The Hamptons Union, April 13, 1916

Hampton News


Hampton, N. H., Apr. 13 – This town is at present entering upon a campaign of civic improvement that abounds with the earmarks of progressiveness. It is a source of extreme satisfaction to this paper that it might have been a contributor, through the “Good Things” Column which has appeared from time to time in its columns, edited by a citizen whose interest in the town’s welfare was exemplified by the many “good things” he suggested along the lines of civic improvement, and “city beautiful” many of which are now being followed in the contemplated improvements.

On Main Street

On Main Street is contemplated the most radical changes, and consequently the most decided improvements. The contemplated plans here include first the widening of the street from a point below Garland’s drug store on that side of the street, to the overhead bridge over the railroad tracks. The road will be swung in along this line to almost twenty feet at the upper end of the depot square, shortening to a great extent the present long curve at this point, and minimizing to the great degree the possibilities of accident at the present dangerous intersection of Main and High Streets. It is understood that the completion of this plan now hinges upon the question as to whether or not the Boston and Maine will furnish the gravel from their pit, nearby, for the filling, the town to haul the gravel. It would seem from the great improvement that this proposed change would be to the railroad property that the road will not hesitate to grant the request for gravel.

Depot Square

Under the contemplated improvements depot square will be radically transformed and will become one of the most attractive stations on the road if the company will but meet the town officials and organizations who are behind the improvement. Already a garage is being staked out in the square. According to the proposed improvement plan a walk and driveway will circle the square, in the center will be located a large flower bed, in the center of which it is hoped an ornamental fountain will some day arise. Here is where the Boston & Maine can arise nobly to the occasion by the erection of a new station. During the summer months Hampton station is the gateway to one of the finest and most attractive beaches on the coast, and during this period is to all purposes a city station. The street and square improvements will only serve to bring out more conspicuously the glaring incongruities of the set of buildings that now serve, and have served for a long terms of years, as a railroad station. While these buildings might have answered for the Hampton of the past, they are entirely inadequate to the Hampton of the present and should be replaced with buildings of modern architecture and facilities to keep pace with the proposed improvements.

Road Improvements

Hampton’s improvements on a large scale do not stop at this point, for work will soon commence upon an improvement long needed, and this is elimination of the dangerous curve at this “Haunted House” so called. This section of road is a continuation of Main Street and the blind and sharp curve has long been a menace to travel. Under the plan adopted by the town and state officials the new road will pass in the rear of the “Haunted House” and gracefully sweep into the road on the other side made a wide and safe curve. When this improvement is completed, which will be in the immediate future, Hampton will have an artery of travel through the center of the town that will compare favorably with the finest of city boulevards.

Auto Chemical

Nor do the civic and municipal improvements stop here. The town at its last meeting voted to purchase an auto chemical and other modern equipment for its fire department. The auto chemical, of the Kissell car type, is equipped with every facility for the handling of fires of the nature that a machine of this kind is most effective in fighting. The new machine occupies a prominent position as the principal fire fighting unit of the department and puts the department upon a footing that makes it a most efficient fire fighting organization.

Other Improvements

The progressive spirit that is at present animating the town is not wholly confined to the municipal and civic bodies as at the post office the stamp of progressiveness is affixed in the new order and parcel post department that has been opened by Postmaster Sanborn. This addition to the postal facilities of the office is much appreciated and demonstrates that the headquarters of the federal government in Hampton are compelled to meet the increasing business of the office and contributory stations.

Last But Not Least

Last but not least the HAMPTON UNION, the local weekly which first saw the light of day in Hampton and for the past seventeen years has kept pace with the town’s advancement, has also broadened out and its mission will hereafter be to BOOST HAMPTON AND HAMPTON BEACH THE GREATEST BEACH ON THE NEW ENGLAND COAST.    

HAMPTON BEACH, Apr. 13 – One of the lessons received through the recent fire is to be observed in the modern fire fighting organization that is taking shape at the beach. When this organization is completed which will be in plenty of time for the opening of the season no community in this section will have better fire fighting facilities than the beach.

Central Fire Station

    The central fire station and its equipment, both for business of fire fighting and social gatherings, was a surprise to the reporter for this paper on his visit to the beach this week. The station is located on the Nudd estate within easy reach of the congested portion of the beach. The lower part of the building is arranged for the housing of the apparatus, with the stables for the horses adjoining. Upstairs it is fitted up in the front part as a meeting and lounging room, with piano and pool table. Immediately adjoining is the banquet hall, the scene of many festive gatherings as the central station is the social center during the winter season.

New Equipment

At a recent meeting of the voters of the Beach precinct steps were taken and money appropriated for the reorganization of the fire department. The new equipment will include hose wagon, ladder truck, and fire alarm system. At the start three boxes will be installed, one at Cutler’s hotel for the north end, one near the junction of Ocean and Marsh Avenues and another further to the south. Additional boxes will from time to time be installed. Tappers will be placed in the homes of the members of the department, riot gongs will be installed on poles along the beach, and during the beach season proper it is contemplated to employ one permanent man at the central station. Everything possible is being done to place the department on a most modern footing as the new buildings that have arisen from the ashes of the recent fire represent thousands of dollars of increased valuation.

The New Hotels

The new hotels are scenes of bustling activity as the work of finishing up is being rapidly pushed. At the Janvrin the carpenter work is being rushed in an effort to have the lower floors of the house open for inspection April 19. The two stores have already been let to Shipley the well known gift shop man, and the other to Ralph Elder of Lynnfield, Mass., who will open a first class ice cream and soda store. The kitchen equipment of the Janvrin will represent the most modern. The kitchen itself will be thoroughly fire proof and the equipment will include a battery of steam jackets, the latest idea in cooking equipment.

At the Ashworth the work of furnishing is practically completed and the dining room furniture is being installed this week. At the Fairview corner of B Street and Ocean Ave. the carpenters are finishing up the interiors of the five new stores that this attractive hotel building contains.


Rumor has it that the work of rebuilding the DeLancy hotel will be restarted immediately.

Rumor has it that the Strand Theatre is to be rebuilt but rumor also has it that the former owners of the Strand has leased the Bijou Theatre.

The forms for the concrete bases of the new house of Gen. Manager Woodman of the Mass. Northeastern St. R. R. are being erected on the lot at Seabrook beach.

The long bridge is closed and a large gang of men under contractor Cashman of Newburyport are driving piles and otherwise preparing the bridge for the summer traffic.

Preparations are being made to lower the band stand in front of the Casino as the foundation is giving away and is to be renewed.

A.H. Brown of Haverhill is erecting a large garage adjoining the Hampton Inn
which he will manage himself.

L.J. Quinn the well known real estate agent transacted his piece of business Tuesday last when he let a cottage to a Lawrence man.

A desire for later trips in the evening on the street cars is being quite generally expressed.