The Hamptons Union, February 28, 1918

Hampton News

Mr. William R. Hurley has resigned his position at Rye Beach Coast Guard station for a position offered him at Commonwealth Pier, as chief boatswain mate. His many friends are congratulating him on his great success.

One of the pleasant events of last week was the party given by Grafton Toppan in honor of Washington's birthday. Little friends, with parents in attendance to the number of twenty-five, spent the hours from seven to nine very interestingly, being entertained with fine stereopticon views which will long be remembered. Light refreshments were served, and all enjoyed the evening.

The Mothers' Circle will be entertained by Mrs. Alice Philbrook, Wednesday evening, March 6.

The Brotherhood meetings of the Baptist church, this winter, have been a very fine opportunity for many who do not go to anything of the kind, elsewhere. There have been fine speakers, much sociability, good music and a thoroughly good time all around.

The boys Scouts have worked finely in getting their firewood. We wonder how many appreciate magnificent work that Rev. R. E. Thompson has put in here. We hope that the boys will have him as leader for a long time. It would be a great calamity to them to lose him.

The Congregational Woman's Missionary society will meet with Mrs. Parker Blake on Wednesday next. In the absence of Mrs. Lane, the president, the vice president, Miss Annie Akerman, will have charge of the meeting.

The debates being carried on in the higher schools are fine things, but the subject given out this week has me with some opposition-viz., "Prohibition." Some of the mothers object to their children speaking against prohibition. This is to their credit; when children have been taught all their lives that prohibition is the only remedy for intemperance, it is like asking them to prove that the Kaiser is right. The Kaiser and liquor traffic deserve the same fate. There is absolutely no argument to be put against prohibition. All honor to the mothers who object to their children speaking against it. The visit of the license commissioners to our town Wednesday shows that the evil still lurks in our midst.



About one hundred men and women, young and old, gathered in the vestry Monday evening under the auspices of the Baptist Brotherhood. Rev. Victor Haughton spoke in a very interesting and helpful manner. His subject was "God." He showed the meanness and disgracefulness of taking that name in a vain and profane way, which is so common among the American people. Then followed a lunch and social good time, which was enjoyed by all. Several new members joined the Brotherhood.

The annual meeting of the Woman's Missionary Auxiliary will be held at the parsonage Wednesday, March 6th. It is hoped that every member will be present at this interesting and important meeting.

The annual business meeting of the Baptist Society will occur Monday, March 4., at 1 o'clock p.m. in the vestry. Let every member of the society and all interested endeavor to be present. Don't forget that this is the Lord's business and demands your attention.


The annual meeting of the church takes place Thursday of this week. The ladies will serve dinner to all members of the church at 12:30. Following the dinner hour, the business will be transacted and the roll of the members read, when responses will be hoped for from all resident members. There will be no midweek prayer meeting this week.

The service flag, which has received another star in honor of Oscar Pevear, will soon be hung on the front of the chapel building.

The Sunday school officers and teachers held their annual monthly meeting Monday evening.

Communion will follow the morning worship on Sunday and a service of reception for new members.

The new system for meeting the current expenses and benevolent budget for the year, was inaugurated Sunday with entire success. An effort was made to have each home in the parish visited, where there was interest in the work expected.

There may have been some omissions but for the most part the Congregation was visited by the twenty canvassers.

The workers came back to the church between five and six o'clock enthusiastic concerning the reception they had met and the readiness of nearly every one to contribute generously to the funds. The results of the canvass fully assure the meeting of the demands of the church for both expenses and the usual benevolence. About 139 families were called upon within three hours.

Mrs. Warren's Sunday school class was very pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. Christopher Toppan on Tuesday evening with good attendance of members and several guests. After the usual business of the class, the time was spent in playing games and in an interesting trip to different parts of the world with the aid of the stereopticon. Refreshments were served by the hostess.


District Superintendent Rev. T. Ross Hicks will hold the Fourth Quarterly Conference of this charge at the vestry at 8 o'clock Saturday night. From 7 to 8 all members of the church and congregation are invited to a social and informal reception to the Superintendent. At the vestry Mr. Hicks will preach Sunday morning.

The W. F. M. S. met at the parsonage Tuesday afternoon. Arrangements were made for the annual Mite-box Opening on Tuesday, March 19. Forty-five dollars was raised for the work last year by this auxiliary. They hope to make a good increase this year.

The observance of the Memorial supper of the Lord's death will probably occur on the evening of Good Friday, March 29. The pastor is preaching a series of sermons on the death of Christ throughout the season of Lent.


The glee club of the Exeter Robinson Seminary have offered to repeat for the benefit of the Hampton Branch of the Red Cross, the concert they gave in Exeter last week. The concert will be held in the town hall on Saturday, March 2, at 8 o'clock, Tickets, 25 cents. These can be obtained from the Boy Scouts, the school children and at Cole's store.



To the Inhabitants of the Town of Hampton, in the County of Rockingham, in said State, qualified to vote in Town Affairs.

You are herby notified to meet at the Town Hall in said Hampton, on Tuesday, the twelfth day of March, next at ten o'clock in the forenoon to act upon the following subjects:

Article 1. To choose a delegate to the convention to revise the constitution to be held in June.

Article 2. To choose a Clerk for the ensuing year.

Article 3. To choose three Selectmen for the ensuing year.

Article 4. To choose Treasurer, Collector of Taxes, Trustee of Trust Funds, Auditors Library Trustee and all other necessary officers for the ensuing year.

Article 5. To raise or appropriate such sums of money as may be necessary for salaries of Town Offices, Municipal Court, Election Officers, supplies for Town Hall, Police Department, Fire Department, Moth Extermination, Health Department, Highways, Street Lighting, Library, Town Poor, Memorial Day, Cemetery, Sewer Department, Interest, Sidewalk Construction, Breakwater, State Tax, County Tax, and all other necessary charges arising within the town.

Article 6. To see if the Town will give the Selectmen power to raise money in anticipation of taxes, or to renew or refund the Town Notes.

Article 7. To hear the report of agents or committees here-to-fore chosen.

Article 8. To pass any vote or votes that may be legal before said meeting.

Given under our hands and seal this twenty-third day of February 1918.


Selectmen of Hampton