The Hamptons Union, October 27, 1910

Vol. II, No. 43

Hampton News

Mrs. Ida Lake Dow will preach in the Advent Christian Church next Sunday at 11:30 a.m. Come and hear her.

Nelson J. Norton has recently purchased two large geese of Kenneth Ross.

Miss Lucy Redman is teaching school in Seabrook; this being her first attempt we wish her great success.

Miss Bessie F. Redman is in the City of Portsmouth learning the tailors trade. She and several others are in the employ of Mr. and Mrs. Sanford. She is boarding with the Rev. and Mrs. Barnes.

John P. Blake, who has been very ill, is on the road to recovery.

Mrs. Charles Ackerman of Hampton Falls is staying with her brother John P. Blake, who has been ill.

Mrs. Elmer W. Griffin of Derry is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Emery.

Chester G. Marston has been confined to his home by illness.

Albert Brown spent one day last week at his home in town.

Mrs. L. A. Marston and Mrs. M. W. Leavitt attended the State W. C. T. U. convention at Rochester last week.

James DeLancey is to have a large building put up, south of Thomas Nudd's for a restaurant. The work will be started at once.

Henry Hobbs has returned to business, after a pleasant vacation spent principally in North Hampton. He attended the Brockton Fair one day.

A deer was seen swimming among the gunners off Boars Head on Friday, and at night it came ashore a little north of the Sea View house. He seemed weary but otherwise in perfect condition and gamboled off across the marsh.

Frank Bristol and family have returned from their visit to New York.

George Johnson's men have just completed painting Odd Fellows block.

Willard Emery, of Brookline, Mass., spent Wednesday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Emery.

Between forty and fifty of our villagers took advantage of the excursion rate offered by the Boston and Maine railroad on Saturday and went to Boston, and visited the Mechanics fair.

A large number of ladies from Hampton attended the State meeting of the New Hampshire Branch of the Woman's Board in Portsmouth on Wednesday.

A harvest supper will be served in the Congregational chapel Friday evening from 5:30 to 7 o'clock. Tickets, 15 cents. It is hopeful a large number will be present at this annual event.

S. Albert Shaw had a narrow escape from drowning on Friday. The surf was strong and the breakers high, but he managed to ride them all right, and reached shore leaving his boat at the water's edge while he carried his gun and shells up on the shore. A wave carried the boat out and Mr. Shaw dashed in for it, the breakers almost carrying him away.

Mrs. Alice G. Gremmels, wife of Harris Gremmels, died Tuesday morning at her home on the Exeter Road. She had been ill for the past three years with tuberculosis. Mrs. Gremmels was born in Medford, Mass., the daughter of George and Alice S. (Taylor) Birmingham. She at one time lived in Melrose, Mass., but since her marriage a few years ago had lived in Hampton, not far from the boundary line. She was well known in Exeter and this town, and was a respected and prominent lady.

Mrs. Hugh Brown returned on Wednesday from a few days' visit with here sister, Mrs. John Yorke, in Kensington.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perkins visited Mrs. Perkins' son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller, in Malden, Mass., a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Miller were married Sept. 8.

Mrs. Nelson Blake, who has been confined to her home by illness for a few weeks, has recovered and is able to be out among her friends again.

The Sock Social of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church, which was held in the vestry on Wednesday evening, was well attended, and a success. A large sum was realized. The following poem was found in one of the socks:

You'll find within the little sock
The money that you ask,
I could not put it on, you know
It would be such a task,

To put it on it sure would tear;
Your caution that it's not to wear
Is all in vain;
Now is it plain
I have not "Put my foot in it."

Mrs. John Mason still continues quite ill.

Rev. Mr. Partington and Rev. B. F. Perkins attended the Minister's Association in Kingston on Tuesday.

The seniors of Hampton Academy will give their Hallowe'en Party, Friday, the 28th, at 7:30 p.m. Admission, 15c. Children under twelve, 10c.

The committees in charge are fortunate in securing as a speaker for the mass meeting in favor of no-license in the Town Hall, Sunday evening, Oct. 30. Mrs. Ellen R. Richardson of Concord, State President of New Hampshire W. C. T. U. No other woman is better known in the State. She is an Officer of the Anti Saloon League, an authority on all charitable work, and women's work of all kinds. Her voice has often been heard in our Legislative Halls. She is worth hearing. Do not miss it. There will be other attractions, singing by the grammar school children and others. A collection will be taken to defray expenses. Seven o'clock.

The Monday Club was delightfully entertained by Mrs. James A. Tufts in Exeter on Monday. The Club was personally conducted by Mrs. Tufts through the grounds and buildings of Phillips Exeter school and the Robinson seminary. From there to Mrs. Tufts' home where they were greeted by Miss Tufts and Mrs. Dr. Tuttle. The program of the afternoon was at once begun and consisted of music by Miss Tufts and informal talk upon the customs of the Japanese by Mr. Cady who has lived thirty-four years in Japan, select readings, Mrs. Church, also a recitation from one of Mark Twain's writing and music by Mrs. Nye. Refreshments of chicken puree, sandwiches, chocolate ice cream, cake, coffee, and fancy crackers were served. A rising vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Tufts for her generous hospitality and all felt that they had passed a delightful afternoon.

To Whom it May Concern
Written for the Hamptons Union

What we are going to tell to you
Will all be about the shoe shop new.
Not the old one up night town
But near the five corners farther down.

We hope one and all interested will be
And very much pleased its completion to see.
Ladies and gents will employment there get,
No reason whatever for either to fret.

A machine will be awaiting Louise Anna and Georgia too,
And Minnesota, with others, will get her share to do.
Elizabeth will wish a chance to vamp, paste or line,
Whatever this or that one does, they've got ter be on time.

If we're not mistaken, it's sort o' goin' the roun's
That some am also comin' from the joinin' towns.
There'll be work for Jedediahs, Hezekiahs, so be around,
When they get there all together there'll be a powerful sound.

There surely will be slippers made, both pleasing and gay,
Velvet, silk, satin -- that's what they all say,
Ladies must get their fall cleanin' and cannin' out the way
And be ready for to hustle when the whistle' blows -- this way.

Gents must get their huskin' done, corn all in the bin --
'Cause when the factory 'gins to start, 'twill be er sure thin'.
You know there'll be no stopping then, to do what you might choose,
'Twill be naught from morn till night, but shoes, slippers, shoes.

You must be on the move, at the 'pointed hour
For everything at that air shop will move with 'lectic power,
The "Motor" will be placed, the rooms all wired,
If you aren't on time you might get fired.

When the factory is all complete
The gents and ladies the first time there meet,
We hope gents will 'agree to it, yet have no fears
In giving the "Redman Brothers" three good, loud cheers.