The Hamptons Union, October 13, 1910

Vol. II, No. 41


Mrs. Augustus Locke and Miss Maria Perkins are spending the week in Boston.

John C. Davis is quite ill at his home on the Exeter Road.

The next meeting of the Monday Club will occur on Monday, Oct.17, and will be entertained by Mrs. Albert Coffin.

Rev. Inor Partington is attending the National Conference of the Congregational church in Boston, and will be absent on Sunday, Oct. 16.

The Monday club has accepted on invitation from Mrs. James Tufts of Exeter to spend the afternoon on Monday Oct. 21, with her.

Mrs. John W. Mason, who has been seriously ill for the past week, now seems to be on the road to rapid recovery.

Many wells in this vicinity are drying up. Several, which were never known to be dry before, have failed this month. Unless heavy rains come soon the drought will be severely felt here.

A public telephone booth has just been put in the depot.

Miss Emma Davis has returned from a visit with friends in Boston.

Several from this town attended the convention of the Rockingham Association of Free Baptist churches at South Berwick, Me., yesterday and today.

George W. Philbrook, who is away on his vacation in New York and New Jersey, is expected back Friday night.

The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church will hold a "Sock Social" at their vestry on Thursday evening, October 20. Those interested may obtain details of the ladies. Supper will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock, and the public is cordially invited. An entertainment will follow the supper; a single ticket pays for all, the price depending upon the size of your sock. Rev. R. H. Huse, District Superintendent, will be present and hold the Second Quarterly Conference at the close of the evening's exercises.

Remember the Hallowe'en Social to be given by the seniors of Hampton Academy, at Academy Hall, Friday, Oct. 28, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Admission 15c. Children 10c. Ice cream, cake and candy for sale. A fine program is prepared.

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stickney and son, Irving, left last week for a visit to Freeport, Me., going in the automobile.


We, the undersigned, wish to express our thanks for the kindly assistance and deep sympathy, extended to us by our kind neighbors and friends in our recent sad bereavement.


Miss Harriet Locke with the young ladies of her class in college, five in number, spent the weekend with her mother.

Morton Gleason is looking for a tramp who made off Monday with his bicycle. It was at first believed that the thief went toward Portsmouth and if he did the local police were notified too late to apprehend him.

The Rev. D. H. Adams continues very ill. Mrs. Adams expects this week a friend, who is a trained nurse and also Mr. Adam's brother.

Howard Lane and Edward Towle with friends are planning an automobile trip for the end of this week.

Mrs. John S. Locke, who has been ill for a long time with cancer, died on Tuesday. Miss Alice Locke, her daughter, has been very faithful in the care of her mother.

Rev. J.A. Ross will occupy the pulpit of the Congregational church Sunday morning, Oct. 16.

The apple crop in this town will be about an average one and of excellent quality. There was a severe loss in No. 1 caused by the recent high winds, and harvesting is now being pushed to prevent further loss in this way.

Less than four weeks remain to the hording of the State Election November 8. Each town in the State will vote upon the question of licensing the liquor traffic and there is little doubt that Hampton will change its present policy of no-license.

James Monroe Lamprey is in town visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lamprey. The young man recently enlisted in the Navy, and has spent the summer at Bluefields. His ship is now in Portsmouth, having just arrived from Cuba. He is delighted with the Navy and he says it is an excellent place for young men.

Wednesday night was the coldest of the season, ice forming to the thickness of half an inch in some places.

Mrs. George P. Rowell and mother Mrs. Rough, who have been the guest of Mrs. John Cutler and Mrs. Irving Powers, returned to their home in Southbridge on Saturday.

Mrs. Ernest Cole is this week a delegate to the Grand Lodge of Rebekahs in Manchester.

Rev. D. H. Adams was taken to the Exeter Cottage hospital on Wednesday for an operation.


