The Hamptons Union, June 9, 1910

Vol. II, No. 23

Hampton News

Ten persons from Hampton attended the meetings of the Rockingham Association held at Kittery Point last week. The session was both profitable and helpful. Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips was re-elected president of the association; Rev. B. H. Tilton, vice president, and John H. Foster, clerk and treasurer.

Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson J. Norton on the birth of a son, born on Saturday night at eleven o'clock.

Mrs. Abbie Randall was a visitor to Newburyport on Wednesday.

The Phillips family were entertained last Friday afternoon at the beautiful home of Irving Leavitt, down by the sea.

The services at the Free Baptist church last Sunday were well attended. The theme for the morning service was: "Where Art Thou?" Gen.38; in the evening, "Obedience to the Heavenly Vision."

Quite a good delegation from Hampton attended the Pomona meeting which met with the Goodwill Grange, No. 275 at Dearborn Hall, Seabrook, last Wednesday. A good program was provided.

Do not forget the measuring party to be given by the ladies of the Free Baptist church Friday evening of this week. There will be an entertainment and refreshments will be on sale.

Mr. Charles Jones of Rye, met with a very painful accident on Tuesday afternoon: while leading a cow he was thrown to the ground, fracturing his left wrist, both bones protruding through the flesh. Dr. Mack was summoned and rendered the necessary assistance.

Frank Brown has placed a large urn with flowers in it in front of the Free Baptist church on the green. It adds much to the beauty of the church lawn.

Dr. Lucius Thayer of Portsmouth preached a very acceptable sermon on Sunday in the Congregational church. The sermon was very scholarly, yet so plain that all could understand, appreciate and enjoy. Dr. Thayer has been in Portsmouth nearly twenty years. He was married after he came to Portsmouth, and Mrs. Thayer, graduate of Oxford, England, has proved a very great helpmeet by her remarkable tact as well as education.

Quite a number from Hampton attended the minister's conference in Exeter on Tuesday, hearing many good words of council. Mr. Driver's address of welcome was very cordial and the hospitality of the whole church was most generous.

J. Q. Bennett and Mrs. White of Cambridge, Mass., were guests of Mrs. Hugh Brown on Tuesday.

Miss Edith Collin begins her work at Rye Beach today.

The Woman's Relief Corps of Perkins Post will entertain the district meeting this month.

Mrs. Howard G. Lane gave a most excellent review of the World's Sunday School Convention in Washington, D. C., in the Congregation Webster Chapel Sunday evening. By the rapt attention of the audience which was held quite a few moments over time, the speaker could not help realizing that her address was most interesting. Mrs. Lane brought the work of the convention so vividly before her audience that we felt almost as if we were in attendance at the convention.

James Blanchard and Mrs. Harrison Hobbs are not quite well at the present writing.

Robert Ring and Fred Howland have opened a restaurant at the beach and on Decoration Day did a wonderful business. Mr. Howland will also assist Mr. Southworth in Ipswich, Mass., a part of the time.

Special meeting of Ocean Side Grange next Monday evening.

Miss Augusta Blake spent Friday in Boston, and Percy Blake was a visitor to the Hub on Thursday.

Telephones have been established in the selectmen's room and in Frank Bristol's.

Dorothy Partington gave a party to a few little friends upon her birthday, June 4th. The children had an enjoyable time playing, after which refreshments were served. The little Miss received several gifts, among them a bicycle from her parents.

The What-so-ever mission circle was delightfully entertained by Miss Henrietta Nudd on Saturday. Several extra guests were invited and after the meeting a very delightful social hour was enjoyed. Generous refreshments of lobster sandwiches, cake, ice cream and chocolate were served.

Miss Ernestine Cole played at the piano recital given by Miss Dube in Dover, Tuesday, May 31. This was quite an honor for such a young Miss and Miss Ernestine acquitted herself beautifully. Mrs. Cote and Miss Beatrice Church accompanied her to Dover, and they all went to Somersworth after the entertainment.

At the Free Baptist Church next Sunday, morning worship at 10:30 with sermon by the pastor, Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips, theme, "The Savior's Appeal to His Own." The choir will sing for an opening selection, "Sing Praises to our God; Alleluia," by E. S. Lorenz. The Sunday school will meet at the close of the morning service. Choir rehearsal directly at the close of the Sunday school. At 7 o'clock the usual praise, prayer and testimony service. There will be special music. Come. Subject, "The Healing of the Cripple at the Pool of Bethesda." Mid-week prayer and social service Thursday evening at 7:30. You are cordially invited to be present at these services.

