The Hamptons Union, March 10, 1910

Vol. II, No. 10

Hampton News

Mrs. D. A, Munsey has gone to Lowell to take charge of the Y. W. C. A. for a few weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Swett were at the Beach over Sunday.

Miss Katherine Shea was visitor in town last week.

Mrs. John Cutler entertained a small party at whist last week.

Mrs. E. J. Littlefield went to Amesbury last Thursday, to attend the Essex County Pomona.

Mr. and Mrs. George Poor of Rowley were visiting their brother M. W. Littlefield for a few days last week.

The Q and Q Whist club will meet with Mrs. Warren Drew next Saturday evening.

S. C. Littlefield, from Dover, visited his brother, M. W. Littlefield, last week.

Quite a number attended the Co. W. C. T. C. convention at Smithtown last Thursday. It was pronounced one of the best ever held. Many pastors of churches were present, and quite a number of other men were present all day.

March 19 has been appointed W. C. T. U. National "Tag Day." Everyone should be willing to pay ten cents and wear a W. C. T. U. tag for one day.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Whidden of Haverhill are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Warren Drew.

Mr. Charles Ross and Mr. White were in Boston this week on business.

Mr. Warren Drew is spending the day in Newburyport.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newcomb were at the Beach Sunday.

The Monday club was entertained by Mrs. H. G. Lane on the afternoon of the 7th, there being a full attendance of members and nine guests, the latter including Ms. Tufts and Mrs. Tuttle of Exeter; Mrs. Leavitt, Mrs. Marston, Mrs. E. W. Lane, Mrs. Curtis and the Misses Cole, Nudd and Philbrick. Vocal music was furnished by Mrs. Coffin, instrumental by Mrs. Nye. Quotations from woman authors were given by the members. A very excellent paper, "Reaching the North Pole," was written and read by Miss Powers. A paper on "Maria Mitchell," given by Mr. Tufts was enjoyed by every one. "Current Events" were given by Mrs. Nye. A social half hour intervened between the close of the program and serving of refreshments which consisted of chicken salad sandwiches, olives, assorted cakes, ice cream, coffee and crackers. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Locke, on March 21.

Mrs. George Redman has been confined to her home for some weeks. She is being attended by Dr. Ward.

The Q and Q Whist club met with Mrs. D. A. Munsey last Saturday night. The prizes were won by Mrs. Ella Poor, Mrs. S. C. Littlefield, Mrs. John Cutler and Mr. Hobbs. Lunch was served by the hostess. Had a delightful time.

The Misses Ida and Sadie Belle Lane and Fay Pearl, with several others, went to Boston Wednesday to attend the matinee of "Ben Hur."

The Congregational parish meeting will be held on the 28th of this month, when that society will report upon the finances of the home expenses including pastor's salary, etc. The last collection of the year for parish expenses will be taken on next Sunday, when there will be an opportunity for those who haven't returned all they desire to do so.

Mrs. Belle Dearborn invites the ladies of Hampton and vicinity to come in and inspect their samples of wall papers and mouldings. In another column will be found a formal notice to that effect.

Ocean Side Grange has extended to Perkins Post and Relief Corps an invitation to be present at the regular meeting on March 1st. The hall will be decorated specially for the occasion and a special program for the entertainment of the guests provided.

A drama and dance for the benefit of the Men's league will be given in the town hall on Wednesday evening March 16, the drama entitled "New Hampshire Gold," a play in three sets. Admission, 25 cents, children, 15 cents; dancing tickets, 25 cents per couple. Hoyt A. Parker orchestra, ice cream and cake served for 10 cents. Car for Beach at 11:15 p.m., for Smithtown, 11:50 p.m.

Tuesday, an expert machinist was in town at work on the new grinder for corn and cob meal, which Alvin True has just put in. The mill was not giving satisfaction, and for that reason Mr. True had an expert come and put it right, it is now doing first class work, and Mr. True guarantees satisfaction or will take no pay. See his advertisement in another column.

Mr. and Mrs. Phillips went to Exeter Wednesday. Mr. Phillips also took a trip to Greenland.

