The Hamptons Union, March 17, 1910

Vol. II, No. 11

Hampton News

John Hoyt has just purchased a matched pair of young western horses off Daniel Little of Newburyport, Mass.

Mrs. Seavey Blake, who is spending the winter with her sister, Mrs. Jeremiah Locke, has been quite ill during the past week. Dr. M. F. Smith is her physician.

Mr. Forrest Pratt has gone to Pittsfield for a few weeks. Mrs. Pratt and the baby will remain in Hampton during his absence

Mrs. Hugh Brown is spending the week in Boston and vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. Parker Blake and son Philip were visitors in Portsmouth on Tuesday.

About thirty members of Ocean Side Grange accepted an invitation from the Seabrook grange to be present at their meeting on Tuesday evening. A paper written by Mrs. Albert Coffin for the Monday club upon the work of Luther Burbank was read by Mrs. Mack and was very interesting.

Mr. Abbott Young gave a chafing dish supper to a party of friends upon Tuesday afternoon. The early part of the afternoon was devoted to work for the sale Tuesday evening, March 22. Then the game of flinch was enjoyed for a few hours, after which the ladies departed, thanking the hostess for a most delightful afternoon.

Mrs. Hugh Brown, Mrs. Howard G. Lane, Miss Eloise Lane and Mrs. William T. Ross went to Boston on Saturday, to witness the production of Ben Hur.

The Ladies Aid of the Congregational Church will give an entertainment and sale in the town hall on Tuesday evening, March 22, at eight o'clock. The drama given by the Monday club upon Gentlemen's night entitled "The Church Fair," will be repeated and there will be a varied musical entertainment. It is always a pleasure to hear Mrs. Charlotte Nye and Miss Clara Powers play, and both of these skilled pianists will give solos. There will be a sale of home made candy and aprons. The admission is fifteen cents for adults and ten cents for children. It is hoped that every one will avail themselves of this privilege to assist a good cause.

Invitations have been received by a number of ladies in town to attend a piano recital at the home of Mrs. Kent(?) in Exeter on Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Church and children are spending the week in Lawrence, Mass.

Miss Josephine Joplin spent last weekend with friends in Lawrence, Mass.

Mrs. Howard G. Lane went to Boston on Wednesday, to attend the graduating exercises Wednesday evening of the class of trained nurses of which Miss Augusta Waters is a member.

Mr. Lane met Mrs. Lane on Thursday and they attended the banquet at the Vendome given by the alumni of New Hampton institute.

Miss Josephine Joplin went to Boston on Wednesday, for a few days' shopping.

Mrs. Annie Brown and Miss Alice Weare invited about twenty friends to participate in a shower of linen for Miss Carrie Blake, who is to be married in the near future, on Wednesday evening, March 9.

The Easter committees are busy with their arrangements for the Easter concerts. Miss Carrie Blake and Mrs. Albert Coffin form the committee for the Congregational Sunday school.

The graduating class of the High School start on their trip to Washington upon Friday, March 18

The Mechanics will hold a whist party in their hall upon Wednesday evening, March 23. These parties are very pleasant and it is hoped that a larger number will attend.

Miss Olga Wilkinson gave a party to her little friends upon Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. Mary Clark of New York is visiting Mrs. Josiah Dearborn, and Mrs. Jenness is acting as nurse for Mrs. Dearborn, who is still quite ill.

Beatrice, the little daughter of Mr. Leon Mace who has been critically ill for several weeks, is reported better at present writing.

Mrs. Lucy A. Marston entertained a party of ladies at a quilting party on Wednesday.

Mrs. Mattie Wilkinson and children visited Mr. Wilkinson in Boston on Saturday.

Miss Helen Batchelder spent the last weekend with her sister, Miss Mildred Batchelder of Wellesley, Mass.

The Free Baptists are yet alive and are planning to have the church carpet thoroughly cleaned and to do some other much needed repairs on the interior of the church.

At the last communion service at the Free Baptist church two were received into the church by letter, making six who have joined since the beginning of the new year.

Saturday, or if stormy, Monday, will be the W.C.T.U. Tag or Gift day. The money will be divided between local State and National W.C.T.U., to be used for the work of temperance through out the country.

Miss Addie C. Marston is spending her vacation with her brother's family in Lynn, and her cousin, Miss Chipman in Somerville, Mass.

Mildred Brown and her friend, Annie Conant of Boston, will go with the seniors of the high school on their trip to Washington.

The Q and Q Whist club met at Mrs. Warren Drew's on Saturday evening and had a very pleasant time. Five tables were present. Prizes were won by Mrs. John Cutler, Thomas Hobbs and Howard Hobbs. Refreshments were served by the hostess.

Miss Florence Elwell spent the day Monday in Boston.

Kenneth Ross attended the automobile show in Boston last week.

Mrs. D. A. Munsey spent Sunday at the Beach.

The Q and Q Whist club will meet on Saturday evening, with Mrs. E. J. Littlefield.

Last Sunday was a springlike day with plenty of sunshine. It was a good day for divine worship. At the Free Baptist church the attendance was good at the preaching service, Sunday school and evening service. In the morning service, the theme was taken from St. John 6: 67, 68, 69. The subject for the evening service was "Some Promises That Have Cheered Me."

George Moore has moved his family from the J. W. Dearborn house to the east side of E. G. Cole's house opposite John W. Mason's.

The W.C.T.U. of Hampton will hold its next meeting with Mrs. Winnie E. Phillips at the Free Baptist parsonage Friday afternoon, March 18, at 2:30.

On Thursday evening, March 10, those who were in attendance at the prayer meeting of the Methodist church had a very pleasant ending to the day, when, in a body, they looked in upon Mr. and Mrs. E. Warren Lane, to help in celebrating the first anniversary of their marriage. It was a genuine surprise to Mr. and Mrs. Lane, but they made good by serving dainty refreshments to all present. During the evening, vocal and instrumental was indulged in and the piano gave both sweet strains under the touch of Mrs. Lane, Rev. Mr. Quimby, Arleen Blake and Mrs. Dyer. All enjoyed the singing of the old familiar hymns and at an early hour the quests departed, wishing the host and hostess many happy returns of the day.

At the Free Baptist church next Sunday morning, the pastor, Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips, will preach from the theme, "Obedience." For an opening selection, the chorus will sing, "When the Lord Shall Call His Own." Mrs. Phillips will sing a solo. The Sunday school will meet at the close of the morning service. Choir rehearsal directly at the close of the morning service. Praise, prayer and social service at 6:30. There will be special music. Come and help make the service a success and receive a blessing for yourself. Subject for the evening service, "The Testimony of Experience." You are cordially invited to be present at all these services.

"God calling yet. Shall I not hear?
Earth's pleasures shall I still hold dear?
Shalt life's swift passing years all fly,
And still my soul in slumber lie?
God calling yet. I cannot stay;
My heart I yield without delay;
Vain world, farewell, from thee I part;
The Voice of God hath reached my heart."