The Hamptons Union, May 12, 1910

Vol. II, No. 19

Hampton News

Hampton's New Library Building

Magnificent Gift of Howard G. Lane
The Lane Memorial Library

Good progress is being made on the new library building by Kelley Brothers of Haverhill, Mass., the co-contractors. The cellar is completed and work is now under way on brick and stone work. All the material to be used in the exterior construction is on the ground and another month will see it well on toward completion. The exterior of the building will be constructed of light face brick with stone trimmings. The roof will be slated, with green slate, with copper hips, valleys, ridge roll and finials.

The floors will be of birch excepting vestibule, porch, toilet and delivery hall, which will be terazzio floor. All wood finish on the inside will be of oak, all walls and ceilings to be done in water color. The building will be lighted by electricity, heated by a furnace and will be furnished in quartered oak. The building will contain a reading room, stack room, librarian's room, delivery hall, toilet, vestibule, cloak room and porch. George W. Griffin, of Concord, is the architect.

Miss Mary Cleveland is seriously ill at her home.

Fred H. Thompson is spending a few days in Camden, Me.

The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Thompson fell last week, breaking her collarbone. She is attended by Dr. Mack.

Mrs. John C. Davis is ill at her home on the Exeter road.

Mrs. Annie Hardy Hawkins is a guest of Mrs. E. D. Berry. Mrs. Hawkins has a dog which is quite a curiosity, its weight being two and one half pounds.

Mr. Phillips is having excellent success securing pledges for the school at New Hampton. The Free Baptist churches in New Hampshire are expected to raise $10,000.

It is always a pleasure to welcome former visitors to town, and this week we have the pleasure of seeing Miss Vrylena Gill, who is the guest of Mrs. William Gookin.

Mrs. Chester of Portsmouth visited Mrs. Cutler on Sunday.

Miss Carrie Blake went to Lawrence, Mass., on Sunday, returning Tuesday evening.

The Rockingham Association of Free Baptist churches will hold their annual session June 1 and 2, with the Kittery and Portsmouth churches, Rev. E. P. Moulton, pastor. A full attendance is desired. A suitable program is being prepared for that meeting.

J. Herbert Philbrick went up to Dana Garland's Monday afternoon to see some bees. While looking at them, one stung him on the end of the nose, and the faster Mr. Philbrick ran, the worse the bee stung.

Week end visitors in town were E. C. Dennett and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mack, all of Boston, Mass.

Samuel Poore and Mrs. Clara Philbrick have had a very handsome monument erected upon their lot in the cemetery

Miss Emma Davis has been enjoying a few days' visit at the beach.

Miss Dora Gross was a visitor to Boston on Friday.

Rev. Ina Partington is attending the Sunday School convention in Boston today (Thursday). The meetings are to be held in Tremont Temple and noted speakers from abroad and at home will be heard. The evening prayer meeting will be omitted, thereof giving those who desire, an opportunity to hear Dr. Huse's lecture in the Methodist church.

The services at the Free Baptist church last Sunday were well attended. In the morning service the pastor used for his theme, "The Prodigal's Father." (Luke, 15.20.) Subject for the evening service, "What Christ Expects of Us." (Of me.) There was good music.

Last Saturday afternoon Howard G. Lane, accompanied by his wife, two children, Master Wheaton, Miss Leonore, Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips and wife took a delightful ride to Newburyport and back in his automobile.

Rev. Mr. Partington has organized a branch of Knights of King Arthur club for boys. This club is doing a fine work in other towns and it is expected this auxiliary will be here when fully in working order. Boys must have attained twelve years of age to be eligible for membership. Friday evening was "Ladies' Night," and each little Knight escorted a young miss to the Congregational Webster Chapel. Thirty were present and an enjoyable time was spent playing "Tucker," and other games. Refreshments were served by the patronesses, Mrs. James DeLancey, Mrs. Abbie Randall and the Misses Julia Locke and Ruth Leavitt.

Miss Clara Powers is entertaining Dr. Lincoln of Boston. On Monday evening Miss Powers entertained the Monday club and a few friends, in honor of her guest. Dr. Lincoln addressed the club and friends upon the subject of Ornamentation, which was most interesting and helpful because of suggestions given. Music was furnished by Mrs. Nye and Miss Powers, pianists, and Miss Julia Locke gave several selections on the mandolin. This was followed by games. Refreshments were served by the hostess and the guests departed, assuring Miss Powers of having spent a most delightful evening.

At the Free Baptist church next Sunday morning at 10:30 the pastor, Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips, will preach a Missionary sermon. The ladies choir will sing for an opening selection, "Cast Thy Bread Upon the Waters." The Sunday school will meet at the close of the morning service at 11:45. Choir rehearsal at the close of the Sunday school. There will be a Thank Offering service and concert. A special service in the audience room at 7 o'clock. Special service, special music. If you come, you will be pleased. Mid-week service Thursday evening at 7:30. You are most cordially invited to all these services. You will be welcome.

