The Hamptons Union, March 7, 1918

Hampton News

By a law enacted at the last legislature the financial year of School districts closes on Aug. 31. Reports of the school boards do not, therefore appear in the town reports this year but are to be printed separately at the close of the school year.

The Birthday club will meet at Mrs. Nellie Lampreys on Thursday, Mar. 14. If stormy, the next fair day. All members please be present.

F. G. Towle spent the day with his daughter, Adelaide Sleeper of West Rye, last week.

The Rockingham County W. C. T. U. meets in Exeter on Thursday, March 14. It is hoped that a good number will go from this town.

The meeting of the Hampton W. C. T. U. will be postponed one week on account of the meeting at Exeter.

Mrs. Mary G. Chipman of Somerville is in town for a few days.

The members of Perkins post, G. A. R., believe in doing their business on time. Rev. Frank Long has extended an invitation to them to meet in the Advent church on Memorial Sunday; also the W. C. T. U. The invitation has been cordially accepted. The speaker for Memorial Day will probably be Rev. James Flagg of Rye.

Miss Emerson, food demonstrator, will hold a meeting on Saturday in the High school at 10:00 o'clock. The ladies are invited to attend.

Arnold Godfrey is out again after an attack of the mumps, on both sides.

Winter threatens to "linger in the lap of spring." Though not so cold the weather is still hard for school children.

A service flag is being prepared by one of the teachers at the High school for all who have enlisted, and who have for any length of time attended Hampton academy and High school.

Republican Caucus

The Republicans of Hampton are requested to meet in the town hall, Monday, March 11, 1918 at 7:45 p.m., to nominate candidates to be supported at the polls the following day and to transact any other business that may legally come before said caucus. Per Order Town Committee.

Card of Thanks

I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to many friends who so kindly remembered me in my recent illness by postal cards, by gifts and deeds of kindly attention.




The Woman's Missionary Auxiliary served a dinner to the members and their friends at the annual meeting Wednesday. A social good time was enjoyed by all. After dinner officers were elected and a short program given. For ensuing year the officers are: President, Mrs. F. M. Buker; vice president, Lucinda Batchelder; secretary, Mrs. John Roberts; treasurer, Mrs. D. H. Adams; agent for missionary helper, Mrs. Katherine James; program committee, Mrs. Addie James, Mrs. Katherine James and Miss Ida Lane. Seven new members joined the society.

Baptist Brotherhood meeting in the vestry next Monday night. A "Question Box" will be the order of entertainment. It is hoped every member will bring a question to be presented to the meeting. Every man will have a chance to express his honest opinion upon the questions offered. Let us do our best to make this one of the most interesting meetings we have held.

The annual business meeting of the First Baptist Society was held in the vestry Monday at 1:30. The following officers were elected: Moderator. F. M. Buker; Clerk, Frank B. Brown; treasurer, Lucinda Batchelder; financial secretary Ida M. Lane; wardens Henry Emery, Frank B. Brown, Fred E. Perkins. The report of the treasurer showed all bills paid, with a balance on hand. The pastor's salary was raised $100.

The meeting adjourned until Tuesday, March 12 at 2:00 o'clock p.m. to hear reports of committees and to transact any other necessary business.


The Congregational church held it annual meeting on Thursday, Feb. 28. At 12:30 a bountiful and delicious dinner was enjoyed by the members, of whom a large number were present. A noticeably harmonious and friendly spirit prevailed.

The business exercises were held upstairs in the chapel. Mr. Oliver Godfrey was chosen deacon for three years. Mrs. Flora E. Lane was made clerk. The question of incorporating the church was found that a majority of the church members favored it. A committee was appointed to confer with a similar committee from the society.

The reports from the various organizations showed remarkable activity and prosperity along all lines.

The business meeting was followed by roll call of members.

Last Sunday was Communion Sunday and Mrs. Elise Staples and Mrs. Dean Merrill joined the church by letter. Mr. Merrill had hoped to obtain leave of absence from Camp Devens, so that he might be present, but was unable to do so. Rev. Mr. Stern preached a very fine sermon.

Rev. J.A. Ross, who has assisted at Communion so many years, feels that, owing to his failing health, he will not be able to do so again. His parishioners will miss Mr. Ross on communion Sundays.

The leader for next Sunday's Christian Endeavor meeting will be Arthur H. Cole.

The remaining Sundays of the Lenten season will be observed by a course of sermons on the following themes. March 10, The World's Need of Christ; March 17, The Coming of Christ; March 24, The Denial of Christ; March 31, The Acceptance of Christ. These are subjects of the pastor's Sunday morning sermons. For Sunday evening services, plans are being made for addresses by out of town speakers. Next Sunday Rev. James W. Bixter, the new pastor of First Congregational church at Exeter will speak. On the evening of March 17 Dr. Perry, principal of Philips Exeter academy will make the address.

Announcement will be made later as to the address on Sunday evening, Mar. 24. Easter Sunday evening, Mar. 31, there will be a concert by the Sunday school. During Holy Week, March 24-30, there will be four week night services with speakers to be announced later.


The Fourth Quarterly Conference was held Saturday night. The pastor's salary had been increased $150 since April 1916. The church will give missions and other benevolences this year about $400. The pastor was unanimously invited to return for a third year. Church and parsonage are to be painted and other repairs made in the early spring. Mr. Geo. W. Lane, forty-five years a leader in this church, has sent his check for $200 to help on the repairs. A rising vote of thanks was tendered for this liberal gift. Herbert B. Beede was licensed as a local preacher. The license of Everett W. Thompson was renewed. There are now on the membership roll 61 members in full connection and 50 probationers. A good number will be received into full membership Easter Sunday.

The boys and girls of the parish will be organized as King's Heralds at the parsonage at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon.


Mr., Mrs., Master and Miss Hampton citizen: Just a word with you, please. When you want to by a Thrift or War stamp will you very kindly help the Scouts to win out by ordering through one of us? Please do. Find your favorite scout or your nearest one, sign his red post card order blank for what you want. If you are on a rural route the carrier will bring it to you. If not, you can get it at the window next time your are in the Scout will get the credit towards his Ace medal. To secure this beautiful trophy he must sell to not fewer that 25 different customers stamps to the value of $250. If you order of him a $5.00 W. S. S. and pay $4.14 for it he will get credit for $5.00. See? Now, all together, let's help Uncle Sam win the war by these small savings of ours.





An exhibition of war relic, collected by Mr. John Chipman, will be held in Odd Fellows hall, Friday, Mar. 8, from 1:30 to 5:00 o'clock. An explanatory talk will be delivered by Mrs. Mary Chipman. Admission 5c. The proceeds will go to the benefit of the local branch of the Red Cross.

The net proceeds of the glee club concert were about $28.00.

A musicale for the benefit of the Red Cross will be given under the auspices of the Monday club on Monday afternoon, Mar. 18, at 3 o'clock at the Congregational chapel. Admission, 15 cents.


By Barbara Cole

A committee has been appointed to obtain a service flag for the academy, in honor of the young men in the service who formerly attended this school.

There is to be a debate between the members of Hampton Academy and Robinson Seminary on Mar. 15, 1918, at Exeter. The subject of the debate is: "Resolved--- That there shall be National Constitutional Prohibition in the United States." There have been debates in all the English classes of the Academy on the same subject this week, and much interest has been taken by pupils in the subject, which has been chosen.

A campaign for war savings stamps is being carried on, and at present it is reported that $16.25 have already been invested in these stamps.