The Hamptons Union, April 21, 1910

Vol. II, No. 16

Hampton News

Miss Mollie Keene is the latest victim of the grippe.

Rev. J. A. Ross has been engaged to preach in Kensington the next two Sundays.

The Ladies' Aid Society of the Congregational Church will give an Experience Social in the Webster Chapel on Friday evening, April 29. Their experiences will be told in rhyme, and there will be on sale ice cream, cake, candy and aprons. Admission 10 cents.

Mrs. Whittier had Miss Warner of North Hampton and Mrs. Evelyn Mack as her guests on Tuesday.

The Mechanics held another of their successful whist parties Wednesday, almost 65 being present. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served.

The Odd Fellows will dedicate their hall on Wednesday evening, April 27, and a good time is anticipated.

The Knights of King Arthur will give an entertainment in the Congregational Webster Chapel Friday evening, April 22.

Mrs. Ina Partington, with her two children, Dorothy and Philip, is visiting her sister in Somerset, Mass.

Eld. A. L. MacLaughlin has accepted an unanimous call to remain pastor of the Advent Church. He preached in Portsmouth Sunday afternoon and evening.

Mrs. George Payson Rowell and little daughter, Virginia, is expecting to spend the first two weeks in May at the Sea View, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cutler.

Miss Emma Locke entertained the Christian Endeavor business meeting and a few neighbors Friday evening. Refreshments were served.

Mrs. Annie Hardy will spend the month of May in town, the guest of Mrs. Berry.

Anyone wishing potatoes can procure them of William T. Ross, who has a quantity for sale.

The ladies of the Congregational Society thoroughly cleansed their church on Tuesday. Many hands made light work and a thoroughly good time was enjoyed. A bountiful dinner was served at 12:30.

Charles Leavitt has purchased the fine black horse, which has been owned for a short time by E. G. Cole.

Mrs. E. B. Towle, Mrs. Fred Towle and Mrs. Jane Blake spent last Thursday in Haverhill.

Willard Emery of Boston passed the holiday at his home in town.

Mrs. Fred Towle and daughter, Ella, spent one day last week in Amesbury.

Miss Mary E. Cleveland and Miss Beatrice Dow of Newburyport, passed the holiday in town.

The engagement is announced of Miss Grace K. Marston of this town, and Mr. Earle L. Kimball of Exeter.

Perkins Relief Corps, No. 46, will hold a special meeting Friday afternoon, April 29, at 3:30 o'clock for initiation. They will not hold their regular meeting Wednesday afternoon, April 27, as the hall is engaged. Per order of President.

Mrs. W. L. Phillips went to Portsmouth Tuesday afternoon on business.

Mrs. D. A. Munsey has returned to Lowell, after spending a few days at the beach.

Miss Minnie Kimball of Exeter, a student at Robinson seminary, of the class of 1911, and a class mate of Miss Fannie Phillips, visited at the Free Baptist parsonage over Sunday, the latter part of the vacation between the winter and spring terms.

At the Free Baptist church next Sunday morning at 10:30, the pastor, Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips, will preach from the Theme, "The Great Salvation." The ladies' choir will sing for an opening selection, "All the Way My Saviour Leadeth Me." The Sunday school will meet at the close of the morning service at 11:45. Evangelistic service at 7 o'clock. Subject, "Perfect Trust in the Lord Brings Perfect Peace." There will be special music. You are most cordially invited to be present at these services. Bring your friends. You will all be welcome. Mid-week prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30.

The Monday club was very pleasantly entertained by Mrs. Alice Thompson on Monday, fifteen members and several guests being present. There was a closed meeting of a half hour, and then an open meeting for the guests which included Mrs. Lawrence of Boston, Mrs. Joseph Durant, Mrs. Abbie Randall, Mrs. Warren Hobbs, Mrs. Stanley M. Ward, Mrs. Clinton Durant and Miss Carrie Blake. First there was a song by the ladies' quartet, which was very much enjoyed. The afternoon was devoted to the study of Russia, excellent papers being prepared by Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Locke and Mrs. Blake. Current events were very entertainingly given by Mrs. Church. The delegates chosen to attend the meeting of the State Federation in Keene the first week in May are Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Lane -- the alternates Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Locke. The next meeting will be with Ms. Berry.

Horace Bragg and family are on the beach for the season.

Everett Dow and family are here for the season.

Mrs. Jennie Blake has been visiting on the beach for a week or more.

The birthday Social will be at the Free Baptist vestry Friday evening. There will be a literary and musical entertainment. Ice cream and cake will be on sale. Admission is free. Come one, come all, both great and small.

John Cutler has had quite a few visitors over the holidays.

The Q & Q whist club met with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Drew last Saturday evening, with a very enjoyable evening. The prizes were won by Mrs. D. A. Munsey, Frank Merritt and Kenneth Ross. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess.

Mrs. Bert Scriggins of Derry spent the day Monday with Mrs. E. J. Littlefield.

Mr. Lou Towle spent the night with friends at the beach last week.

The Q & Q whist club will meet with Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Littlefield next Saturday night.

Mrs. Alice Thompson is entertaining her friend, Mrs. Lawrence, of Boston.

An automobile party was entertained at the Sea View on Wednesday evening. They came unexpectedly, but assured Mr. and Mrs. Cutler that the hospitality was all that could be desired.

Mrs. Mattie Wilkinson visited Mr. Wilkinson in Boston on Saturday.

Miss Dorothy Cole, who has been visiting her cousin in Revere, Mass., for the past nine weeks, returned to her home on Monday.

The Amesbury Ministers Association by invitation of Rev. I. S. Jones, will meet at the Hotel Whittier Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Dinner will be served at 6 o'clock. The Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips and wife are invited guests through the courtesy of Rev. I. S. Jones, pastor of the Free Baptist church, Spring street, Amesbury.

A goodly number came out to the services at the Free Baptist church last Sunday. The pastor used for his theme, "Be Not Deceived. God is Not Mocked; for Whatsoever a Man Seweth, That Shall He Also Reap." The Sunday school was well represented at these services.

Mrs. Mary A. Perkins, who made her home with Mrs. Sarah J. Mason, has returned to Hampton, having been in Merrimac since Mrs. Mason's house was burned. They are visiting Mrs. W. J. Prescott of Hampton Falls at present.

The officers and special committee chosen to arrange for the coming 100th anniversary of Hampton Academy, which will take place in June, met at H. G. Lane's on Tuesday evening, to make plans for the same. As all of the committee could not be present another meeting will be held in the near future to perfect the plans.

A large and appreciative audience greeted Isaac Alcuzar on Sunday evening. This was Mr. Alcuzar's second and probably last lecture here, as he is working very hard in Harvard Medical school, and will not be able to speak as much as he has done.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Church have had as their guests, Mr. Church's mother and sister from Lawrence. On Friday evening of last week, Mrs. Church entertained a party of young ladies at supper.