The Hamptons Union, June 2, 1910

Vol. II, No. 22

Hampton News

The Rev. Lucius H. Thayer of Portsmouth will preach in the Congregational Chapel next Sunday morning in exchange with the pastor.

Mrs. Howard G. Lane will tell us about the World's Sunday School Convention recently held at Washington in the Congregational Chapel next Sunday evening at 7:15.

F. W. Preston, Principal of the New Hampshire Literary Institution at New Hampton, called upon Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips last week.

The Rev. D. H. Adams and wife, Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips and wife, Fannie and Lillian, were most delightfully entertained at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Perkins last Tuesday evening. Their Victor talking machine is something wonderful.

Miss Lulu Mayo Warner of North Hampton attended the Memorial service on Sunday in the Methodist church. Miss Warner has been such a frequent visitor to town of late years that we have missed her visits very much during the past few months and hope to see her in town oftener during the summer.

Next Tuesday, commencing at one o'clock, the Rockingham Association of Congregational churches will hold its annual meeting at Exeter. A very interesting program has been arranged and will well repay attendance. All sessions of the association are public.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Towle, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Perkins and son, John, took a delightful ride to Dover and return in Mr. Towle's automobile on Sunday afternoon.

The Rev. Herbert F. Quimby of Exeter, Rev. Ina Partington and Rev. James L. MacLaughlin of Hampton, were callers at the Free Baptist parsonage last Friday afternoon.

A reunion of the Q and Q Whist club was held at the home of Mrs. Thomas Hobbs last Friday evening. An elegant lobster supper was served by the hostess.

Rev. and Mrs. Phillips, Lucinda Batchelder, Ida Lane and Mrs. D. H. Adams were chosen delegates for the Rockingham Association of Free Baptist churches to be held at Kittery church June 1 and 2.

Henry Peyser & Son sell the celebrated Stein-Bloch clothes, the finest tailored ready for use clothing made in this or any other country.

Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Ross have commenced their semi-yearly calling. They were in East end Wednesday, going from Mrs. Jane Atkinson's to Mrs. Pearl's, and on the Portsmouth road on Friday.

Mrs. Abbott Joplin visited Mrs. William Joplin in Lawrence, Mass., on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Dodge paid their regular visit to Hampton over Memorial day. Mrs. Dodge's daughter, Mrs. Cronin, is so attached to Hampton that she came to the late Mrs. Simeon Leavitt's in a terrific snow storm to be married by Rev. J. A. Ross in January 1901.

Next Monday morning the ministers of all denominations on the coast from Rye to Seabrook are to meet with Mr. and Mrs. Partington at the Congregational Chapel. The Ladies' Aid society will serve luncheon.

Mrs. Gertrude Fogg Young was a visitor in town over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Nutter of Allston, Mass., were guests of Mrs. Elizabeth Berry a few days this week.

Mr. Harry Nutter, city engineer of Chelsea, Mass., was a welcome visitor on Decoration Day.

Henry Peyer's Boys' Department is the largest in this vicinity. Take the boys there for his summer outfit.

Miss Jeannette Packard White, head nurse in Portsmouth hospital, spent the week end with her friend, Miss Elizabeth Philbrick at No. 1, Wigwam Row. The many friends of Miss White are always glad to welcome her to town.

Miss Blanche Harriman of Newburyport was a recent visitor in town. Miss Harriman has advertised her home in Newburyport for sale and will build another in Georgetown, Mass.

Mrs. Howard G. Lane has kindly consented to speak in the Congregational Chapel Sunday evening, upon her recent trip to Washington and attendance at the World's Sunday School Convention, the greatest Sunday School Convention ever held in this country, and it is not probable it will be held here again in many years.

Miss Elizabeth Philbrick visited her brother in Lawrence, Mass., a few days last week.

The local Ministers' association, which meets one afternoon a month, will be entertained by Rev. Ina Partington on Monday, June 6. Mr. Partington plans an innovation by inviting the ministers to dinner, a treat not previously enjoyed.

