The Hamptons Union, November 24, 1910

Vol. II, No. 47

Hampton News

Miss Mildred Brooks of Medford, Mass., was a guest of Miss Marion Lamprey on Sunday.

Mrs. John M. Lowd and son, Fred, of Portland, Me., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred S. Marston, and family.

Dr. Heffinger of Portsmouth visited George Brown on Wind Mill road on Friday. Dr. Heffinger pronounced his disease as Elephantiasis and stated that it was a disease rarely around in this country.

Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Berry will have as extra guests on Thanksgiving Day, Mr. and Mrs. John Currie and two sons of [unreadable word], Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paquette [unreadable word] little daughter and Mr. and Mrs. [unreadable word] Godfrey.

The Congregational Sunday School [made?] a large contribution of Thanksgiving goodies to the Little Wanderers Home on Tuesday. The Rev. Mr. Partington and Mrs. D.O. Leavitt very kindly packed the box and sent it by express.

Mrs. Lucian Cook has been very ill for the past two weeks, but under the care of Dr. Smith is well on the road to recovery, hoping to attend the next meeting of the Relief Corps, of which Mrs. Cook is very fond.

Mrs. Janie Blake has been with Mrs. Hird during the past week.

Rev. B. F. Perkins and Mrs. Perkins expect to live in Little Boar's Head this winter.

Mrs. Lucy Marston is confined to her home by LaGrippe. The many friends of Mrs. Marston hope for her speedy recovery.

A large number of friends called upon the Rev. and Mrs. B. F. Perkins on Tuesday and congratulated them upon having lived forty-five years together.

Mrs. Katherine Clark of Brattleboro, Vermont, is visiting her parents in town.

Mrs. E. D. Berry entertained the local pastors and their wives at dinner on Monday evening.

William T. Ross finished the work on his lot in the cemetery this week. He has placed a deep cement wall around the lot and six cement vaults.

Ernest G. Cole is taking a much needed rest and is spending his vacation in Maine. Mr. Cole's many friends extend wishes for a pleasant vacation and they have a hearty welcome awaiting him upon his return.

The Evangelists are continuing the meetings this week and are doing all in their power to make their work felt and effective in this town. The people are beginning to respond and it is hoped that great good will result in this last week of work.

Mrs. Nelson Blake expects to make a visit in New York next week, and is expecting Miss Helen Watson here to remain with Mrs. Frances Hobbs during her absence.

The home of Mr. and Mrs. William Edward Miles of North Beach was made glad on Nov. 13 by the arrival of a little daughter, which they named Evelyn Ruth.

The balance of the machinery, dry rocks and other paraphernalia for the Redman Shoe factory arrived this week and operatives can begin at once. The firm has a large number of orders on hand and will run the shop to its full capacity through the winter.

Mrs. Emma Young was called to Portsmouth on Friday to be with her sister, Mrs. Philbrick, during an operation on Saturday. The operation was successful, and Mrs. Young returned home Sunday evening.

Abbott Joplin met with a serious accident on Saturday. While oiling his wind mill, he crushed his finger on his left hand. Dr. Ward hopes to save the finger for Mr. Joplin, as he thinks the bone is only splintered.

Mr. David Hird passed away on Thursday after a long and painful illness of cancer on the liver. Mr. Hird was a very genial pleasant man, a kind neighbor and loving husband. He was twice married and leaves a widow and two children by his first marriage. The funeral services were held in his late home on Sunday afternoon, conducted by the Rev. Mr. McLaughlin and the Odd Fellows. The Advent choir sang two beautiful hymns very tenderly. The pallbearers were Austin Mace, George Barbour, Charles Batchelder and Amos K. Blake.

The Monday club held its meeting this week with its honorary member, Mrs. Elizabeth Berry, twelve members and three guests, Miss Boardman, Mrs. C. F. Adams and Mrs. Inor Partington, being present. After the business the following program was given: Colonization by Spain, Mrs. Cole; by France, Mrs. Perkins; by England, Mrs. Blake; by Holland, Mrs. Powers. Very interesting current events were given by Mrs. Whittier. Music was furnished by Mesdames Coffin and Lane. Refreshments of scalloped oysters, crackers, fruit, salad, cake and coffee were served by hostess, after which an enjoyable social time was held.

Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ross started Wednesday morning for a three weeks vacation, which will be spent in New York and Jersey City.

Miss Adelaide Towle spent one day last week in Rye beach.

Miss Mary C. Pollard, teacher in the grammar school, has presented the school with a four-dollar football.

Owing to Thanksgiving Day on Thursday, the Union is printed on Wednesday this week.

Mrs. Edward Hooke returned to her home in Contoocook last Friday, after a few days visit with relatives in town.

Don't forget the Social Dance in the town hall Thanksgiving night. Music by Hoyt & Parker's orchestra.

Mrs. Arianna Adams and her brother in law, William H. Plummer arrived safely at the home of the latter in Maxwell, Neb., last week Tuesday. Mrs. Adams will spend the winter there, returning to Hampton in the spring.

From North Hampton news, one item:

Samuel Brown and family of Hampton have moved into the house formerly occupied by C. B. Haggerty.