The Hamptons Union, July 7, 1910

Vol. II, No. 27

Hampton News

Miss Junietta Gratia Noyes of Concord is visiting her twin sister, Mrs. Oliver H. Godfrey.

Ross Campbell has received a position as bell boy in a hotel in the mountains, and if he accepts will soon go for the summer.

Mr. John A. Ross, Jr., was in town on Saturday. He expects to be located in Pennsylvania next year. Mr. Ross was an instructor in Cornell, Ithaca, N.Y., last year.

Miss Powers is visiting Miss Dunbar, who resides in the west side of Mrs. Huldah Perkins' residence.

The Whatsoever Mission circle will hold a lawn party on Wednesday afternoon, July 13, on the grounds of Mr. Howard G. Lane. There will be a sale of aprons, candy, ice cream and mystery packages. The party open at three o'clock, and a large attendance is solicited.

Miss Hutchins of Concord is visiting Miss Norris.

Mrs. Ernest G. Cole and daughter Ernestine, leave for a visit in Providence, R. I., next week.

Mrs. Charlotte Nye is entertaining her sister and daughter. Miss Kathleen Nye has returned home from Francistown, where she has been teaching.

Miss Maria Dow is a welcome visitor in town. She is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Warren Dow.

Fun is all right in its place and it is expected that young people will make considerable extra noise on the night of July 3, but when they destroy property the amusement ceases to be pleasure and is pure vandalism and should receive a severe penalty.

The Advent church is receiving a fresh coat of paint this week.

Dr. Smith has a good safe for sale, cheap.

There will be a rehearsal of the ritualistic work of the Womans' Relief Corps on Tuesday evening, July 12. It is hoped a large number of the members will be present.

Many members of the Congregational Piscataqua club went to the Wentworth on Wednesday, it being a field day. Seven new members joined by election, and quite a few were proposed for election for the next meeting. All pronounced it a very enjoyable meeting of the club, and the day was an ideal one at the Wentworth.

Miss Addie C. Marston is spending the week in Boston, attending the National Educational Association. She will visit in Lynn, on her way home.

Miss Lucy Vinal Redman was graduated from the Newburyport High School on Tuesday of last week. Miss Redman received special credit for excellent work done in Geography and Physiology.

Mrs. Lewis Dexter and daughter, Miss Dexter, and the Misses Dorothy and Edith, of Newburyport, Mass., were weekend guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ross. Mr. Dexter joined them Saturday evening.

At its next meeting, July 16, Ocean Side Grange will hold an Experience social. Each member is to earn twenty-five cents and tell how.

On Sunday morning several children of the Good Will Institute of Nashua will assist in the morning service at the Baptist Church. In the evening, there will be a union service in the Congregational Church, when the children will again aid in the service.

Mrs. Webster Hobbs of Leominster, Mass., who, with her children, is at Mrs. Howard Lane's. will later be at Mrs. E. D. Berry's for awhile, owing to the illness of Mrs. Harrison Hobbs, whose condition at the present time is very serious.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis L. Mace are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, born Tuesday, July 5.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Mack were in town over the holiday, visiting his parents.

Mrs. D. A. Marston met with a painful accident at her brother's home on Sunday afternoon. While in the cellar, she tripped over a board and fell, severely injuring her left shoulder.

Recent guests at Greta Hall were Mrs. Anna Southall and Miss Alice Southall of Worcester, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. George Merryfield, Helena, Arkansas; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Godfrey, Fitchburg, Mass. Miss Anna Boardman, who has been at Greta Hall the past two months, has gone to Laconia, to visit her father and sisters awhile. Mrs. Jane Atkinson has become a member of Mrs. Berry's family for the present; also, Mrs. Maria Brown, who has let her house for the summer months.

Mrs. John M. Loud of Portland, Me., returned to her home on Wednesday, after a few days' visit with her daughter, Mrs. Fred S. Marston.

The Ladies Missionary Society were entertained at the Free Baptist Vestry by Mrs. Sarah Brown last Tuesday afternoon. At five o'clock twenty sat down to a bountiful repast consisting of strawberries, bread, butter, cake and delicious ice cream. It was good enough for kings. The ladies are planning for a lawn party in the near future.

At the Free Baptist Church next Sunday morning it is expected that the Rev. G. W. Buzzell, superintendent of the Good Will Institute of Nashua, N.H. will preach. It is expected also that he will bring five or six of his young musicians with him. An offering will be taken at the close of the service. Come and hear Mr. Buzzell and listen to the young musicians. Sunday school at the close of the morning service.

