The Hamptons Union, May 26, 1910

Vol. II, No. 21

Hampton News

Mrs. Annie Hawkins, who is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Berry, expects to go to Lake Placid in two weeks to take charge of a large hotel.

Mr. Charles Pressey of Lawrence, Mass., and Miss Carrie Blake of Hampton, were united in marriage by the Rev. Edgar Warren of Atkinson, assisted by the Rev. Ina Partington on Wednesday. After the wedding, they left for Lawrence, where Mr. Pressey's parents gave a reception, and Thursday (today) they start for Washington.

Carl Perkins of Boston vicinity visited his parents for a few days this week.

On Wednesday, May 18, Mr. William B. Adams and Miss Elizabeth K. Ramford of Newburyport, Mass., were united in marriage by the Rev. J. A. Ross. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Harland Thurlow and will reside on Highland Avenue.

Dr. and Mrs. William B. Mack were out of town on Sunday and Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Lane are expected home on Thursday (today). They planned to be in New York several days of this week, and report the trip as being a very pleasant one. There are 12,000 delegates in attendance at the the convention

John N. Marston, who has been very ill with pneumonia, is slowly recovering. He is attended by Dr. Smith, with Mrs. Hawbolt as nurse.

Mrs. Fannie Cloutman of Boston, is spending a few days with her friend, Mrs. Jennie Thompson. Mrs. Cloutman is soon going to Colorado to visit her brother.

The W.C.T.U. met Friday with the president, Mrs. Lucy A. Marston. A very interesting meeting was held. Mrs. E. Warren Lane read a very touching story. Mrs. Lane has just had her name transferred to this union. Plans were discussed for flower mission work and for raising money for county work. After a social time, the ladies adjourned to the dining room, where an appetizing lunch was served. There were three guests present: Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. Luce and Miss Towle.

The male members of Ocean Side Grange are requested to meet at Grange Hall on Friday evening, May 27, at 7:30 o'clock.

Perkins' Relief Corps will attend in a body the memorial service at the Methodist church next Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and the members are requested to assemble at the church at 2:15.

At the regular Sunday evening meeting in the Congregational Webster Chapel next Sunday, Rev. J. A. Ross will talk upon reminiscences of the past fifty years, a very opportune theme in view of the golden wedding anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. Ross on Monday of this week.

N. J. Norton has built a brooder for himself which is proving a success. He has put in eighty chicks which were hatched from ninety fertile eggs in Chester G. Marston's brooder, and they are doing well.

The E. H.& A. will put on an express car next Friday which will run between Exeter and Hampton Beach and receive and deliver baggage at any point along the line. The running time of the car will be: Leave Exeter at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.; Hampton Beach at 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. It will be of much convenience to many patrons.

Rev. and Mrs. Phillips, by invitation of Mrs. Lucy Marston, attended the fiftieth wedding anniversary in the Congregational Webster Chapel of the Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Ross last Monday evening.

The Rockingham Association of Free Baptist churches will hold its spring session with the church at Kittery Point Wednesday and Thursday, June 1 and 2, next week. The Rev. E. P. Moulton will be the entertaining pastor. Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips, president.

Albert Brown and Willard Emery of Boston have been visiting at their home in town.

Mrs. Frank S. Sheffroth of Dorchester, Mass., has been visiting her sisters, Mrs. N. J. Norton and Mrs. G. N. Goodrich.

Victor Garland has again resumed his position as clerk in Sanborn's Drug Store for the summer season

Miss Isabel Winthrop Stuart will, in a few days, go to Hartford, Conn., where she will spend several weeks.

At the Free Baptist church, morning worship next Sunday, at 10:30 with sermon by the pastor. Subject, "Purpose and Character." The ladies choir will sing as opening selection, "Oh, Gentle Words and Loving Deeds." The Sunday school will meet directly at the close of the morning service about 11:45. Union Memorial service at the Methodist church at 2:30. All are invited. The Rev. Herbert Quimby of Exeter will give the address. The evening service at the Free Baptist at 7 o'clock will consist of a prayer, praise and testimony service. Come with a prayer, a song, a testimony or a verse of scripture. Subject is "Sure Cure for Trouble." Mid-week prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. You are most cordially invited to be present at all these services.

The Rev. James L. MacLaughlin pastor of the Advent church, exchanged places for the morning service, with Rev. Lincoln Phillips, pastor of the Free Baptist church. Brother MacLaughlin preached a very spiritual and helpful sermon which he is always able to do. Mr. Phillips peached to a very sympathetic and appreciative audience. He used for his theme, "The Christian's Completed Life," "I Shall be Satisfied When I Wake with Thy Likeness," Psalm, 17.15.

