The Hamptons Union, June 16, 1910

Vol. II, No. 24

Hampton News

Hampton Academy & High School

Class of Eight Completes 100 Years of Education

As a fitting close for a full one hundred years of service in the cause of education old Hampton Academy has graduated one of its largest classes in recent years, the exercises taking place in the town hall, as usual, on Wednesday evening, in the presence of a very large audience, taxing the capacity of the hall to its utmost.

The decorations were unusually good, the class colors, red and gold, blending well with the ferns and evergreen used in the base of the color scheme. A large quantity of red and gold bunting was used in festoons and at the base of the stage.

Above the arch was the class motto, "Officium Confice Quidquid Eveniat," in red and gold letters, and "1910" was placed in large figures amid the green at the back of the stage.

Charles J. Ross, Principal of Hampton Academy
Charles J. Ross, Principal of Hampton Academy

Immediately after eight o'clock, to the strains of Hoyt and Parker's orchestra, and led by color bearer Chauncey Barton, of North Hampton, the procession filed up the aisle, Harry Smart, with the basket of eight diplomas in the rear.

On the stage, in addition to the graduates, were Principal Charles J. Ross, Rev. J. A. Ross of the trustees, and Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips.

The graduates are:

The following is the very interesting program as carried out:

"U. S. Columbia,"
Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips
"Canzone Amorosa,"
"The Mountain Whites,"
Jessie R. Fogg
"School Athletics,"
Leonard P. Philbrick
"Alice Freeman Palmer,"
Frances A. Nudd
"The Old Town,"
"The House of the Future,"
Raymond O. Hobbs
"The Science of Speech,"
Percival M. Blake
"The Twentieth-Century Farmer,"
Ray W. Combs
"Trumpeter of the Fort,"
"Why Music Should be Taught in the Public Schools,"
Pauline Brown
"The Groves Were God's First Temples,"
Guy C. Hendry
Rev. John A. Ross

Hampton News

Mrs. Edward Towle spent Tuesday in Newburyport.

Mrs. Otis H. Whittier was a visitor to friends in Raymond several days last week.

The Monday club will be entertained by Mrs. Morlena Church on Monday, June 20. This will be the last meeting of the year.

Miss Florence Wilbar of Everett, Mass., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Blake.

Mrs. Ernest G. Cole and Mrs. William T. Ross were guests at a reception in North Hampton on Tuesday.

Miss Augusta Blake has been spending the week end out of town.

On Tuesday afternoon the Willing Workers of the Methodist Church met with Mrs. Cora Lane. After electing new officers for the next six months, a lawn party was planned to be held on the church lawn next Wednesday, June 22. After all was said and done, refreshments were served and a most enjoyable time was spent.

Mrs. Dyer has over 200 chickens from which she expects great things, as they are a fancy breed and well worth looking at.

Arrangements have been completed for the erection of the large boulder on Academy Green. On it are two brass tablets, one a record of the first church in town, the other the first academy building. Appropriate exercises will be held there at 11 a.m., leave town hall at 10:30. All are cordially invited. The exercises in the town hall at 2:30 are public, and it is hoped that many will attend.

Orletus Phillips of Franklin County, Maine, who has been visiting in Boston and vicinity, visited his nephew and family at the Free Baptist parsonage Thursday and Friday of last week. He took the train Friday forenoon for Portland, Maine. From there he went to Monmouth to visit his sister and family, and from there he went to his home in Weld, Franklin County.

Card of Thanks

A vote of thanks is extended to the Junior class of Hampton Academy for assisting the Senior class in decorating the hall.

Mrs. Benjamin Colvin of New York City is the welcome guest of her family and many friends this week.

Miss Grace K. Marston of Exeter is passing a few days' vacation at her home in town.

The body of Walter Shea of Malden, Mass., was brought here for burial Tuesday and interred in the Lamprey lot under the direction of Undertaker Jones. The deceased, who was a most promising young man of twenty-six years, was the grandson of the late Judge Charles M. Lamprey, and the son of Richard and Carrie Shea of Malden, Mass. The circumstances attending the death of the young man are unusually sad, and the sympathy of the community is extended to his bereaved family.

The marriage of Miss Mamie Ross Redman of Hampton to Mr. Frank H. Higgins of Syracuse, New York, on March 11, has just been made public. The ceremony was performed at Portsmouth, where they have been living since that time.

