The Hamptons Union, April 25, 1918

Hampton News

Hampton citizens MUST plant as much garden area this year as possible. The local Food Committee has arranged to furnish teams for plowing and harrowing. If any citizen has not arranged for this work and wishes to do so, will he please send his name at once to the secretary of the committee, Charles F. Adams, at the Union Office…DO IT NOW.

Next Monday evening there will be an important meeting in the town hall at which members of the County Food Production Committee and other speakers will be present to show the way in which Hampton can do her part in making New England self-supporting. Not only will addresses be made but questions will be answered for all who wish to ask, and advice freely given. It is desired that the women as well as the men, and the young people, too, be present. Music will form a part of the program.

On account of the District Sunday School meeting coming on W. R. C. day, it was decided at the meeting on Wednesday to hold the W. R. C. meeting at 4 o'clock on the 8th.

Ralph Lane, son of Uri Lane, of Stratham, was brought to Hampton for burial on Tuesday.

John A. Janvrin was taken to the hospital at Newburyport on Monday for treatment for high blood pressure which was bearing upon the brain and had caused a series of five bad attacks. He is now reported as a little better with chances of full recovery.

The children's entertainment, "May Basket New," which was to have been given for the benefit of the Red Cross on April 30, has been postponed. The date will be announced later.

Miss Belle Nudd's friends are glad to welcome her home again.

Mrs. Anna Adams and some of the others who spent the winter in the South have also returned. They met with a cold reception from the weather.

The W. C. T. U. will hold a food sale in G. A. R. hall on Saturday at three o'clock. Every member who has not been invited will please cook some nice war food and bring or send. Also send in your little aprons. You need not wait to be measured there.

Miss Annie Akerman has had a very fine case of German measles. Mr. I. A. Glines also has had an attack.

Gen. Sir Herbert O. C. Plumer, the noted British general who two years ago took Messines Ridge from the Germans and is now in command of the British forces defending the entire Ypres bend, is an own uncle to Dorothy Preston of Victoria, B. C., who married last May Charles Otis Marston, grandson of Otis H. Marston. Charles was born in Hampton and claims it as his home. He is a forester, and employed by the Imperial Ministry of Munitions as inspector of Aeronautical Supplies, with headquarters at Vancouver, B. C.

Superintendent J. W. Hartnett of the State road construction, with a large force of men began work on state road April 1, and is putting it into splendid shape.

April 20 Ernest Fogg and brother Stanley left for France. The youngest boy, Karl, is soon to join the great army of American defenders. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fogg should be very proud of their three sons.