The Hamptons Union, October 6, 1910

Vol. II, No. 40

Hampton News

Mrs. Ira Lane is visiting friends in Fitchburg, Mass.

Rev. Inor Partington's church people gladly welcomed him back on Sunday last. A quiet week among New Hampshire's old hills proved a good rest.

Mrs. Hazen Randall was in town last week Tuesday, visiting at her father's.

The Misses Ruth and Hazel Leavitt were in Portsmouth Saturday, and with friends visited the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, and went on board the Tennessee.

Samuel Thurlow was moved from J. W. Dearborn's house to Highland avenue.

Fred Thompson has returned from a vacation in Nova Scotia. The trip both ways was made in his motor boat, starting from the Hampton river.

Earl W. Morehouse, who has been ill with typhoid fever at the home of his aunt in Woburn, was brought home by his parents Tuesday, and is slowly convalescing.

A flock of twenty-three wild geese flew over the village Monday evening. Several shots were fired at them, but without securing any of them.

Good progress is being made on the Redman shoe factory. The building is nearly completed. An electric motor has already been installed, and most of the machinery is already on the way. It is expected to begin making in about two weeks. The firm has a large number of orders on hand and are anxious to get the shop in operation as soon as possible.

Mr. Levi O. Blake died after a long illness on Monday, in the forty-seventh year of his age. Mr. Blake leaves a wife, one daughter, a father, three brothers and one sister to mourn his loss. The funeral will be held on Thursday.

Mrs. Frank Coffin has been spending a few days with friends at Lake Attitash, Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sargent went to Boston on Wednesday for the winter.

Mrs. George Emery has been confined to her home by illness.

Invitations have been received this week for the wedding reception of Mr. Christopher S. Toppan and Miss Jessie Merrill on Wednesday, October 12, 1910

Moses Brown met with a painful accident on Friday while on a gunning expedition in Little River. Mr. Brown's gun kicked, lacerating the hand very badly. It is being treated by Dr. Ward.

Dr. and Mrs. William Mack are touring this week in their automobile.

George Cutler and family moved from the beach to Moses W. Brown's on Monday for the winter.

Charles Brown of Amesbury, Mass., visited his mother Mrs. Lydia Brown, on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. William Marston of Newburyport and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Briggs and daughter, Clementine, of Amesbury, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coffin on Sunday.

Edward P. Brown celebrated his thirty-fourth birthday on Thursday, entertaining his sister, Mrs. Georgie Coffin, and her family, and his brother, William Brown, of Somerville, Mass.

Miss Edith Coffin has finished her work in Rye and is at home.

Oliver Hobbs went to Boston one day last week, having in charge Mr. Fleming's pony.

Mrs. Charles Pressey, (nee Miss Carrie Blake,) of Lawrence, Mass., has been spending two weeks with Mr. Pressey's parents at Hampton beach.

The What-so-ever Mission Circle will be entertained by Mrs. Otis Marston on Lafayette road.

The Missionary Society of the Congregational church was entertained in the chapel on Wednesday, the program being in charge of Ms. Randolph DeLancey. The hostesses were Mrs. Horace Lane and Mrs. Ernest G. Cole.

Mrs. H. G. Lane spent two days in Leominster, Mass., last week in the home of her brother, Webster Hobbs. Mrs. Hobbs is very critically ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Pratt will move in the West side of J. W. Dearborn's house, vacated by Samuel Thurlow, who has moved up on Highland avenue.

About thirty Hampton people attended the Sunday School Convention in North Hampton. The convention was delightfully entertained by fine addresses from Rev. Mr. Wilkins of Hampton, Rev. Mr. Barnes of Portsmouth, Rev. Mr. Driver of Exeter and the field superintendent, Mr. Thompson.

Invitations have been received by ladies in town to attend the millinery opening of Miss Nellie Rollins in Exeter.

George Batchelder and John Taylor went to Rochester fair on Thursday.

Miss Keith of Boston is the guest of her sister, Mrs. O. H. Whittier.

Mrs. Charlotte G. Nye has removed to the Freeman Williams house in Guinea.

Keep your eyes open for the date of the old fashioned husking bee coming off this month in the Town Hall. Bake bean supper and dancing. A good time coming.

There were ninety six tickets for the Rochester Fair sold at this office this year, the largest number for some years.

George W. Philbrook, baggage master, is taking a much needed vacation, and will spend ten days of it in New York and New Jersey. Warren H. Hobbs is taking Mr. Philbrook's place at the depot.

A very pretty home wedding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Roberts, on Saturday evening, Oct. 1, when their daughter, Miss Emma, and Mr. Irving Stanley of Farmington, were united in marriage by the Rev. Victor Haughton, rector of the Episcopal Church at Exeter, the double ring service being used. The bride was becomingly gowned in white muslin and carried a bride's bouquet. Guests were present from Union, Farmington, Exeter and Hampton. After a brief honeymoon trip, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley will reside in Farmington.

The Monday Club was delightfully entertained in the pleasant home of Mrs. Hugh Brown on Monday, Oct. 3, fourteen members and two guests, Miss Stedman of Boston and Miss Cram of Hampton Falls, being present. This being the first meeting of the year, the time was devoted principally to a reception. Mrs. Lane gave a very interesting report of the meeting of the State Federation. Invitation was received from Mrs. James Tufts of Exeter, inviting the club to be her guest upon the 17th. Refreshments of lobster salad, cheese and cucumber sandwiches, ice cream with chocolate sauce, cake, coffee, crackers and grapes were served by the hostess.

At the Free Baptist church next Sunday morning, the pastor Rev. W. Lincoln Phillips, will preach from the theme, "The Foundation of God Standeth Sure." The choir will sing an anthem, by E. S. Lorenz, entitled, "Sing Aloud Unto God, Our Strength." Sunday school at the close of the morning service at 11:45. Choir rehearsal immediately at the close of the Sunday School. Prayer, praise and social service at 6:30. Subject, "The Brazen Serpent and the Uplifted Christ." There will be special music. The praise service will be led by the cornet and piano. Come in and help us sing. Mid-week prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock.

The Rockingham Association of Free Baptist churches will meet with the Free Baptist people at South Berwick, Maine, Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 12 and 13. Rev. Geo. H. Salley is the entertaining pastor, and he and his people will do all they can to make those who attend the meetings welcome and comfortable. See programs in another column.

We see in the papers at this season of the year many freaks in the vegetable line. But the honors in this section are carried off by Ralph Mace who raised a mammoth squash that weighs 87 pounds and measures 5 feet 9 inches in circumference.

Mr. Gustavus W. Sanborn died from heart disease suddenly on Wednesday at his home on Lafayette Road, aged about sixty-two years. He was born in Somersworth and was the oldest of a family of eleven children, and the first to depart his life. He leaves a widow and one son, Arthur, who resides in Boston. The funeral will be held on Saturday.