Another pleasant meeting of the Monday Club was held with Mrs. Albert Coffin on Monday afternoon, one guest, Mrs. Frank Coffin, being present. After the business of the meeting was over, the following program was most entertainingly carried out: Music, Mrs. Coffin; paper, "Mr. and Mrs. Boll Weevil," Mrs. Perkins; readings from Drummond, Mrs. Church, and a fine review of the book entitled, "Haremlik," by Mrs. Kenneth Brown, nee Demetra Vaka, by Miss Clara Powers. This was followed by some discussion, after which the following committees were appointed for the club outings: July, Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Perkins; August, Mrs. Coffin and Mrs. Blake. Delicious refreshments of salad, strawberry ice cream, cake and cocoa were served by the hostess. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Church, and the program will be in charge of Mrs. Blake.

The baccalaureate sermon to the Hampton Academy graduates will be preached in the Congregational church by Rev. Ina Partington on Sunday, June 12. Service will begin at 2:30 o'clock p.m. Class Day exercises will be in the town hall on Wednesday evening, June 15.


The regret because of the absence of daily band concerts at Hampton Beach last year has started a movement to again have the celebrated Higgins Band for this season. Thirty two hundred dollars required for the purpose. President Beiden of the Southern New Hampshire Street Railway has subscribed $800 for the fund; President Hollis of the Exeter, Hampton & Amesbury Street Railway Co., has subscribed a like amount, and Messrs. Graves and Ramsdell in addition to immense sums which they are expending for the entertainment of the public at this popular resort; have also given $800.

There is still remaining as much more, and it is hoped that cottage owners, merchants, summer visitors and the public generally will contribute the same, that the very enjoyable concerts of two years ago may be hand. It is but just that the public, who get so much enjoyment from this source, should pay a part toward it.


The Class of 1910 of Hampton Academy extends a cordial invitation to the public to attend their commencement exercises to be held in the town hall, June 15, at eight o'clock.

The entrance examination to Hampton Academy will be held in the Academy building on Monday, June 15, beginning at 9 o'clock promptly. All applicants for admission will present themselves at that time.

The Arthur E. Richardson Co., of Portsmouth, N.H., are fully equipped to carry on work in any line of home decorations. He will design and make estimates on your lace and heavy draperies, portieres, etc. Color schemes furnished.

An eastbound freight train at Hampton on Wednesday afternoon had a narrow escape from being piled up on the side of the track. As it was there was quite a bad mess which blocked the outward main line track for several hours. That it was no worse is due to the speed of the train at the time. It was just getting underway when a wheel on a car of stone broke in two parts and dropped out alongside the track, letting the end of the car down on the track. The train had gone nearly 100 yards before it came to a standstill after tearing up the ties for that distance. Not a car left the track, however, except the car with the broken wheel. The Portsmouth wrecker was sent to the scene and while the mess was being cleared up all trains east and west were run on the inward tracks around the wreck.

One Hundredth Anniversary

The one hundredth anniversary of the founding of Hampton Academy will be celebrated on Friday, June 17. There is also to be, in connection with this celebration, a boulder placed on the first site of the Academy. A procession will leave the town hall as near 10:30 a.m. as possible, to march for the exercises on the old Academy Green.

As has before been stated, all who attended the Academy before there were graduations, and all who have graduated, are entitled to join the Alumni Association. Every one who has ever received a card, or who has not, for the reason of not having their name recorded, will be gladly welcomed to the Alumni Association.

Membership tickets, as usual, $1.00, which includes dinner ticket; fifty cents, without dinner. It is hoped that there will be many new members this year. Address, Miss Lucy A. Marston, Secretary. Following is the programme:

Dedication of Boulder on the Old Academy Green at 11:00 a.m.

Alumni Association Dinner and Business in Town Hall at 1:00 p.m.

Public Exercises in the Upper Hall at 3:20 p.m., as follows:

Music, Orchestra
'Address of Welcome', Mr. Lewis Perkins, Pres.
Historical Address, Rev. Bartlett Hardy Weston
Music, Orchestra
Poem, Mrs. Lucy A. Marston
Address, Rev. Nicholas Van Der Pyl
Singing, "Auld Lang Syne"
Music, Orchestra