The Hamptons Union, February 3, 1916


What a good thing it is that we have so many organizations in Hampton. The organizing propensity seems to be as inseparable from the normal human being as the propensity to eat and drink. A haft dozen persons, with some common interest, get together and the first thing you know they have a president, secretary and treasurer, and begin to do things. The things they do are usually worth while, but that is not the only virtue of organizations. They gather together people who need the check of one another in carrying out the things they aim at.

If every individual with some particular interest, should start out to advance it on his own hook, we should have a condition of horrible confusion. Every one would, as it were, be running amuck. But as things work out, a man can now work off his enthusiasm upon a group of sympathizers. They temper each other, check each other and all together, boil the particular interest down to the practicable, workable method which will do the least harm and the most good.

So organizations absorb extremists and convert their enthusiasms into workable methods. For instance, suppose there were a "Good Thing Organization" in town. The editor of this column (who is now running amuck) would join in at once, and the gentle reader would be spared his vagaries. The organization would soon tone him down to the level of the majority opinion. And he would be quite satisfied, because something would be getting itself done. Organization is thus seen to be a great safety device.

We should like to see a directory of Hampton organizations. There are quite a lot of them. We will not attempt to list those we know here, for we might overlook one and cause hard feeling.

But it occurs to us that there ought to be a federation of Hampton organizations. When you leave all the organizations you feel the need of when everyone has had the chance to get his particular interests socialized or organized, there is one more step to take. That is to organize the organizations. When you have a community, full to the neck with a varied assortment of organizations, the next thing to do is organize for the community. Every interest is taken care of now, but the community interest. We can merge our fraternal interests in the I.O.O.F.; our patriotic interests in the Junior Order of United American Mechanics; our agricultural interests in the Grange, and so on. The only way we can show our community interest, is by paying our taxes, and whoever had any enthusiasms in that interest?

There are certain common aims and needs which are cared for now by none of the very good groups we have formed, nor can they properly be cared for by the Town organization. They could be cared for, to the very great advantage of the community, by a society, made up of all our citizens, whose aim was the common weal.

This is not a visionary, impracticable idea; nor an original one. Every one who has been keeping up with the developments all over New England in the matter of improving country life, knows that one of the greatest forces now recognized, is the "Neighborhood" or "Community" organization. In scores of towns such movements have proved of such great benefit and resulted in such fine improvements all along the line, that it is one of the essential factors for the salvation of country towns and country life.

Now one of the best things we have discovered in Hampton this week is the possibility of such a movement. It is possible some will say "What could such a society do for Hampton, which is not done now?" We have it in mind to suggest some possibilities, but if we do it in this issue, somebody's advertisement will be crowded out and we will make enemies, so we shall wait till some other issue.


Miss Harriet Locke and Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Locke were week end visitors in town.

Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Whittier and Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ross attended the funeral of the late Miss Lulu Mayo Warner in North Hampton on Wednesday.

Samuel Beaudett went to Lewiston, Maine on Tuesday and brought home his little daughter who has been undergoing an operation in St Mary's hospital in that city.

The primary school is closed this week because of the illness of Miss Joplin.

The Monday club will be entertained by Mrs. Christopher Toppan on Monday, Feb. 7.

Mrs. Fred Towle has been quite ill during the past week and is under the care of Dr. Smith.

Thomas Cogger has bought the ice business of J.H. Philbrick. Mr. Cogger is always most accommodating and we wish him success in the extension of his business.

Prof. Alfred Richards of New Hampshire State College will lecture on "Shakespeare's Comedies" in the town hall on Friday evening, Feb. 11. As it is the custom of the college to make no charge for these lectures, the admission will be free, and the public is cordially invited to attend. This is one of most interesting lectures offered.

Mrs. John M. Loud is visiting her granddaughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Maloney, in Portland, Me.

Shareholders in the Hampton Building and Loan Association are reminded that the monthly payment for February is due on or before Monday evening, Feb. 6.

Thomas Cogger has purchased this week three lots of C.S. Toppan, two of them facing High street, and the other Academy ave. Mr. Cogger will erect houses for responsible parties desiring homes of their own.

If the Candlemas Day prophecy could be relied upon there is little of winter to come. Unfortunately the meteorological woodchuck is subject to disappointments like humans, and he is probably due to get one this year.

The fourth entertainment in the course of lectures will be held in the town hall on Wednesday evening, the 16th. The Standish Male Quartet will appear on that date and it will no doubt be considered by many to be of the highest class concert of all. Tickets 35 and 25c. Children, 15c.