The home of Mr. Christopher Toppan was the scene of a brilliant wedding on Wednesday, when Mr. Christopher Toppan, Jr. was united in marriage to Miss Jessie Merrill of Haverhill, Mass., daughter of Mr. William Merrill, by the Rev. J. A. Ross. Miss Merrill entered the parlor upon the arm of her father, preceded by two little maids, Miss Anna Batchelder, of Newburyport, niece of the groom, flower girl, and Miss Ruth Riley of Haverhill niece of the bride, ring bearer, both gowned in dainty white lace, and met at the alter by the groom elect. The parlors were beautifully decorated with asparagus and autumn leaves, the dining room with roses and asparagus, the halls and stairway with hemlock and evergreen. The bridal couple stood under an arch of hemlock and roses to receive the congratulations of their friends, to whom one hundred and fifty invitations had been issued. Mr. Edwin Batchelder of Hampton and Mr. Winchester of Haverhill, Mass., acted as ushers, Miss Mildred Drake of Newbury, Mass., played the wedding march and discoursed delicious music during the reception, which immediately followed the ceremony. The bride looked very charming in white satin mescaline and tulle veil, which was held in place with a garland of lilies of the valley. She carried a bouquet of Marechal Niel roses and Lilies of the valley. When she threw the bouquet just previous to the departure for the wedding trip many eager hands were raised to catch it. Mr. and Mrs. Toppan were assisted in receiving by Mr. and Mrs. William Merrill parents of the bride.

Miss Toppan was handsomely gowned in pale blue chiffon, which seemed to be just in harmony with her brilliant color. The guests after expressing congratulations passed into the dining room, where dainty refreshments of ice cream, cake and wafers were served. Miss Lottie Brown, gowned in blue satin mescaline with black picture hat, presided at the punch bowl.

The presents were many and elegant. One table was filled with handsome linen, another with bric-a-brac, another with cut glass and another, with silver in the center of which stood a magnificent clock in glass case.

At five o'clock the bridal couple were taken in an automobile to Newburyport where they took a train for Boston, being showered with rice and confetti as they departed.



The approach of November elections calls attention to the fact that the voters of Hampton are once more to be called upon to decide whether they will have the open saloon in the town for two years or whether they will continue the policy of no-license. In the past the town has swung from license to no-license, and from no-license to license again, and if Hampton is to be kept in the no-license column some strenuous work is necessary between now and November 8. The danger is in over confidence.

Whatever a man's view on license or no-license, considered merely as a theoretical question, it should be apparent to all that a country town is no place for the saloon. In a city the situation is different. There the saloons are segregated and confined to the business streets. They are not allowed to invade the residential sections. There is an ample police force to remove to the lockup all intoxicated persons. Consequently the saloon is not the menace to public safety that it is in a small community. Children on the way to school pass it. Drunken men fill the streets and passers by are insulted. Women are accosted. The saloon is a nuisance in a country town.

There is even more reason in the case of Hampton to keep the saloon out than in most communities. The town is surrounded by a large "dry" territory. Hampton is easy of access and is the center from which three trolley lines radiate. To vote license is to make Hampton the objective point for every man with a thirst for miles around. Do we want on our streets the rough element of Exeter, Seabrook, Amesbury and other places? Do we want to mar the good name of the town and advertise to the world that it is not up to the moral standard of other towns of Rockingham Country? Do we want to make Hampton the dumping ground for drunkards from all over southern New Hampshire? Then we should vote no-license at the November election.

The political outlook in Hampton is most encouraging for the entire Republican ticket. Senator Bass, candidate for Governor, is now as heartily the choice of the entire party as through there had been no contest previous to the nomination. And the same is true all along the line. Wherever there was a contest for a specific office, the winner has been accepted as the rightful choice of the party and perfect harmony now prevails in the campaign for the triumph of the Republican ticket.

Especially is this true of the candidate for Representative from Hampton, Mr. Hugh Brown. His campaign is going steadily on, without noise, with but little outward manifestation, but with a depth that is making public opinion solid in his support. No effort being spared to present his excellent qualifications for the position to every thinking voter of the town, with a result which cannot be other than his election with as large or larger majority than has yet been given to a candidate for Representative in this town.

The retirement of Dana J. Flanders from the service of the Boston & Maine railroad will be regretted by thousands who have come in contact with him during his long and faithful service in responsible positions. If any man ever deserved a pension from a corporation it is he and that he may live long and enjoy the declining years of a life well spent, is the sincere wish of his innumerable friends throughout New Hampshire the state of his birth.