The Hamptons Union, March 31, 1910

Vol. II, No. 13

Hampton News

Master Howard Hobbs was visiting in Manchester last week.

Miss Frances Nudd has returned from Washington.

Mrs. E. J. Littlefield has opened her dining room for business on Sundays.

The Q & Q Whist club will meet at Mrs. Frank Merritt's next Saturday.

Mrs. D. A. Munsey spent Sunday at the beach

Christopher Moore, Earl W. Morehouse and Eugene E. Marston spent Saturday in Portsmouth.

Miss Marion Thompson is ill at her home on the Exeter road.

Miss Grace K. Marston left Tuesday for Salem, Mass.

A change of time on the Beach division of the E.H.& A. will go into effect April 1. It will give hourly service from 7:40 a.m. to 6:40 p.m.

Painters are at work upon the Bennett residence on the Exeter road. All the buildings will be freshly painted, in practically the same color that they now are.

The house occupied by Fred Thompson near the power house is receiving a new coat of paint.

The Selectmen of Hampton give notice that they will be in session at the town hall on the afternoon of every week day from one to four o'clock, from April 6 to April 15 inclusive, for the purpose of receiving inventories and to hear all parties in regard to their liability to be taxed.

Miss Mildred Batchelder returned to Wellesley College on Wednesday.

Mrs. Addie Brown is rapidly recovering from her recent serious illness.

The Q & Q Whist club met at Mrs. John Cutler's on Saturday evening. Prizes were won by Mrs. E. J. Littlefield, Warren Drew and Mrs. Worcester. Refreshments were served by the hostess and a very pleasant evening was enjoyed by all.

Mrs. Worcester of Haverhill, was visiting Mrs. Frank Merritt last week.

The annual meeting of the Hampton Cemetery association will be held at Mechanics hall over the Post Office on Monday evening, April 11, at 8 o'clock, for the election of officers for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of any business that may be legal before said meeting.

Miss Lola B. Steward visited the Robinson seminary at Exeter last week.

Robert J. Dennis is spending a few days with friends in Manchester.

The Rev. John A. Ross and wife, also Mrs. Lillian B. Roberts, called at the Free Baptist parsonage Wednesday afternoon.

All who had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Isaac Aleuzar last year will be pleased to know that he will come to Hampton again, probably on April 17. Mr. Aleuzar is studying at Harvard to return to Jerusalem as a missionary. His services are in constant demand as a lecturer, when he can spare time from his studies. His subject will be announced later.

The many friends of Mr. Will Batchelder were shocked to hear of his sudden death on Sunday at Everett, Mass. He was a native of Hampton and was born fifty-four years ago. He was a charter member of the Hampton Academy Alumni Association and was much interested in its work. He last year signified his intention of being present this year which will be the one hundredth anniversary. Three members have died since the last meeting. Services were held on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from his late residence, Courtland street, interment following at Hampton.

At the school district meeting held on Thursday afternoon, March 17, and inadvertently omitted from our issue of last week, there was but a small attendance, although it is generally known that the money for school purposes was to be raised at this meeting instead of in the annual town meeting as heretofore. Abbott L. Joplin was elected moderator; Joseph B. Brown, clerk; John F. Marston, treasurer; Abbott Norris and Charles Francis Adams, auditors for the school district. Charles M. Batchelder was elected a member of the school board for three years to succeed himself. It was voted to raise $800 for the academy and high school, $200 for high school supplies, $300 for supplies for town schools, $200 for the purpose of painting the East End school house and $400 for the transportation of scholars. The regular appropriation for support of schools was not voted on, as it is required by law and will be assessed without voting it in the meeting. The article relating to the establishment of a supervisory district was indefinitely postponed.

The Easter services at the Congregational church were of much interest, and especially at the morning service the audience was unusually large.The floral decorations included Easter lilies, cut flowers of pinks, jonquils, two beautiful azaleas and numerous other potted plants, making the altar a mass of blossoms. There was a most excellent sermon by the pastor, the sermon based upon I. Peter 1:3, emphasizing the assurance of joy, congenial work and blessed companionship that comes with the resurrection and promises of Christ. The musical program was as follows: Easter voluntary by J. W. Lerman; anthems, Come See the Place, C. B. Adams; Christ is Risen by the same composer, Easter offering and three Easter hymns with postlude completed a very interesting service.