Much time and money has been spent in getting the casino and other property under control of Graves & Ramsdell at Hampton Beach into order for the summer season, which will be open on May 28. Everything is in apple-pie order and as soon as the new attractions, which are to be provided this year are ready, this beach will be more popular than ever. The management is doing much to develop the beach and should have the support of all in the enterprise.

Card of Thanks

The Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Ross wish to thank their friends for the magnificent gift of gold, with which they were presented at their golden wedding. They feel as if the friends overwhelmed them, because the gift exceeded the number of years represented by the wedding.


To the member of Winnicummett Council, No. 3, Jr. O.U.A.M. The council will participate with Perkins Post, No. 78. G.A.R. in the observance of Memorial Day, May 30. All members attending will meet at the council chamber at 12:30 p.m.

S.G. Hobbs, Secretary.

Rev. & Mrs John A. Ross Celebrate
50 years of Married Life

Rev. John A. Ross, who with Mrs. Ross, have
completed 50 years of married life.

The celebration of the golden wedding of the Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Ross was a notable event and a grand success. Unsuspicious when their son, William T. Ross, called for them to take a drive at six o'clock Monday evening, May 23, and entirely in ignorance of what was awaiting them, they were taken to the chapel which to their utter surprise they found ready for the celebration of their golden wedding. A lavish floral decoration arranged in excellent taste adorned the walls, including Mr. Ross' portrait. The friends regretted not having a portrait of Mrs. Ross, also.

On green the inscription 1860-1910 was over the seats where they were to be seated. Very soon the chapel was filled with their many friends, about one hundred and twenty-five from Hampton and surrounding towns. It seemed as if everybody was there, including ministers from this town and North Hampton and Perkins Post of the Grand Army, with the Relief Corps. The Post wore their regalias which was a great honor shown Mr. and Mrs. Ross. The orchestra rendered patriotic music while they were tendering congratulations. In the receiving line with Mr. and Mrs. Ross were their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ross, their daughter, Mrs. Eugene S. Campbell, and the Rev. and Mrs. Partington.

Carl Ackely of Exeter was present and added so much to the evening's entertainment by the music he and Miss Julia Locke so cheerfully rendered.

The congratulations were most hearty and the venerable couple feel that their friends meant all they said. The ministers of this town and the Rev. M. V. Mevis of North Hampton gave expression in eloquent and eulogistic speech to the feelings of the enthusiastic assemblage, interspersing their remarks with wit and story telling, which was greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Otis read an original poem which was very pleasing. Then the Rev. Mr. Partington, with a few appropriate remarks presented the couple with a small box, but within whose walls a large quantity of gold was stored as a tangible expression of the esteem with which Mr. and Mrs. Ross are held by the people of the town in which they have chosen to make their home for the past twenty-three years. Miss Ernestine Cole presented Mrs. Ross with a large bouquet of lilies of the valley.

Fifteen years of this time Mr. Ross was acting pastor of the Congregational church and the remaining eight pastor emeritus. After a social time during which light refreshments were served, the friends dispersed all glad they came and congratulating themselves that it all passed off so happily.

Mr. Ross was born in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, June 11, 1832. He has a number of relatives living there now, among them three sisters, two of whom have visited him in Hampton. Mrs. Ross was born in St. Stephens, N.B., July 14, 1837. She has one sister who lives in Marion, Iowa.

60th Wedding Anniversary

The following from the Little Falls Herald, Little Falls, Minnesota, will be of interest to Hampton readers, many of whom are acquainted with Josiah Page:

"Monday was the sixtieth anniversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Page, and to celebrate the occasion, Mr. Page invited twenty-two of his friends to a banquet, which took place at the Miller restaurant in the evening.

"The affair proved to be a most pleasant one, kindly banterings being passed during the 'storing away' of the excellent menu.

"Mr. Page was married to Cordelia W. Bumpus at Salem, Mass., May 16, 1850, moving to southern Minnesota in 1865, and to Pike Creek in 1875, where the family, including the two sons, Warren and Charles, still reside, Mr. Page recently taking up his residence in this city.

"Mr. and Mrs. Page both have reached four score and two years, and only recently Mr. Page, who is a veteran of the Civil war, celebrated his birthday anniversary, also with a banquet to some of his near friends.

"At the conclusion of the banquet and the cutting of the wedding cake, E. f. Shaw, on behalf of the banqueters, in a neat little talk, presented Mr. Page with a cravanette.

"Mr. Page thanked those present for their remembrance, and at their solicitation, told some reminiscences of early days which were very interesteing.

"After a few excellent remarks, by F. W. Lyon, "Uncle" Page was congratulated, and, with the hope that they would meet on many another pleasant occasion, the affair came to an end."