Sunday morning at the communion service of the Congregational church, ten persons were received into the church on confession of faith. They were all young people although of varying ages. All had attended upon the services of the church and were members of the Sunday school and Christian Endeavor society since being old enough to attend such services. Of such it can be said it was their own conscientions decision after arriving at years of understanding, the result of good gospel preaching and faithful Sunday school teaching. It is a sign that a church is fulfilling it mission in its work of soul winning, when it can take into its fold those who have grown up under its ministration. A church that fails to accomplish this much has forfeited its right to exist.

At the Free Baptist church next Sunday morning, the pastor, Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips, will preach from the theme, "To Whom Shall We Go?" The chorus choir will sing a selection entitled, "Divine Love." Miss Fannie Phillips will sing, "The Wonderful City," with full chorus. The Sunday school will meet at the close of the Sunday school. There will be a special service at 6:30. Subject, "Some of God's Promises that have Cheered Me." There will be special music. Let us keep up our good reputation. Come to these services and we will do you good.

"Come Gracious Lord, descend and dwell,
By Faith and Love, in every breast,
Then shall we know, and taste and feel
The joys that cannot be expressed."

At the Free Baptist church last Sunday, the pastor used for his theme "The Empty Place at the Master's Table." This service was followed by the Communion service. The Rev. D. H. Adams, Deacon Perkins and Deacon Emery assisted in administrating the enbulus.

The ladies of the Free Baptist church will hold an Experience social in the vestry Friday evening, March 11. Supper from six to eight. Homemade candy will be on sale. Admission is free.

In another column Mr. Thomas Cogger offers for sale a car load of dried beet pulp, which has been found to be a valuable milk producing product when used as food for cattle. It retails for $1.40 per hundred pounds at the car. All milk producers will find this a June pasture all the year round.

John Wingate has a flock of thirteen sheep and an equal number of lambs, which is somewhat remarkable for this section of the state. There are not many farmers especially in Rockingham county, who go into the sheep industry as extensively as in years past, and the date of lambs, is also decidedly early. The largest one is almost one half grown, and they range from this age to lambs of a few weeks old.

Notice has been received from Washington, D. C., of the death of W. A. Wilson on Friday, March 1, at the age of thirty-seven years. He was a well known summer resident at the Beach for a number of years and was in the employ of Dudley and White.

There will be a special meeting of the grange Monday evening, to work the third and fourth degrees.

Mrs. Harry Shaw of Weston, Mass., a sister in-law of Mrs. Austin Johnson, died at the residence of Mrs. Maria Brown on the Beach road last Tuesday morning at the age of about twenty seven years. She had been a sufferer from tuberculosis for a year or more and had been under the care of Dr. Thompson, but the direct cause of her death was heart failure, and was very sudden. She leaves a husband and one son about four years old. The body was taken to Gardner, Mass., her former home, for burial.

The Free Baptist Society held their yearly meeting at the vestry Monday afternoon. The meeting was called to order by the clerk. The Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips was chosen moderator. The business was soon disposed of in a satisfactory manner and the meeting was closed in peace and harmony. The church and society are in good financial standing. The following are the officers for the coming year. Frank B. Brown, clerk; D. H. Adams, treasurer; Frank B. Brown, Henry W. Emery, Howard G. Lane, wardens. Four ladies, who are much interested in church work, were appointed to look after the cleaning of the church and make plans for some much needed repairs.

The annual church meeting of the Congregational church was held on Thursday afternoon at 2:30, in the Webster Chapel. Reports of the church treasurer, Womans Missionary auxiliary, Sunday school, Ladies Aid, Christian Endeavor, Whatsoever Mission circle and Cradle roll were given in the above order.. The church treasurer reported having received $1,407.80 from collections and a legacy. This sum, aside from the legacy, were benevolent contributions sent to foreign and home missions, nothing from this source being expended on the home church. The Womans' auxiliary reported raising $288.66; the Sunday school, $107.18; Christian Endeavor, about $50.; Ladies Aid, $116.71; Whatsoever Mission, $32.80; Cradle roll, $11.00. These sums were applied to their special lines of work. The work of the Sunday school was one of the most encouraging features of the report. There are one hundred and twenty-one scholars enrolled, with an average attendance of 84. This annual meeting of the church was attended by members only. A supper was served at 5:30, so all could remain in the evening to the weekly prayer meeting; about fifty were present.