At the Free Baptist church next Sunday morning at 10:30, the pastor, Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips, will preach from the theme, "Love in All Things," Romans 8:28. The Ladies choir will sing for an opening selection, "Golden Gates Ajar." Sunday school at the close of the morning service at 11:45. Choir rehearsal directly at the close of the Sunday school. Evening service at 7 o'clock. Subject, "The Last Call." There will be special music. Mid-week prayer and social service Thursday evening at 7:30. Please notice the change of time for the evening services. You are most cordiallly invited to be present at these services

Miss Minnie Arnold is visiting Miss Mary Toppan.

Rev. H. F. Quimby is attending the Methodist Conference at Tilton this week.

The Rev. D. H. Adams returned from his visit to Hanover and Vermont last Monday evening.

Mrs. E. G. Cole is confined to the house this week by a grippe cold, also Mrs. Annie Berry, who is more seriously afflicted being confined to her bed.

A party of three ladies, Mrs. Nye, Mrs. E. H. Thompson and Mrs. H. G. Lane attended a musical at the home of Mrs. George Kent of Exeter on Wednesday afternoon. Miss Estella Neuhaus was the pianist, and who gave the same program that she played at the White House in Washington last spring at one of Mrs. Taft's recitals.

Otis H. Marston and O. L. Blake have each purchased a new horse recently.

Ralph Marden of Boston, Mass., spent Easter with his mother, Mrs. C. J. Marden at Greta hall.

On Friday evening, the Master of the New Hampshire State Grange, Richard Pattee, will deliver an address before Ocean Side grange.

The funeral services of the late William A. Batchelder will be held this afternoon in the Congregational Webster Chapel. The deceased died of double pneumonia on Monday. His mother, Mrs. Martha Batchelder, was buried from the chapel about a month ago.

Mrs. John H. Morgan died on Tuesday evening, after a week of great suffering, but had been out of health for more than a year from what is supposed to be a malignant growth of the stomach. Drs. Heffenger and Smith were in attendance with a trained nurse, but human efforts were all in vain to bring about a cure. Mr. Morgan will have many sympathizers in his bereavement, as their married life had been a long and a happy one.

The Easter exercises at the Free Baptist church passed off very well last Sunday. In the morning service the pastor preached an Easter sermon from I. Cor. 15:20. Mrs. Minny Fennell sang a solo entitled "The White Robe." There was an excellent attendance. In the evening a good sized audience came to the concert. The exercises passed off in a very pleasing manner. The following is the program: Singing, "Victory is Won," choir; responsive reading and prayer, pastor; recitation, Frankie Gennell; recitation, Genie Thompson; duet, Gladys and Ada Tarlton; exercise, by the girls; recitation, Edwin Fennell; recitation, Victor Garland; singing, "Softly the Bells are Ringing," choir; exercise, by small boys; recitation, Mabel Dennis; singing, Edwin and Frankie Fennell; recitation, Martha Moulton; exercise, by the boys; violin solo, Ada Tarlton; recitation, Hazel Leavitt; solo, Mrs. Fennell; recitation, Raymond Garland; offering; singing, "Christ Arose," choir; benediction. Each member will have the privilege of bringing one guest. Music committee, Mrs. Sarah M. Lane and Miss Etta Blake. Refreshment committee, Mrs. Martha Brown, Mrs. Sarah Batchelder, Mrs. Roberts.

The annual parish meeting of the Congregational church was held on Monday afternoon. The financial report showed a balance on the right side. An adjourned meeting is appointed for April 25, for the purpose of electing a new treasurer, Abbott Norris resigning.

Friends of Miss Mary Coffin will be pleased to learn that she has successfully passed her examinations and become accepted as a student for nurse training in the Homeopathic Hospital, Boston.

"If the writer of the article under "Wanted" in last week's issue had stated that it was at the Baptist church such mem were wanted it would have created little comment, but to advertise such for all the churches, it seems he is taking too much authority. We feel the other churches prefer to have the conscientious men become their members." -- A Church Member.