Jr. O.U.A.M. entertained a number of visiting orders on Tuesday evening. They paraded through the principal streets at eight o'clock, and the townspeople regret exceedingly the severe shower which occurred at this time, as many were prevented from witnessing the parade. A large number of gentlemen were initiated into the Hampton order.

Mrs. Donnell (nee Miss Mary Perkins) returned from a Boston hospital on Friday, where she has been three weeks undergoing an operation.

Mrs. Frank Chipman is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Berry, a few days this week.

Mrs. Zipporah Jenness has taken the position of housekeeper for Mr. George Batchelder.

Col. W. H. Carter of Salem, Mass., has arrived for the summer at the Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. Amos Leavitt of Boston have been in town for a week.

Misses Pauline and Mildred Brown and Mrs. Newcomb spent Tuesday in Boston.

Mr. Lee of Lawrence, Mass., has opened his cottage at the Beach.

Miss M. O. Toppan attended the graduation reception at Faulkner hospital in Jamaica Plain on Tuesday.

Mr. George Mansfield of Boston was in town on Monday.

Miss Shea of Boston has been visiting Mrs. Howell Lamprey.

Mrs. Carrie Miller Perkins had as guests on Monday: her son, Mr. Fred Miller, and his fiancee, Miss Kirkland.

Mrs. Ernest G. Cole has been spending a week in Somersworth.

The Monday club will be entertained by Mrs. Albert Coffin next Monday.

E.P. Sanborn has put in a number of new show cases for the better display of merchandise. He now has one of the best drug stores in this section of the state and the prospects for the summer season are unusually good.

Mr. and Mrs. Myron Williams and daughter of Waltham were the guests of Mr. F. Williams over the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Coleman of Boston have been visiting C. G. Toppan.

Mr. and Mrs. George Lagreeze entertained a large party of friends from Boston and Fall River over the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Pressey are expected in Hampton on Saturday, to remain over Sunday.

It is earnestly requested that all residents manifest their patriotism by displaying flags upon June 14, one of the regular flag days.

There were many "home-comers" this week, in order to celebrate Memorial Day at home. Among the number we noticed were Mr. and Mrs. Washington Godfrey, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Perkins, Mr. Chester Godfrey, Mr. and Mrs. John Nutter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goodwin, Mrs. Annie Diehl, Miss Flora Joplin, Miss Emma Sheldon, Mr. Charles Brown, Miss Helen Ada Watson, Mr. Augustus Locke and Misses Eugenia and Harriet locke.

Perkins Post of the Grand Army and the Relief Corps were invited to the Methodist church on Memorial Sunday, to listen to an address by the Rev. Henry Quimby of Exeter. The invitation was accepted and the church was filled. Mr. Quimby gave a most eloquent address, full of recitals of happenings of the Civil war and replete with good counsel. The Ministers' quartet, composed of Rev. McLaughlin, Quimby, Partington and Phillips, rendered two selections very acceptably.

Mr. Irving Leavitt entertained two automobile parties over the Memorial holidays, ten in one party and three in the other.

The Sea View House did a fine business Sunday and Monday, the hospitality of the house being taxed to the utmost. Hotel Whittier also aided in caring for the many visitors in town.

Rev. and Mrs. David Evans of Augusta, Me., and Little Boar's Head, were in the congregation of the Congregational church Sunday morning.

The Rev. F. B. Stiles, State Agent of Free Baptist churches in New Hampshire, came to Hampton last Monday evening and was entertained at the Free Baptist parsonage until Tuesday morning, when he went to Kittery to be present at the Rockingham Association which is to be held at the Kittery Free Baptist church June 1 and 2.

