The Hamptons Union, September 14, 1916

Hampton News

Miss Dorothy Cole, who resigned her position as stenographer in March because of ill health, has so far recovered that she was able to return to Boston on Wednesday.

The Board of Education has been disappointed in its selection of a principal for the high school but very fortunate in securing a substitute, Mr. Coleman of Somerville. Mr. Coleman is principal of a school in Somerville and was visiting his cousin, Miss Mary Toppan, during the postponement of the commencement of his school because of infantile paralysis for two weeks, and so could accommodate the Board for two weeks.

Mrs. O. H. Whittier is enjoying a visit from her sister, Mrs. Keith, of Boston.

Rev. E. G. French of Hardwich, Vt., is visiting at the home of Thomas Cogger.

Mrs. Gates with her daughter, Mrs. Noyes, and granddaughter, Madeline Noyes, who have occupied a part of the Hugh Brown's home this summer, returned to Boston on Monday. They enjoy Hampton very much.

The schools were all open on Monday and from the smiling faces of the urchins it is supposed they are all happy to get back to work.

Miss Eloise Frances Lane is spending this week in New Hampton. She goes to Wheaton college the last of the month.

Miss Grace Taylor of Boston is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Fred Harrison.

Miss Helen Watson with two cousins from Canada and her nephew were dinner guests on Sunday of her aunts, Miss Frances Hobbs and Mrs. Ellen Blake.

Miss Leota M. Marston returned on Wednesday to her duties at the Rockingham Printing Co., after a vacation of several weeks.

Mrs. Flora Wilbar, with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hoxie of Boston, are guests of Mrs. Parker Blake.

The body of George F. Fudge, aged seventy-three, was brought to Hampton for burial Tuesday. Mr. Fudge was a native of Hampton and a veteran of the Civil war, serving in the 4th Massachusetts heavy artillery. He had spent several years in Orange at the home of a nephew.

There will be a sale Saturday afternoon, Sept. 16, on the grounds of the Congregational parsonage of cake, bread, doughnuts, candy and aprons.

It is with regret that we learn that Stanley Fogg is very seriously ill in the Exeter hospital.

William Parker has sold his laundry business to Mr. Jenness of Rye. Mr. Parker as established a flourishing business, one that is firmly fixed on a good paying foundation and it is regretted that his health will not permit him to continue in it. Mrs. Parker launders between 80 or 90 washes each week.

Joseph Holmes' men are painting Post-office block.

Harry I. Noyes is building a house for Ralph Godfrey in Hampton Falls. Mr. Noyes also has a contract for Loud's new garage on Pleasant st., Portsmouth, which will be 44x110 feet in size.

It is with regret that we learn of the illness of Mrs. E. D. Berry. She has not been well all summer and on Friday had a very serious ill turn but is somewhat recovered at present writing.

Miss Revena Brown and friend, Mr. Yaggs, were guests of her grandmother, Mrs. Lydia Brown, on Sunday.

Allston Brown, who has been spending the summer with his grandmother, has returned to his home in Medford.

Mrs. E. A. Abbott has placed a large stock of millinery in the room she has secured of the Junkins' Furniture Store, and will be again in Hampton next Wednesday, Sept. 20. A good many visited her store last week.

It was with pleasure that the people of the Congregational church welcomed Mr. Martin Mevis to their pulpit. Mr. Mevis preached a most inspiring sermon upon the question, "What is Religion?" holding the attention of his audience every moment. While Mr. Mevis was in North Hampton he preached here a number of times.

John Cleveland, in the employ of Frank S. Mason, was severely injured Monday by a collision of an auto truck with the gravel cart he was driving.

The truck was a new Packard on its way from Boston to Portsmouth for delivery and was driven by a colored man named Linwood of Maplewood, Mass., and the accident happened near the Guinea road.

Linwood was careless and had his eyes on the signboards at the corner, evidently desiring to know if he was on the right road, and he did not see Cleveland's team until too late. The truck struck one corner of the dump cart and swung it around. The impact frightened the horses and started them to running, and also threw Cleveland from his seat in such a manner that he fell first to the pole and then to the ground, but held the reins until the horses were stopped.

Cleveland had a shoulder fractured, his back injured, and perhaps internal injuries. Linwood was arrested and fined for reckless driving, which was paid. The auto truck was attached in a civil suit for damages, the amount of which will be determined by the result of the injuries.

Mrs. George T. Lindsey

A double sorrow came to the home of George T. Lindsey last week, in the loss of his wife and oldest son, Ashton. Mrs. Lindsey passed away in Portsmouth, where she had gone for treatment, and the eve before Ashton's loss was confirmed by a dispatch from Washington. This had been feared since the loss of the Memphis, but there had been some hope that he might have been saved, but hope was now abandoned. His mother passed away without knowing of his loss, and, as a friend remarked, would be surprised to find him awaiting her on the other shore. Mrs. Lindsey had been in poor health for a long time but she had great courage, and bore her suffering patiently. She was devoted to her family and not often is seen such loving care as has been given her by her children. Lorraine, the daughter, has been her mother's especial comfort. Thoughtful and beyond her years, she was mother's helper to the last. Mrs. Lindsey was especially bright and entertaining in her manner, and had a large circle of friends who mourn her loss. To the husband and three remaining children, to the father who has seen much sorrow, to the brother, Percy, who was not able to be present, and her sister, Anna, who one year ago this month lost her only son by drowning, the sympathy of all their friends is extended. The funeral services were held in the Congregational church on Sunday afternoon, and were largely attended. The Grange of which she was a member attended in a body. The services were conducted by Rev. J.A. Ross, who married Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey.

Hampton Beach

The second annual carnival at Hampton Beach came to a successful close Monday. Farnum Fish made aeroplane flights and gave a demonstration of aerial warfare. Those in a position to know say that more people have visited the beach during the seven days of the carnival than during any similar period in the history of the beach.