The Hamptons Union, July 20, 1916

Hampton News

Shadylawn had as recent guests Mr. and Mrs. Ball and family, Lexington, Mass., and Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins and family, Andover, Mass.

The senior class of Hampton academy will hold a lawn party on Toppan's lawn next Tuesday evening, beginning at 6 o'clock. The usual articles will be on sale and efforts will be made to make this party unusually interesting.

M. W. Littlefield held an informal reception at his dining room at the Beach on Saturday, to celebrate his birthday. He received friends from Hampton, Hampton Falls, Portsmouth, Dover, Newburyport, Amesbury, Haverhill, Lawrence, Boston and Manchester. Among his many presents was a beautiful birthday cake from Major Burbridge of Haverhill, Mass.

Miss Eloise Lane is entertaining a college friend this week.

The out of doors prayer meeting on the lawn of the Congregational parsonage Sunday evening was quite largely attended and the innovation proved interesting.

The "movies" at the Olympia are very good this year. Just long enough to give a good evening's entertainment and yet not too long to be tiresome.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Tucker of Freeport, N. Y., former residents of Hampton, were guests at Hotel Ashworth last week and called on many old friends. They came from New York in their auto and said they found the best roads from Boston to Portland.

Miss Doris King of New Haven, after a pleasant week spent with friends in Hampton, went down in Maine to spend a week with her parents.

Mrs. Howard G. Lane and Mrs. William T. Ross were dinner guests of Mrs. Alfred Batchelder of Little Boars Head on Thursday. In the afternoon they attended the lawn party in Rye.

Mrs. A. Bangs and daughter of New York City are spending the summer here.

Baroness M. Von Rottenthal of New York City is here to remain until Fall.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Bennett announced the engagement of their daughter Ruth, but the marriage will not take place till next fall.

Mrs. Sprague is recovering from an attack of tonsillitis.

Miss Elsie Jennings of New York City will spend the rest of the season here.

Chester Godfrey and family are located in their bungalow at the beach for the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blake of Medford visited their mother, Mrs. Seavey Blake, last week.

There were thirty-one visitors present at the Congregational church on Sunday. It will be gratifying if those holding pledge cards will hand them in to the wardens or distributors before August 1.

Among the summer visitors we are glad to welcome Percy D. Godfrey and Charles Philbrick. Percy is a noted lawyer and Charles is a successful business man.

The Sunday school picnic will be held Friday, July 28, in Rand's grove, Rye. A special car will leave Whittier's at ten o'clock a.m.

Mrs. Oliver Brown and daughter, Mrs. Paul Hoffman of Pasadena, Cal., are here for a few days.

Rev. W. H. Allen, wife and daughter of No. Attleboro, Mass., and Mrs. Addie Taylor of Provincetown, Mass., are here for a month.

Mrs. B. T. Nicholl and daughter of Allston, Mass., are spending a month here.

Thomas Cogger was called to Lowell Wednesday evening by the serious illness of his mother.

Mrs. Hugh Brown went to Cliftondale, Mass., Wednesday to visit Mrs. Forrest Pratt.

Miss Adeline Marston is visiting in Beverly and about Boston.

Orlando Blake and Charles Blake were among those who were overcome by the intense heat last week.