A square piano purchased by the J. E. Lothrop Piano Company of Dover, N.H., by the ladies of the Free Baptist Society was placed in the vestry last Saturday noon. It is a very large piano with a rich powerful tone. Sunday evening the piano was duly installed with appropriate exercises. The following was the program: Orchestra, "In Dammerlicht," two violins and piano; cornet solo, "Afterwards," with violin and piano accompaniment; six hymns composed by Miss Fannie Crosby, some of our best; piano solo, "Love Oracle," Fannie Phillips; duet, "Nearer My God to Thee," E. L. Crammer, Mrs. Phillips and Lillian; prayer by the pastor; six more hymns composed by Fanny Crosby; remarks by the pastor, subject, "The Praise of Christ in Song," Ephesians 5:19, "Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;" two more of Fanny Crosby's hymns. The closing hymn was by Mr. Phillips, entitled, "I'll Be No Stranger There." Benediction. The vestry was well filled with attentive and appreciative listeners.

In some places there was much sale about how the "saner" Fourth was kept, but if one were to read of all the work of the hoodlums on early Monday morning, one would think Hampton was one of the "insane" places. It is not unusual to have gates taken off and hid, nor to hear of a man having his wagons, racks and other implements hauled away; but to have a dozen head of cattle turned loose, to eat grain, trample down gardens; burn up cocks of hay, turn water into a man's front hall, is something never heard of before, and people are wondering what will happen another year if the miscreants are allowed to go unpunished. The town reports show that more or less is paid each years for police services; we are wondering what the police were doing Monday morning when all these depredations were going on.

Don't fail to attend the Union service at the Congregational church on Sunday evening and hear the children from Good Will Institute Nashua, sing, play and recite; also hear their superintendent, Rev. G. W. Buzzell. These children are our own New Hampshire neglected children and should enlist our sympathy and support.

Hampton Beach

Who is Present, and What is Going on at this Popular Resort

"Farmers' Day," which is always one of the notable events of the season at Hampton Beach, has been set for Wednesday, July 27, and a program of extraordinary merit is being prepared for the occasion, the state board of agriculture co-operating with the Pomona Grange of Rockingham County. The literary exercises will be held in Convention hall at 10:30 o'clock, and there will be an afternoon session with notable speakers. The official board and those participating in the program of the day will make their headquarters at the Ocean House.

A Lowell party which is staying at the Beach during the opening days of the season includes Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McCarthy, Charles E. McCarthy, W. E. McCarthy and Leo J. McCarthy, who are to stay for several days.

Mrs. Susan W. Dodge of Nashua is rusticating for several days at the Ocean House, where the time is being pleasantly passed.

Jerry Rowe of White Island took out a large fishing party on the holiday, in his new motor boat, the Florence R.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Libby and Miss Annie V. Libby of Dover have been spending a fortnight at their summer home at the Beach.

The opening of the Hampton Beach theatre was held on Saturday evening, and the occasion was largely attended by the summer colonists here, while many were in attendance from Portsmouth and Exeter. During the evening, little Miss Hand presented Tom Whyte with a beautiful bouquet of roses. She looked very dainty in a dress of pink, and although taken by surprise, Mr. Whyte, who is a great favorite here, made a most fitting response.

The daily concerts which have been arranged for the season, commenced on Wednesday, and two concerts will be given daily by Higgins' Concert Band of Haverhill, which has furnished music here in past seasons.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gould of Amesbury have opened their summer cottage which is pleasantly located at Seabrook Beach.

The Mile Long Bridge on July 1 again became a toll bridge, being the only structure of its kind so maintained in New Hampshire.

Miss Ellen E. Kimball of Haverhill is passing the week at the Beach, being a guest at the Pelham Hotel.

Mrs. Edwin L. Skillings of Brookline is registered at the Hill Crest Inn, which opened for the season on June 30, under the management of Otis E. French of Andover.

Judge M. Perry Sargent of Amesbury is among the recent guests spending a short time at the seashore.

J. A. Gorman of Manchester is rusticating at the Fairview House during the week following the holiday.

At the Dawn cottage at the upper beach the occupants for a stay of a fortnight are: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thomas and family of Manchester and Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Sweetsir and daughter, Miss Beth Sweetsir, of Lisbon.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Tennant and family of Manchester are sojourning at the beach during the opening days of the season.

On Saturday afternoon, July 16, there will be a matched game played on the Casino oval between the Enfield and South Groveland nines, the game being one of the series arranged by the local management.

James Fowler of Amherst is enjoying a few days of rest and recreation at this resort.

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cushman and Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Balch of Boston are domiciled at the Anchorage cottage at the north beach for quite an extended stay.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ryan and family of Manchester have taken the Nymph cottage for the summer vacation season.

S. C. Littlefield of Dover is visiting for the week at his brother's, Moses Littlefield. His sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Poor of Rowley, are also his guests.

Mr. and Mrs. George Webster are boarding at the Littlefields.