The Hamptons Union, May 19, 1910

Vol. II, No. 20

Hampton News

Mrs. Abbott Young, Miss Gladys Young and Mrs. John Snider were visitors in Haverhill, Mass., on Wednesday.

Among the new members of the grange is Miss Julia Locke.

Mrs. Evelyn Mack entertained her friend, Miss Isabel W. Stewart, at dinner on Monday.

Mrs. Mattie Wilkinson and daughter, Dorothy, spent the week end with Mr. Wilkinson in Boston.

Augustus Locke and sister, Harriet were guests of Mrs. Martha Locke on Sunday.

Miss Mildred Batchelder has been visiting for a few days at her home in town.

Miss Winifred Thomas of Lynn, Mass., visited her sister, Mrs. James Blanchard, on Sunday.

Miss Grace K. Marston is spending a week in Salem and Danvers, Mass, with the family of Prof. Moses B. Perkins of Exeter.

An auto party from Kensington, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. John York, the Misses Priscilla and Marion York and Mr. Rivet of Somerville, fiance of Miss Priscilla, called upon relatives in town on Sunday.

George Johnson still remains very ill. Dr. Ward has called in consultation a doctor from Haverhill, Mass., and Dr. Nute of Exeter, and it is probably that Mr. Johnson will enter the Exeter hospital.

Every one felt sorry to hear of the departure of Marco Partington, as he was a noble beast, perfectly inoffensive, gentle and kind, beloved by the children all around.

James Blanchard has had another attack of illness and was obliged to call Dr. Ward on Friday.

Dr. Ward is very busy and so many of his patients have the New England telephone, that he is contemplating putting one in his residence, in addition to the Peoples, which he already has.

Mrs. Grafton N. Goodrich of Exeter spent one day this week with her sister, Mrs. N. J. Norton.

Mrs. Annie Diehl of Salisbury, Mass., visited her sister, Miss Alice Weare, on Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Lane started on a pleasure tour on Wednesday. They will visit New York and go South as far as the capital city in the District of Columbia, and while there, beside taking short trips, sight seeing, they will attend the World's Sunday School Convention being held in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Lane will have much of interest to tell us upon their return.

Miss Martha Chipman of Somerville, is spending the week in the home of H. G. Lane and with Mrs. Hugh Brown will care for the home during Mr. and Mrs. Lane's absence.

The summer season at Hampton Beach will formally open on May 28, and from indications it will be a prosperous one. The Casino will again be conducted by Graves and Ramsdell, and many of the cottage owners there are already beginning to prepare for the season.

Mrs. Abbie Batchelder and Miss Mary Cleveland seem to be on the road to recovery after their recent illness.

The Alumni committee find that the inscriptions on bronze plate for the boulder on Academy Green will be very expensive, about fifty dollars apiece, for which subscriptions will be solicited, and Horace Hobbs has been authorized to collect funds for this purpose.

The yearly inspection by the state officer of the Rebekah's occurred upon Tuesday evening. Mrs. Edward Towle entertained the inspector.

At the Free Baptist church, morning worship next Sunday at 10:30 with sermon. The ladies choir will sing for an opening selection "Looking Unto Jesus." The Sunday school will meet directly at the close of the morning service, and will use the order of service for use in Sunday schools throughout the world as an opening exercise preceding the study of the regular lesson on, "World's Sunday School Day," as arranged by the Executive Committee of "World's Sunday School Association" for May 22, 1910. Please bring the slips that were given out last Sunday. Choir rehearsal at the close of the Sunday school. Sunday evening prayer, praise and social service at 7 o'clock. Subject: "A Young Man's Wise Choice." Mid week prayer Thursday evening at 7:30.

There was a good attendance at the Free Baptist church last Sunday. In the morning service Mr. Phillips preached a missionary sermon from Matt. 28.19. 29. In the evening the thank offering services were held in the audience room. The following was the order of exercises: Selection, two violins and organ; singing by the choir; prayer by the pastor; recitation, Frankie Fennell; recitation, Genie Thompson; singing by Frankie and Edwin Fennell; exercise by small boys; recitation, Jessie Moulton; exercise by the boys; singing, quartet; recitation, Harold Perkins; recitation, Ada Tarlton; solo, "From Thy Lowest Depths O Sea"; recitation, Victor Garland; exercise, small girls; duet, Gladys and Ada Tarlton; recitation, Lillian Phillips, recitation and singing, Hazel Leavitt and choir; recitation, Raymond Garland; cornet solo with violin and organ accompaniment; thank offering and benediction. A good sum was realized.

Ocean Side grange will entertain Gilman grange of Exeter at the town hall Friday evening.

The library will be open afternoon and evening on Thursday, May 26 instead of the preceding day as usual.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Dudley of Hampton Beach are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, Dorothy May, born last friday.

