The Hamptons Union, March 9, 1916

Hampton News

The What-So-Ever Mission Circle will be entertained by Mrs. Howard G. Lane on Friday.

Mrs. Edward Diehl of Salisbury, Mass., spent Tuesday with her cousin, Miss Emma Locke.

The schools, with the exception of the grammar and high schools, closed on Thursday for a two weeks vacation. The north end echo school is very small this year.

The adjourned church meeting of the Congregational church was held on Tuesday. Names of Famous Artists were given by Roll Call by Mrs. Shaw. Music was furnished very sweetly by Mrs. Coffin, and dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. Several guests were present, among them a friend of Mrs. Noyes from Hampstead. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Scott Noyes.

Miss Bamforth has gone to her home in Blackstone, Mass., for her vacation.

Miss Etta Blake has entered the Methuen Sanitarium for treatment, and her many friends hope she will return entirely restored to health. Mrs. Charles Pressey accompanied her there on Monday.

The service in the Congregational church Sunday morning drew a large audience and everyone was deeply impressed. The sermon by Rev. C. S. Crathern was full of pathos and interest and the story of the painting of 'The Master" by the artist, Darius Cobb was inspiring. The picture is a wonderful portrayal and grows and grows on one the longer one beholds it.

A most interesting meeting of the Monday club was entertained by Mrs. Harry Noyes this week. The subject was "Art," and the time ascribed to it all too short. Most interesting and excellent papers were prepared on "Some of the World's Famous Buildings," by Mrs. Tobey and "The World's Greatest Paintings," by Mrs. Whittier to introduce the subject, and a helpful talk followed.

Miss Leonore Lane entertained about twenty of her little friends on Monday, it being her ninth birthday. The little one thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon which is becoming an annual event and eagerly anticipated.

Mrs. Hugh Brown was called to Kensington on Wednesday because of the illness of her sister, Mrs. E. D. Berry. Everyone will be glad to receive a favorable report from "Aunt Lizzie."

Kenneth Ross went to Boston on Thursday, to attend the automobile exhibit.

Walter Kearn was a recent visitor to his friend, Miss Alva Thompson.

George Barbour, who has been confined to his home with a trouble in his back, is recovering slowly.

Have you been down and seen the prizes in the Masco contest at The Garland Pharmacy? They are worth trying for.

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hobbs went to Mansfield, Mass., on Wednesday, to visit Mr. And Mrs. Winfield Hobbs, visiting the automobile show on Thursday.

A stereopticon lecture entitled "Congregational Shrines," will be held at the Congregational vestry, Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Seventy colored slides, illustrating the significant places in the history of the denomination, will be used. This lecture has been exceedingly popular and so in demand that it was hard to secure. A large audience is expected. There will be a silver offering.

The Lenton season will be observed at the Congregational church this year with a special series of sermons particularly for young people. On Holy Week, five evening services will be held with speakers from out of town.

George W. Godfrey, who had his leg broken quite recently, is now able to be about the house.

Mrs. Charles Blake is spending the week with her cousin in South Lawrence, Mass.

Miss Avis Knox, who has been the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Jennie Thompson, has returned home.

News has been received of the marriage of Mr. Harold C. Clough, formerly of this town, and Miss Eva Thompson of Antrim, by the groom's father, Rev. C. E. Clough.

The Birthday Club gave a party to Mrs. Nellie Lamprey on her birthday. A dinner was served, consisting of baked beans, brown bread, white bread, Indian pudding, cake, pie, fruit and candy. Only six members were present, but a good time was had by all.

We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Fred Towle is confined to her home with the grippe.

The B. W. C. D. Club of the Baptist church will hold a social and entertainment in the vestry next Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock.

The "Deputation Sunday" which has been announced, has had to be abandoned, as it seemed impossible just at this time, for all the churches to unite in the necessary plans. It is hoped that the plan may be carried out at some future time, as the towns that have been visited by these groups of college men report very interesting and profitable results.

The annual meeting of the Congregational church was held in the chapel on Tuesday afternoon. Reports from all departments of the church were read. The following officers were elected: Deacon for 3 years, Edgar Howe; Clerk, S. A. Shaw; Treasurer, Dea. H. F. Perkins. The committees that served last year were re-elected. A committee was chosen to bring in recommendations concerning a new church manual.

