The Hamptons Union, April 28, 1910

Vol. II, No. 17

Hampton News

Charles O. Stickney is entertaining his sister, Miss Stickney, who is recuperating from an attack of la grippe. Mr. Stickney was in Portland, Me., on Tuesday.

Edward Soule has purchased an automobile of Overland manufacture, and is correspondingly happy.

Mrs. Charlotte Nye has as her guest Mrs. Benjamin Payne of Brooklyn, N.Y.

Quite a number of our townsmen have been unfortunate with their horses this spring. The last one was Albert Coffin, who lost one of his work horses last week.

Miss Carrie Blake spent the weekend with her finance, Charles Pressey, at the beach.

A party of Exeter students and their lady friends dined at Hotel Whittier Saturday evening:

Tomato Soup
Roast Beef
Mashed Potato -- Peas
Celery -- Cucumbers
Apple Pie -- Cheese
Ice Cream -- Coffee
The evening was spent in dancing.

The adjourned meeting of the Congregational Society was held on Monday afternoon and the following officers elected: Wardens, Charles Stickney, J. C. Blake and William T. Ross; Treasurer, Abbott Norris. It was voted to increase the pastor's salary to nine hundred dollars, provided the extra one hundred could be raised outside the regular subscriptions. This can easily be done because every one realizes the work Rev. Partington is doing.

Mrs. Charles O. Stickney has entered the Portland hospital for treatment.

Mrs. Irving Garland and Miss Ella Lamprey spent Friday in Portsmouth.

Mrs. Harriet Todd of Boston, Mass., who has been the guest of Mrs. J. A. Ross, expects to return to her home on Friday.

The ladies of the Congregational Missionary society expect to have Mrs. Frances Clark with them next Wednesday. They have invited the Exeter and North Hampton societies as their guests. It will be a rare treat to listen to Mrs. Clark.

Mrs. Purington (nee Miss Elizabeth Reynolds) is a guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Batchelder and uncle, Charles Batchelder, this week.

Mrs. Otis Marston is visiting in Lynn, Mass., expecting to be away two weeks.

Mrs. Craig has been suffering the past week with blood poisoning in her finger. Under the skillful treatment of Dr. Thompson the disease has been arrested and her hand is rapidly healing.

The adjourned meeting of the cemetery association was held in Mr. Jones' rooms on Monday evening, but as so few were present, it was deemed advisable to call another meeting for Monday evening, May second in the same place, when it is hoped a large number of the members will be present. The association is very anxious to have our cemetery in up to date condition and this can not be done until the members of the association manifest an interest and are willing to aid in the work either by providing labor or money.

A very pleasing Birthday social was held at the Free Baptist vestry last Friday evening. A pleasing program was presented by the president of the Woman's Missionary society, consisting of orchestra music, violin duets, songs, duets, reading, etc. Ice cream and cake were on sale and a satisfactory sum was realized.

The services at the Free Baptist church were well attended last Sunday. In the morning service the pastor used for his theme, "The Great Salvation," Heb. 2, part of the 3rd verse. Subject for the evening service, "Trust in the Lord Brings Perfect Peace." Isa. 26.3

Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips went to Dover Monday morning to be present at an all day's session of the Minister's meeting of Dover and vicinity. An able paper was read by Rev. A. E. Kenyon, pastor of the Washington street Free Baptist church. His subject was, "Has the Pulpit Lost its Power?" It was ably discussed. There are about fifty members of the Dover Minister's Association.

There will be a social at the Free Baptist vestry Friday evening of this week, April 29. The program of last week was of such high order that by request some parts will be repeated. There will be some new things introduced. Come and see what they are. There will also be refreshments. Admission is free to all.

Miss Mamie Redman is at home for a few days to care for her mother, Mrs. William Redman, who is on the sick list, and unable to be about the house.

At the Free Baptist church next Sunday at the morning worship at 10:30, the pastor, Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips, will preach from the Thema, "The Common Salvation." The ladies choir will sing for an opening selection, "Sweet Savior Mine." The regular Communion service of the church will be held at the close of the morning service. All Christians and those who love the Lord in sincerity and truth are invited to be present and partake of the emblems. Sunday school at the close of the Communion service or Lord's supper. Social meeting and song service at 7 o'clock. The Phillips family orchestra will play an opening selection and lead the praise service. Subject for the service, "The Lord of Peace." Mid-week service Thursday at 7:30. You are most cordially invited to be present at these services. You will be welcome.