Samuel P. Godfrey lost a valuable horse last Saturday, from colic.

Elizabeth Norris returned from her trip South on Saturday.

Mrs. Abbott Young begins her duties at the Beach upon May 20.

Mrs. Moses Littlefield was a visitor in Portsmouth this week.

Mr. Joseph Holmes is doing fine work in painting the casino. He is rushing the work all he can at present, employing all the painters avai1able.

Mr. James Blanchard is not recovering his health as rapidly as he would like. He called Dr. Ward in on Friday, to consult with Dr. Mack.

Mr. Edgar Howe is doing the work of the extensive alterations being made upon the Palmer place recently purchased by Mr. Fowndes of White Plains, N. Y., and the house is being greatly improved under Mr. Howe's direction.

The foundation for the residence of Mr. Hart of Chicago, Ill., is nearly completed. It is stated that this is to be the largest and most costly residence in town, although modestly called a bungalow.

The conference committee of the G.A.R. and W.R.C. met Friday evening and completed the plans for Decoration Day. The memorial sermon will be preached Sunday, May 30, in the Methodist church, by Mr. Quimby of Exeter. It is expected the Ministers' quartet will furnish one selection.

A pleasant event at the Methodist parsonage on Wednesday of this week was the marriage of Howard W. Brown of Raymond and Miss Jennie H. Anderson of South Deerfield. The bridegroom was a former parisher of Rev. W. J. Wilkins, who performed the ceremony. After a brief wedding trip the young people will reside in Raymond, where Mr. Brown is employed in one of the shoe shops.

The Beach is opening up very early this year, and the Sea View is doing a fine business Sundays. Last Sunday thirty five dined there, and twenty-seven the previous Sunday. The fine breakwater and sidewalk being built will add very greatly to the appearance of the Beach as well as furnish added comfort to sojourners there. This work is being constructed by Mr. William T. Ross.

Rev. Lincoln Phillips and family were invited out to the beautiful farm home of Merton and Frank James, to tea, Tuesday of this week. A long table was spread in the spacious dining room well loaded with good things. A large gathering of relatives and friends sat down and did simple justice to what was set before them. The evening was spent in playing games, music and in social conversation.

A very pleasant social gathering met at Academy Hall last Friday evening. The following was the program: Overture, "Among the Roses," Phillips family orchestra; readings, Miss Craig; piano solo, Mr. Dubie; reading, Hazel Leavitt; vocal solo, Miss Shaw; piano solo, Fannie Phillips; reading, Miss Drake; "Star of Descending Night" and "Merrily Goes Our Bark," Phillips quartet; reading, Mr. Barton; violin solo, Mr. Hendry; "Our Director," Phillips family orchestra. There was a social after the exercises were over. The fish pound created lots of fun. Ice cream and cake was served.

The Monday club was entertained in the hospitable home of Mrs. Charlotte Nye on Monday, the invited guests being Mrs. Stanley M. Ward and Miss Sarah Augusta Blake. Music was furnished by Mrs. Lane and Miss Clara Powers. Then were given household hints which were expected to be hints based upon the giver's own experience. Excellent papers were read by Mesdame Whittier, Ross, Thompson and Lane, the subjects being household furnishings, household hygiene, art of buying and caring for household supplies and dust. Current Events were given by Miss Powers. Refreshments were served by the hostess. The officers elect of the club are President, Sarah M. Lane; vice president, Addie B. Brown; secretary, Caroline Cole; custodian, Anna S. Ross. Mesdames Brown, Thompson and Cole were appointed a committee to plan an outing at the beach in the Bennett casino early in June. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Albert Coffin and later committees will be appointed for the club outings in July and August.

The Atlantic club of Newburyport held an outing Saturday at Merton Buswell's cottage, Hampton Beach, where they were royally entertained. Mr. Buswell and his able crops of assistants gave them one of his lobster dinners, which has made his name famous along the North shore. Baseball was indulged in and the "Wheats" were victorious over the "Hecks" in an exciting 14-inning game by the score of nine to eight. The feature of the game was contributed by William Lambert for the "Wheats" in the 12th inning by a hair raising play. With three on bases and none out, Steve Furlong drove a ball with the speed of a comet which looked like a safe bit. Lambert speared it with one hand, touched second and ran down a man between second and first bases, making a triple play unassisted. Charles Baumgaarten umpired in his usual impartial manner and proved to be the most popular man of the day. After the game, the members were entertained by the club humorists, Frank Kelley, George Boutin, Herbert Simmons and Albert Atkinson. Everett Langford rendered several selections, assisted by Pressey Adams on the piano, among which was his old familiar, "Katy." After a hearty cheer for their host, they boarded Capt. Jere Rowe's "Florence A" for home and were safely landed at Shaw's wharf, all agreeing this to be the best outing ever.