There will be a lecture of unusual interest in the town hall Tuesday evening, Feb. 8. "Ian Cairns," who has lived in Ireland, will exhibit 100 beautiful pictures of that interesting country and talk of them in his witty way. The subject of the lecture is "The Land of St. Patrick." The stereopticon will be used. An illustrated song, "Killarney," will be a delightful feature of the entertainment. Tickets will be sold during the week, and Tuesday evening at the door for twenty cents, and for children under twelve, fifteen cents. Lecture begins at 7:45.

The many friends of Mrs. Guy Flanders, who underwent a serious operation at the Exeter Cottage hospital four weeks ago, are very pleased to hear of her recovery, and that she is expected home in few days.

Mrs. Frank Marston still continues quite ill in her home on the Exeter road.

A pleasing social time was enjoyed by the members of the Rebekah Lodge at the close of the regular meeting on Tuesday evening. The following program was given, which had been arranged by the committee, consisting of Miss Mary Craig, Mrs. Mason and Mrs. Durant: Reading, Mrs. Scott Noyes; piano solo, Mrs. Arthur Young; guessing contest of things found in the pantry, which caused much merriment. Pop corn was afterwards enjoyed for their pleasing entertainment.

Rev. Edgar Warren supplied the pulpit of the Congregational church at Durham last Sunday, and is to preach there next Sunday also. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Knight, is prostrated with the grippe. The ministers, as well as their parishioners, are suffering from the prevailing epidemic and Mr. Warren has many calls to supply.

The ladies of the Baptist church are planning to hold a sale and supper on Tuesday evening, Feb. 15, from six to seven-thirty o'clock.

The missionary meeting of the Congregational church was entertained by Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Blanchard on Wednesday, with a good number present considering the day. The program was in charge of Mrs. True and music of Mrs. Coffin. A very beautiful memorial service was held in memory of the late Mrs. Louise Townsend Ross, who, as the president stated, was the honored president of the society for ten years. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses.


The organized women's class of the Congregational church gave a dinner and reception to the men's class at the church, Friday evening, Jan, 28. The weather was auspicious, and both classes were largely represented, upwards of fifty being present.

At a little past seven o'clock the procession formed in the chapel and marched to the dining room in the basement, where they found six tables covered with snowy linen and gleaming with silver and china, with bunches of greens and lighted candles for ornaments. A course dinner, faultlessly served by relays of waiters, was partaken of, and when this had disappeared, Mrs. A. K. Church, president of the class, made a brief address of welcome and introduced Mrs. Edgar Warren, teacher of the entertaining class, as toastmistress. Remarks were made by Rev. Edgar Warren, Ernest G. Cole, the superintendent Mrs. Horace M. Lane, Rev. Wallace H. Sterns and Augustus Locke.

After the prandial exercises the company gathered in little group and discussed the Mexican troubles, the European situation, the pastor's engagement, and other matters of National and worldwide interest. It was nearly midnight when the happy company broke up and started for their homes under the starry skies, unanimously declaring that the reception had been a perfect success.


William Ladd Dodge was born in Boston, Mass., and educated in its public schools.

In 1848 his father bought the residence on the Exeter road, now owned by John Wingate, it being the homestead of his wife's mother, Mrs. Abigail Page Leavitt.

Mr. Dodge Went to Concord, N. H., Aug. 26, 1861, and enlisted as a private in Co. D., 3rd Regt. N. H. V. He was mustered out Oct. 19, 1864. After he returned he married in 1865 Mary Oliver Lane, daughter of Jesse Lane, of Hampton. They lived first in Charlestown, then in Winchester, Mass, where Mrs. Dodge died in 1880. In 1882 he married Bertha Wilson of Groton, Conn., and resided in Topsfield, Mass., where she died in 1904. He lived awhile in Boston, and then moved to Brookline, N.H., where in 1909 he married Mrs. Vrilla C. Thomas of Brocton, who survives him.

He also leaves five children and 12 grandchildren.

Mr. Dodge was a 32nd degree Mason for 40 years. He had a remarkable memory and assisted greatly in preparing the account of the Civil War in Hampton's town history.

He was a member of Perkins Post, and never failed as long as he was able, to meet with them on Memorial Day. He was very fond of Hampton, and it was his wish to be buried here, where he had laid a number of his family.

Capt. Dodge's remains, on their arrival in Hampton, were taken in charge by Undertaker Tolman, and were buried from the Congregational chapel. The services were conducted by the Rev. W. H. Sterns. There was appropriate singing by Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Coffin.

The old comrades then held their service, and this was rendered very impressive by the presence of a comrade of Mr. Dodge's from Manchester, who added much to the service by his tribute to his fallen comrade.

There were beautiful flowers from the Post, and a lovely wreath from the Mechanics, besides the family's tributes.