Another Memorial day has come and gone and with its passage one more mile-stone passed by the veterans whose number is fast decreasing. The exercises in the hall, which were preceded by a sumptuous dinner, were very interesting. The speaker, Mr. Smith of Lawrence, did exceptionally well, when one considers his extreme youth. The music, as is always true when the "Nutters" have it in charge, was very fine and thoroughly enjoyed, everyone feeling that the music alone simply repaid one for being in attendance at the Memorial service.

At the Free Baptist church next Sunday morning, worship at 10:36 with sermon by the pastor, Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips. Theme, "Where Art Thou?" The ladies choir will sing for an opening selection, "Let the Creator's Praise Arise." The Sunday school will meet at the close of the morning service. Evening service at 7 o'clock. Subject, "Obedience to the Heavenly Vision." The Phillips family orchestra will play and there will be special music. Mid-week prayer meeting and social service Thursday evening at 7:30. You are most cordially invited to be present at these services. Strangers and summer company will be welcome every Sunday at the Free Baptist church. Come, and we will try to help you.

On Wednesday afternoon, May 25, 1910, a very pretty home wedding was solemnized in the home of Mr. John C. Blake, when his youngest daughter, Carrie Knight, was united in marriage with Mr. Charles Henry Pressey of Lawrence, Mass., in the presence of a large number of relatives, about sixty in all. The Rev. Edgar Warren of Atkinson, a former pastor here, officiated, the double ring service being used. The bride was attended by Miss Laura Pressey, sister of the groom, and the best man was Mr. Harry Trees of Lawrence. Masters Myron Blake, Phillip Blake, cousins of the bride, her brother, Wallace Blake, and Hillis Partington formed an aisle with white ribbons to separate the guests from the path of the bridal party. The house was profusely decorated with hemlock and white flowers, and the bow window of the living room was temporarily turned into an altar of green with an arch extending from tip to tip, in the center of which was suspended a beautiful bridal bell made of white lilacs. Promptly at 3:30, the wedding party entered the room, the groom with his sister leading, followed by the bride leaning on the arm of the best man. The bride's sister, Miss Blake played for the processional Lohengrin's "Bridal Chorus."

The bride's gown was white lace net over white silk, over which hung in graceful folds the wedding veil. She carried a beautiful bouquet of roses, which she showered on the unmarried as she departed. The bridesmaid was gowned in white and carried carnations. After congratulations to the groom and much happiness to the bride was expressed, refreshments were served. At 5:10 the bridal party entered an automobile and were taken to the station, where their friends had preceded them, well supplied with rice and confetti, but instead of alighting, they simply waved "good bye," and were hauled to Lawrence, Mass. Mr. Pressey's parents tendered them a reception in the evening. At ten o'clock, amid showers of rice and confetti and good wishes, they started for Boston, a number of friends accompanying them to Andover. They left Boston for Washington on Thursday for a week's trip, after which they will be at home in Lawrence. The presents were many and very handsome, showing the esteem with which the young bride is held in her native town. The groom's parents and sister gave them a beautiful upright piano and the bride's father a handsome purse with which to purchase a dinner set while the Christian Endeavor society of which Mrs. Pressey has been the beloved and honored president for years, presented them with three silver dessert spoons. Her Sunday school class gave her a handsome picture in frame. They also received one silver soup ladle, syrup pitcher and tray, one half dozen orange spoons, one dozen silver knives and forks, silver butter knife, silver table spoon, two silver pie knives, three sugar shells, silver pickle fork, silver mustard spoon, cold meat fork, china tea service, four cut glass dishes, three framed pictures, one carving set, one glass creamer and sugar bowl, one dozen bread and butter plates, china cocoa pot, hand embroidered center piece, hand embroidered luncheon set, one half dozen glass sauce dishes, pair hand embroidered linen towels, cake mixer, two white spreads, one hand knit by a lady past seventy years; water set, china berry set, gas reading lamp, china sugar bowl and creamer, fancy basket made by a young lady who has been blind and dear from her birth, pair of wool blankets, couch cover, hand knit shawl and several smaller articles.