The Young Women's Class was entertained on Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. A. K. Church.

The organized Sunday School class which is taught by Miss Adeline Marston, a class of young boys, is looking forward to spring, when they will undertake the care of the grounds of the church. An entertainment which they recently organized, netted a good amount for the purchase of a lawn mower and tools for the care of the church lawn.

The Cooperative Building and Loan Association at their meeting last Monday evening, voted to declare a semi-annual dividend of two and one-half per cent. A financial statement will appear later.

The Town Reports will be ready for distribution on Monday. The delay is caused through sending the copy to out-of-town parties for machine composition, as machine type prints much better than hand set type, and it was desirable to have this year's Report look as well as possible, it being the first under the new system of uniform accounting required by the state board of taxation. Chairman Brown of the selectmen went to much trouble and inconvenience to make over his recounts to the new form for this year's Report and it was the printer's desire to show up this new form to the best advantage, and type set by machine is better for the purpose, therefore the copy was sent away and part of it is not obtainable at this writing.

Hampton Beach

The warrant for the annual town meeting next Tuesday contains an article that is of interest to the Beach. The article calls for the building of a road along the back of the Beach to the land owned by Trask and White of Beverly Mass., and known as the "Willows". This right of way has been owned by the town for many years. The proposition is for the town to build the road, gravel for which will be furnished free from the Trask and White land, who also agree to pay the interested upon $1000, the estimated cost of building the road, and to continue the payment of this interest until the property is developed enough so that the town will secure revenue enough from taxes to take care of the investment made by the town in building the road. It is the opinion of many people that it would be a good thing for the town to open this road, as it would mean the rapid development of this section of the Beach.

The rebuilding of the "fire district" is practically complete. All of the big hotels are up and the finishing work is well under way. With the completion of the interior decorating the Hotel Ashworth will be ready for business, and already the new furniture is being installed. One result of the fire will be that when the season opens the Beach will be in a position to offer better hotel accommodations than ever before.

The recent high seas brought to the Beach a somewhat unusual sight by depositing in front of the Casino thousands of big sea clams.

Water Commissioner Bryant of Amesbury has sold the last of his cottages on C street, and will probably secure a new location further removed from the center.

The Beach will take on somewhat more of the summer season aspect when the street cars begin to run over the long bridge, as they will, beginning April 1st.


It is a good thing to see an article in the town warrant looking toward the establishment of a town dump and the doing away of an unpleasant custom of depositing refuse along roads and lanes. We know of a minister who once left a parish with several charges against him, the most serious being the charge that be emptied his ashes out of the parlor window. That may not be regarded as a very moral thing to do, but there is a chance for argument as to whether it is not more moral than dumping your tin cans, etc., on some one else's land or beside some attractive public road.

Any well organized group these days, has some common receptacle for unsightly waste. Most families for instance possess a waste basket for common use and it is thought rather objectionable for every member of the family to throw his waste papers on the floor. It is one of the points in association where some concerted action seems to be called for.

At about the same time that article in the warrant came to our notice, there came also a leaflet describing the aims and work of "The Village Improvement Association of Franconia, N. H."

Its purpose is making the streets, commons, and places of public recreation, clean and attractive, and to assist in all ways possible the general good and progress of the town.

The society owns and has placed along the streets and highways seventy or more good seats. It has established and maintains in good order three village greens or parks. It has set out hundreds of shade trees. To assist in keeping the streets clean, it has purchased and placed at needed points several large garbage cans and runs a garbage team for the accommodation of every family in the village. Some of these things may be superfluous in Hampton. For instance we may be too busy to need seventy seats to sit down upon as we stroll about town. But one thing we need and need badly which this circular suggests, and that is cooperative effort for the common good. We suspect that if the town sees fit to establish a public dump, it will be a good thing for the high school boys, as a matter of recreation, to carry the cannon balls to the dump from the gutter where they now lie off Academy Avenue. Some of the sign-posts that are be taken there also, unless some one can find a few nails and a bit of paint.