The Hamptons Union, March 2, 1916

Hampton News


A unique and interesting service will be held at Congregational church Sunday morning. The wonderful picture, "The Master," by Darius Cobb will be exhibited and the noted artist himself will speak of this masterpiece on which he labored for thirty years. Rev. C. F. Hill Crathern of Worcester and the artist are devoting themselves to the mission of deepening the vision of the Christ. Wherever they have gone their service has created a profound impression. Rev. Mr. Crathern speaks on "The Christ in Art." Mr. Cobb speaks of the painting of his masterpiece. A special offering will be taken toward the expense of the mission. Following the service the sacrament of the Lord's supper will be observed.

On March 10, 11 and 12 there will be deputation of young men from the New Hampshire State College who will conduct several social and service for young people. Friday evening, March 9, there will be an entertainment by these young men. Saturday there will be a "hike" with the boys. Saturday evening there will be a banquet for men and boys. Sunday there will be services, the time and place to be announced later. Similar deputations to other towns of the country have proved most interesting. It is hoped all our people will try to make the visit of these men a pleasant and profitable event.

The Congregational church will hold its annual meeting Thursday afternoon, March 2, at 2:30, when reports from all branches of the church work will be submitted.

The Birthday Club will meet with Mrs. Nellie Lamprey on March 7. All members invited.

Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Marston and little son, Eugene, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marston.

The Glee Club concert to be given by the New Hampshire College Glee Club in the town hall Thursday evening, March 9, under the auspices of the high school, promises to be an exceptionally interesting entertainment. The Club consists of thirty members and the program to be rendered includes vocal and instrumental selections, readings and college song cheers. Some of the press notices enable us to appreciate at least slightly, the sort of an entertainment the club gives from the Portland Express. "The New Hampshire College Glee Club and Orchestra, a fine aggregation of well trained musicians, gave a splendid entertainment". From the Concord Patriot, "The Glee Club exhibited excellent training and members are deserving of much praise for the manner in which they rendered their numbers on the program." The concert begins at 8 p.m. Admission 25 cents. Arrangements will be made for a special car to the beach after the entertainment.

Miss Augusta Blake and Miss Flora Joplin came home on Friday for a short vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Parker Blake were visitors in Boston on Wednesday.

One of the social events of the season was the Leap Year party given by Mrs. John Janvrin on Tuesday, about forty being present.

The Congregational Missionary auxiliary was entertained by Mrs. Marston and Mrs. True on Wednesday. The interesting program was in charge of Mrs. Marian Leavitt. Mrs. Sprague and Miss Esther True rendered two piano duets very beautifully. Delicious refreshments were served to about thirty-five.

Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ross were called to Boston on Tuesday to attend the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Harriet T. Todd who died suddenly on Sunday. Mrs. Todd was the vice president at large of the W.C.T.U., and that order had charge of part of the service reading their ritualistic service which had been compiled by Mrs. Todd. A long eulogy was written by Mrs. Kate Stevenson (who is in a sanitarium) and read by the state president. Rev. Jason Pierce had charge of the services and his beautiful prayer was like a sermon in itself. The large number present and the many floral offerings testified to the esteem in which Mrs. Todd was held. The funeral was held on her seventy third birthday and her voice which had been highly cultivated in her youth was as sweet and true at the time of her death as ever and she attributed its preservation to the fact, that she had always used it to advance the cause of her "Master."

Miss Mary Toppan attended the funeral of Mrs. Winchester by special invitation in Portsmouth last week. The funeral was held at the home of Mrs. Winchester's daughter. They all appreciate the kindness show by Miss Toppan to Mrs. Winchester while a boarder with her last summer.

The funeral of the late John Mason was largely attended in his home on Saturday. The remains reposed in a silver gray casket, surrounded by beautiful flowers, and Mr. Mason looked as if just quietly sleeping. Rev. Wallace Stearns read a beautiful poem and offered prayer. Rev. John A. Ross then gave a most touching and eloquent eulogy and extended deepest sympathy to Mrs. Mason, who is so sorely bereaved.

Mrs. Warren is ill with a bad cold.

The Quarterly Convention of the Rockingham Country W.C.T.U. will be held in the Baptist church, Hampton Falls, on Thursday, March 9. A very interesting program has been arranged.

Miss Josephine Joplin is able to be in school this week.

The annual church meeting of the Congregational church will be held this Thursday, March 8.

Roger Coleman of Boston and Mrs. Myron Adams with two children of Albany, are guests of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Toppan.

Fred Quimby has gone to Rochester for a short visit.

There will be services in the Baptist church Sunday. Probably Dr. Tracy will preach. The next Sunday Rev. Mr. Buker will occupy the pulpit.

The Missionary meeting was held in the Baptist church Wednesday, with about thirty present at supper. The old officers were re-elected for the ensuing year.

Mrs. Rodgers and little daughter, of Saugus, Mass., are visiting her sister Mrs. Ashworth, in the Airedale Cottage.

Miss Ernestine Cole is home, sick with a bad cold.

Postmaster Sanborn has made important alterations at the office. The change was necessitated by the increasing business and because of the rapid development of the parcel post service. The news counter has been moved to the store and in its place a convenient window for the money order department, and a large window for the parcel post installed. Not many people realize the extent to which the parcel post business has grown. A single item, that of poultry, is in itself important. From 50 to 100 doz. Eggs are mailed from Hampton each day.

Miss Wilda Chipman sang a solo most beautifully in the Congregational church Sunday.

Mrs. Howard G. Lane was the guest of Mrs. Charles Dodge on Saturday at the Woman's club, which Mrs. Dodge entertained that day. The speaker was the superintendent of the Exeter schools.

The drama given in the town hall, Wednesday evening, for the benefit of the graduating class in the high school, was a great success. Mrs. Charlotte Jenne will chaperon the class to Washington this year.

The next meeting of the Monday Club will be entertained by Mrs. Harry Noyes.

Miss Eloise Lane is expected home this week for her annual spring vacation. Miss Lane will be graduated this June and now stands in the front rank of her class.

Mrs. E.D. Berry has been a welcome guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. Leavitt, the past week. Mrs. Leavitt has been practically confined to her home since early in December.

Mrs. Charles Pressey and little son are visiting Miss Etta Blake, who is recovering from quite a long illness.