Mr. Robert Brown of Hampton Falls died on Monday, after a painful illness. Mr. Brown is survived by a widow and one son, Mr. William Brown of this village. The funeral was on Wednesday afternoon, and the E. G. Cole store was closed during the time of the services, so that all the employees could attend the funeral.

The pupils of the grammar school will produce the comic Operetta, "The Merry Company," in the town hall Wednesday evening, May 11, at eight o'clock. Ice cream, cake and candy will be on sale. Cars run to the beach at the close of entertainment. See large bills.

Mr. and Mrs. Pressey and family from Lawrence have been at the beach for a few days.

Mrs. Ashworth and daughter Alice have been at the Hotel Avon for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrews of Lawrence are stopping at their cottage for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. George Poor of Rowley were visiting her brother over Sunday.

Mr. Dearborn of Stratham is visiting his daughter, Ms. Frank Merritt, for a few days.

The Quantity and Quality club of Hampton beach held their last whist party of the season at Mrs. Littlefield's dining room last Saturday evening, with eight tables. The invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. William Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Randall, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott, Mrs. E. G. Cole, Miss Mildred Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews of Lawrence and Mrs. Dearborn of Stratham. The prizes were won by Mrs. Thomas Hobbs, Mrs. E. G. Cole and Mr. Randall. Other prizes were presented to Mrs. Frank Merritt, Mrs. D. A. Munsey, Kenneth Ross, Harold Hobbs, John Cutler and our little mascot, Miss Beatrice Hobbs. These prizes were presented in a very pleasing manner by the treasurer, Mrs. D. A. Munsey. A delicious lunch was served by the club. We closed the season with a very enjoyable evening.

Do not forget the special meeting of the Woman's Relief Corps called by the president on Friday, April 29. It is hoped the members will make an effort to be present, as reports of the convention in Concord will be given and there will be initiation.

James Blanchard, who has been quite ill during the past week, is reported better.

Arthur Saunders of Lowell, Mass., has placed his cottage on Boar's Head in the hands of a real estate agent. We are sorry Mr. and Mrs. Saunders have decided to sell their cottage as they will be missed in Hampton during the summer months.

Rev. and Mrs. Franklin Perkins and daughter, Mrs. Clark, of Brattleboro, Vt., attended the wedding of Mrs. Perkins' niece, Miss Maud Clark in Allston, Mass., last week. Miss Clark is the daughter of Mr. Francis Clark, better known perhaps as "Father Endeavorer."

The ladies of the church will hold an experience social on Friday evening, in their chapel. It is hoped that many will avail themselves of the privilege of listening to the experiences of "How I earned a dollar." There will be aprons, home made candy, cake and ice cream for sale.

Mrs. Howard G. Lane and Mrs. Ernest G. Cole attended the reception given by the Winnicut club of North Hampton on Friday. The entertainment provided was of a very high order and greatly enjoyed by all present.

Miss Florence Wilbar returned to her home in Everett, Mass., on Sunday, after a week's pleasant visit in the home of her aunt, Mrs. J. P. Blake.

Mr. Irving Drake and mother have returned home, after a pleasant winter spent in Florida. Mr. Drake's brother-in-law, Mr. George Fiske, has sold his orange grove in Pomona, and opened a meat market in Deland, Florida.

The many friends of Mr. Eugene Janvrin are glad to know he was able to return to his home in Hampton Falls on Monday.

Miss Dodge of Newburyport, who has been visiting Mrs. Charlotte Nye for two weeks, returned to her home on Saturday.

A very jolly auto party comprising Mr. and Mrs. Roger Pettingill and Miss DuGar of Somerville, and Mr. Charles Lord of Boston, has been enjoying the hospitality of Maplehurst for a few days.

Rev. Ina Partington was the guest of Rev. I. S. Jones at Hotel Whittier on Thursday, when Mr. Jones gave a dinner to the Amesbury Minister's association.