Miss Pauline Brown, a graduate of the class of 1910, entertained her classmates at her home on the Beach Road, Saturday evening, June 11. Miss Ruth Leavitt of the class 1909 was also present. A pleasant time was enjoyed by all. A light luncheon was served consisting of ice cream, cake and candy.

Rev. D. H. Adams went to Farmington last Saturday, and on Sunday preached a memorial sermon before the Knights of Phythias in the Free Baptist church, returning home on Monday. Next Saturday he goes to Middlebury, Vt., to attend the commencement exercises of Middlebury College next week, where he graduated fifty years ago in a class of twenty members. He goes there especially to attend the reunion of his class, nine of whom as far as known, are now living.

On account of the rain last Friday, the measuring party at the Free Baptist church vestry was hardly a success. We had a good entertainment and the ice cream and cake was excellent; but the financial part was somewhat lacking. However, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." So next Tuesday evening if not stormy, the ladies of the Free Baptist society will try for a measuring. There will be an entertainment, refreshments, and a general good time. The object of this social is a worthy cause. The ladies are about to purchase a piano for the vestry of the church.

The teachers training class under the instruction of Rev. Inor Partington, pastor of the Congregational church, met at the Free Baptist vestry Monday evening. A special meeting is called to meet at the Congregational chapel on Thursday evening, June 23. It will be a union meeting of all the churches and all the people who are interested in Sunday school work. The object of this meeting is to get the people together and talk over the work for the fall and winter study.

Strawberry Festival

The Willing Workers of the Methodist church will hold a strawberry festival on the church lawn Wednesday, June 22, afternoon and evening. There will be strawberries and cream, ice cream and cake, mystery packages and aprons on sale. All are cordially invited.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Lane are out of town for a few days, in attendance at the graduating exercises of Mr. Lane's alum mater.

At the Free Baptist Church next Sunday morning, the pastor, Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips, will preach from the theme, "The Better Way of Living." The choir will sing for an opening selection an Anthem entitled "Soft as Fades the Sunset Splendor," by L. O. Emerson. The Sunday School will meet at the close of the morning service. Choir rehearsal at the close of the Sunday school. Praise, prayer and social service at 7 o'clock. Subject, "The Conversion of Two Distinguished Men of the New Testament." There will be special music. Mid-week prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30. You are most cordially invited to these services. Stranger and summer visitors will be heartily welcome. We are beautiful for situation. Come.

On account of the rain last Sunday afternoon, the Baccalaureate service at the Congregational church was not as well attended as it would have been if it had been pleasant. Nevertheless a good and attentive audience was present. The order of service was well arranged and carried out. The singing was excellent. Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips, pastor of the Free Baptist church, read the scripture. Rev. W. J. Wilkins, pastor of the Methodist church, offered prayer. Rev. Inor Partington, pastor of the Congregational church, preached the Baccalaureate sermon. His text will be found in St. Matthews Gospel 20:26-27. It was scholarly production, well delivered, full of good thoughts and advice to the graduating class, and for both young and old. Much credit is due the earnest speaker.

The following is from a recent issue of the Lynn Evening News, and concerns the grandson of Otis H. Marston of this town: "Charles O. Marston, aged 19, for the past year the office secretary of the Lynn Y.M.C.A., has resigned from that position to begin his studies in forestry, and next fall will enter the Biltmore College in North Carolina, which was founded by Gifford Pinchot, the former chief forester of the United States who was deposed by President Taft for alleged insubordination arising out of the controversy with Secretary of the Interior Ballinger. Mr. Marston is a graduate of the Lynn English High School, and during his school days, assisted afternoons in the office work of the Y.M.C.A., and evenings at the Lynn Boy's club. During the latter part of the summer, he will enter lumber camps in Maine and New Hampshire and secure some practical knowledge of the trees of New England, and the manner in which they are felled and conveyed to the saw mills. He will enter the Biltmore college the last of October and will take a year's course without a vacation. Five months of the course is devoted to an inspection of the Black Forest in Germany. He will view the forests in the south and in Wisconsin. He also plans to take a post graduate course of six months. Upon finishing his course he may enter the employ of the state or the United States government. Mr. Marston was born in Hampton and has lived at Indianapolis, Pittsburg and Cambridge, O."