought here from England several years ago.

Captain Cobb of the Salvation Army of Portsmouth will preach in the Advent church next Sunday night at 6:30. The subject of the sermon will be "Waste Humanity." Come and hear him.

Mrs. E. Warren Lane has experienced extreme suffering for some time from rheumatic gout in the hands, which is, however, less painful at the present writing.

Among those who arrived at The Echo Sunday were: Mrs. J. B. Breed, Mrs. B. J. Berry, Miss Roach and Mrs. Woodbury of Lynn, Mass. Mrs. J. B. Breed presented her hostess with a very fine Dresden tea set. Mrs. B. J. Berry brought a picture of the Madonna and child, which is exceptionally good and which now adorns Mrs. Stevens' Home. As a surprise valentine, Miss Marston, who is making her home at The Echo, received from Mrs. B. J. Berry a fine gold bracelet set with amethysts.

While riding on a load of wood recently Warren Emery was thrown off and injured to such an extent that he has been unable to do his usual work.

The Teachers Training Class met at the Free Baptist vestry last Monday evening.

The mid week prayer meeting at the Free Baptist vestry last Thursday evening was very helpful. Subject, "God's care of his people." Although the weather was cold and the travelling bad, yet a goodly number was present. Somebody got a special blessing for making an extra effort. "God will take care of you."

Mrs. W. M. Batchelder fell the length of a flight of stairs with the exception of three steps, last Friday, which gave her a severe shaking up and some bruises, but very fortunately no bones were broken.

Don't forget "Uncle Josiah" Tuesday evening, the 22nd. Those of our townspeople who attended this drama at Hampton Falls speak in the highest praise of the work of this company and especially of Uncle Josiah himself.

The seventy-fifth birthday of Christopher G. Toppan was observed by a family party at the homestead on Wednesday, Feb. 15.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Mason celebrated the eighty-third birthday of Mr. Mason's mother, Mrs. Joseph Mason, on Sunday, by giving a dinner to relatives and friends.

Mrs. E. J. Stickney has returned, after spending several weeks in Freeport, Me.

Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Pratt and infant son of Eliot, Me., are visiting in town.

The Junior members of the Womans' Missionary society of the Free Baptist church will hold an Antiquarian social at the vestry next Monday evening, Feb. 21st, in honor of George Washington's birthday anniversary. Admission is free. Come one, come all and have a good time. There will be a free entertainment of local talent, and cake, cocoa, coffee, home made candy, etc., will be for sale. Come, get sweet, come with a smile, come and keep sweet.

Fred Howland was stricken with a severe attack of heart trouble while engaged in ploughing the snow off the sidewalks last Saturday afternoon. He was seated on the plough and driving when the attack came upon him, and in falling, received severe injuries. fortunately he was near home and was carried in and a physician summoned. He is now on the road to recovery.

Last Sunday dawned clear and beautiful. A splendid audience greeted the pastor at the Free Baptist church. The singing by the chorus choir and the soprano solo, "A Dream of Paradise" by Mrs. Phillips, was much enjoyed. A good program is carried out every Sunday. Mr. Phillips theme was, "The Christian's Completed Life." The session of the Sunday school was an excellent one. The superintendent tries to make the school interesting, attractive and helpful. Let each teacher and member help him to make the school a grand success. In the evening there was a special service of song. Subject, "Sacred Songs that have Helped." What shall we sing? How shall we sing? It was a most helpful service. Several responded when the invitation was given to march to "Zion."

Harry Cleveland and family have moved on the avenue.

The Rev. Ina Partington and wife called at the Free Baptist parsonage last Tuesday afternoon. George H. Elkins and wife called in the evening.

A new sign is seen with gilt letters over the entrance of Charles O. Stevens'. It is all in one word, "Echo." It is very neat and appropriate. Let every home have a fitting name.

Mrs. Abbie DeLancey Randall is visiting at the home of her parents this week.

Charles M. Batchelder, the head clerk of the grocery store of H. G. Lane is incapacitated this week on account of a cold.

Moses W. Brown has been experiencing for the week past another of the severe ill turns to which he has become subject.

Hampton Academy has again received from Mr. Edward Tuck of Paris a substantial gift of $300.

An interesting program is expected at the next grange meeting on Friday evening. The deputy will be present to inspect the work, when the degrees will be worked by the officers.' The lecturer's hour is as follows: Piano and cornet duet, Mrs. Winnie E. Phillips and Rev. W. L. Phillips; reading. Jessie A. Moulton; "Some Road Experiences, J. P. Blake; song, Amy C. Marston, "Historic Salem," Helen A. Bateheld; reading, Hattie V. Yeaton.

Miss Laura Clifford Lamprey, daughter of Frederick Lamprey of this town and a teacher in the public schools of Melrose, Mass. is the heroine of a pretty romance that has been made public through the filing of a marriage license in Melrose. According to the telltale document Miss Lamprey and Charles C. Moir, a business man of Cambridge, were quietly married at Providence, R. I., Dec. 11 last, by the Rev. Alexander Mitchell, the so-called "marrying minister" of that former Gretna Green. Until now the couple have constrived to keep their marriage a secret from even their most intimate friends. Since their marriage the bride has continued to teach as usual.

Next Sunday morning at the Free Baptist church at 10:30 the pastor W. Lincoln Phillips will preach from the theme, "The Christian's Completed Life." This is a sequel to the last Sunday's sermon. The chorus choir will sing for an opening selection "Only remembered." Gladys and Ada Tarlton will furnish a selection. Come and hear the singing. Something new every Sunday. Sunday school at the close of the morning services at 11:45. Come and bring a new scholar with you. At the evangelistic service at 6:30 the subject will be "Human Life as an Evergreen." The Phillips family orchestra has become something of a novelty. Mr. Phillips will play one of his favorite cornet solos entitled, "Afterwards," with violin and organ accompaniment. Let it be a spiritual, old fashioned love fest. Pray for God's blessing upon the service and it will be a success. Mid week prayer and social service Thursday evening at seven o'clock. You are most cordially invited to be present at these services. You are needed and you will be welcome.

"Come join, ye saints, with heart and voice,
Alone in Jesus to rejoice,
And worship at his feet;
Come take his praises on youir tongues,
And raise to him your thankful songs.

Letter From Lewis Perkins

The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Perkins in Hampton will be pleased to read the following received by the Union from Mr. Perkins, who was at that time in the West Indies:

St. Thomas, D. W. I., Jan. 4th, 1910
Editor of the Hamptons Union:

"A summer climate in January is delightful. Thus far have visited nine different islands of the Caribbean, Danish, French and English.

"Three weeks here. Our time is occupied in clubs, lodges, dances, receptions, donkey riding, band concerts, etc. Next week the Governor gives a reception, and as this is the event of the winter, we attend. Last week 600 tourists came here in one day from New York, and every day several steamers arrive and depart from this port. Last night Vanderbuilt's beautiful steam yacht came in, and today we go out to it. Santa Cruz and Porto Rico are in sight, the first forty miles and the latter seventy.

"Our plan was to remain here three days, but meeting so many friends and receiving such hospitalty, we have extended this time to a month, when we go to Porto Rico for a few weeks, having been there two previous winters. Have many friends and acquaintances there."

Very truly, Lewis Perkins