It was decided at the adjourned meeting of the Cemetery association to have a windmill erected for the purpose of furnishing water to the cemetery.

Mrs. Howard G. Lane and daughter Eloise spent Thursday in Boston.

The Monday club will be entertained by Mrs. Nye upon Monday, May 16. The subject is Household Economics, in charge of Mrs. Hugh Brown.

The alumni committee of the Hampton Academy & High School will meet with Mr. E. G. Cole on Monday evening, to further their arrangements for the one hundredth anniversary, which will occur on June 17, in the town hall. The dinner will be served at noon, and the afternoon entertainment will be open to everyone. Sub-committee, consisting of Rev. J. A. Ross, Lewis Perkins and Miss Anna M. Cole, met Monday evening and tabulated two inscriptions to be placed upon the boulder which Mr. Horace Hobbs has presented to the alumni committee, and which will be placed upon the spot where the first church and academy stood on the village green.

The Relief corps had a very interesting meeting on Wednesday. The president, Mrs. Effie Cook, appointed the committees to visit the schools on Friday, May 27 -- North Primary, Mrs. Lucy Marston; East Primary, Mrs. Emily Perkins and Mrs. Carrie Miller Perkins; Intermediate, Mrs. Ardenia Hobbs and Mrs. Melinda Blake; Centre Primary, Mrs. Marian Leavitt and Mrs. Sarah M. Lane; Grammar, Mrs. Belle Dearborn; and High school, Mrs. Caroline Cole and Mrs. Anna S. Ross.

Miss Flora Joplin returned to her school in Haverhill, Mass., Monday, after a pleasant week's vacation spent at home.

Miss Gladys Young was a visitor to Haverhill, Mass., on Thursday.

Mrs. Albert Coffin has been confined to her home several weeks with a very bad cold.

Mrs. Forrest Pratt and little son, Hugh Brown, who have been spending several months with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Brown, have returned to their home in Elliot, Me.

The What-so-ever mission circle was pleasantly entertained by Mrs. W. T. Keene upon Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. Oliver Godfrey was called to Waltham, Mass., on Sunday by the sudden death of her sister, Mrs. Samuel Patch, on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Patch has often visited Hampton, and has made many friends here. This was true of Mrs. Patch, wherever she went, because of her beautiful personality, every feature of her face seemed to speak of the beautiful character within. She was 68 years of age. Mr. Godfrey went up to attend the funeral obsequies which were held on Monday.

An Angel was sent down from Heaven one day,
A beautiful flower to secure,
To add to a rare, bright, celestial bouquet,
One that was spotless and pure.
Not a moment it lingered o'er the garden so bright,
With the summons from God that it bore,
And the flower that was chosen, was plucked in the light
Of the day that shall know it no more.
A void has been made that can never be filled,
A new light has been gained to the Throne
But the memory remains of the voice that is stilled,
Sweet memory, dear memory alone.

"The Merry Company"

"The Merry Company," given by the pupils of the Grammar school in the town hall, under the direction of Carl Ackely, was a great success. The spectacular part was very pleasing, and the singing and drilling showed careful work upon the part of those who trained the children. The enthusiasm of the performers themselves, added greatly to the success of the entertainment, making itself felt in every part of the hall. The cadets presented a fine appearance in their khaki suits and were repeatedly applauded for their fine performance, well disciplined by their captain, Elton Thompson, while the young lassies were as charming as ever in their white dresses and gay ribbons. Old Glory never loses its charm, and it was a pleasing sight to see it held by Phillip Blake and Mary Watson, the two smallest members of the company, during the singing of The Flag Song. Little Miss Ada Tarlton and Master Lindsey again proved themselves geniuses, and repeatedly took the house by storm, as it were, with their portrayal of the old woman and old man peddlers. One could scarcely realize that they were not professionals, yet felt proud to claim them as our own Hampton boy and girl. The little Miss was given a vociferous call for an encore, after her violin solo, to which call she sweetly acceded. It would seem as if she has a brilliant future before her. The Misses Ernestine Cole and Lottie Lamprey well sustained their parts, showing just sufficient dignity, and speaking so they could be heard in every part of the house. The three policemen, Clyde DeLancey, Harold Batchelder and Willard Nudd, brought down the house, and they were funny and exceedingly realistic, when announcing "We know our business!" Harold Batchelder proved himself a real mimic, and the way he used his eyes was perfectly ludicrous. They responded to an encore after their song, and were warmly applauded. Every available space of room in the hall was occupied, and taken all in all, "The Merry Company" was one of the finest entertainments ever given in Hampton by children.