The Hamptons Union, April 20, 1916

Hampton News

The Ladies' Aid was pleasantly entertained on Tuesday by Mrs. Oliver Hobbs, with nineteen ladies present. All were pleased to welcome Aunt Lydia Brown among them.

The Ladies' Aid of the Congregational society will hold a food sale in Mr. H. G. Lane's store on Friday afternoon, April 28, at 3 o'clock. There will be home made bread, cakes, pies, doughnuts and rolls for sale, also ice cream, with or without cake.

The residents of the West end are very glad that the road commissioners have begun work on the road there. This road has always be a source of great discomfort in the spring and this effort to improve it is appreciated.

Frank O'Dea is moving into his new home at the Beach this week.

Miss Rose Dietrich came home on Tuesday for a short vacation.

Sammy Thurlow is putting in the foundation for a house on the Avenue above the shoe shop.

Much to the gratification of Superintendent Lane, Miss Bean, of Amesbury, has been secured to fill out the unexpired term of Miss Joplin.

This being Holy Week, services are being held four evenings in the Congregational Church. Communion will be celebrated Thursday evening, and Edgar Warren will lead the Friday evening meeting.

Easter concerts will be held in the several churches.

Miss Fanny Hobbs and Mrs. Blake entertained an automobile party on Sunday, among whom was Miss Helen Watson, and several nephews.

Mrs. Oliver Godfrey has been confined to her home this week with a severe cold.

Mrs. E. D. Berry has returned to Hampton, and is visiting her sister, Mrs. Rebecca Leavitt, while getting her home in order. All of Auntie Berry's friends are glad to see her as well as she is.

There will be a meeting at Mechanic's Hall Monday evening at eight o'clock in the interests of the proposed Community Organization. Considerable enthusiasm has been apparent in respect to the suggested work upon the station yard. This meeting is arranged to bring that interest to a head, and see what the sentiment of the town really is regarding some organization which may help on such things. A large attendance of men and women will give impetus to a plan which has little value without general public interest and support.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bragg, of Portsmouth, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, Tuesday. Mrs. Bragg was formerly Miss Viola Nudd of this town.

Congratulations are being extended to Mr. and Mrs. George Perkins, on the birth of their fifth son.

To the regret of the School Board, Miss Josephine Joplin felt obliged to resign her position in the school on Monday. Miss Joplin has been a very successful teacher, and also won the affection of her pupils.

The Monday club is being entertained this Thursday in North Hampton by the Progressive club.

R. H. Shelton has a rare flock of hens. Some are of peculiar shape, long, bare necks, somewhat resembling an ostrich, no feathers to speak of on the upper part of the body. They are very tame, and do not mind the approach of strangers, in the least.

An adjourned school meeting was held Monday evening in the town hall. The matter of sanitation, for which the meeting was principally held, was put in the hands of Howard G. Lane and Charles M. Batchelder. The matter of a central schoolhouse was discussed, sentiment seeming to be largely in favor of favorable action, and a committee of five was appointed to visit other towns similar to Hampton, and report on the advisability of a central school house, at an adjourned meeting May 29. This committee is Mrs. Edgar Warren, Rev. W. H. Stearns, L. C. Ring, Harry I. Noyes and Supt. of Schools Albert T. Lane.

Aaron Palmer is much better and his recovery is looked for now.

Mrs. Albert Coffin is visiting her mother in Somerville for a few days, and Mr. and Mrs. Rich and daughter, Dorothy, of Boston, are visiting Mrs. Aiken Coffin.

We are sorry to learn that Frank Mason has had a relapse and is quite ill again. Absolute quiet is advised by the doctor.

The Monday club was entertained this week by Mrs. M. L. Tobey, with seventeen members and two guests present. The program was very interesting, and vocal music by Mrs. Coffin, accompanied by Mrs. Young, most pleasing. Two very interesting and original papers, one upon "The History of the Telephone," by Mrs. Shaw, and "Why I am a Club Woman," by Mrs. Coffin, were read. Recent happenings were given by Mrs. Thompson. Roll Call was responded to by answer to the question, "Who is the Most Famous Woman in History?" Very dainty refreshments were served by the hostess.

Charles M. Turner was a guest of Otis H. Marston's on Sunday.

Mrs. Anna Shelton entertained her cousins, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Leavitt, Mrs. Marston and Mrs. Brown, at dinner on Wednesday.

The many friends of Dr. Smith will be pleased to know that he can receive patients at his house. Quite a number have already called for advice and medicine.

Mrs. Emily C. Waite, who was brought from Everett on Monday, and buried in Hampton cemetery, was a native of Portsmouth, and a sister of the late Mrs. David C. Marston of this town. She was nearly eight-nine years of age.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dadman, of Watertown, Mrs. E. M. Leavitt and daughter, and Mr. Pope of Everett, spent Tuesday and Wednesday at Brown's bungalow, Hampton Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Higgins of Syracuse, N. Y., formerly of Hampton, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son.

Mrs. Fred S. Marston and daughter, Leota, spent Monday with Mrs. Earle Kimball, in Portsmouth.

"The Reconciliation," a drama in two parts by M. W. Dunbar, will be presented by the senior class of Hampton High School for the last time, at Centennial Hall, North Hampton, on Wednesday evening, April 26th. There will be singing between the acts, followed by a social dance.

The Birthday Club will meet with Mrs. Jennie Godfrey April 27. If stormy the 27th.[sic] All members are invited.

Relatives and friends gathered last Saturday evening to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blake on the completion of fifty years of happy married life, and presented the pair with a gold piece as a memento. It is seldom that we find a couple in such good health and spirits on a like occasion. It is an inducement to the coming generation to marry young. Two children, six grandchildren and four great grandchildren are the fruit of the years. Mr. Blake, a veteran of the Civil war, has fought bravely the battles of life ably aided by his ever busy wife, who is still youthful in appearance. Truly their children rise up and call them blessed.