The Hamptons Union, May 30, 1918

Hampton News

The many friends of Miss Charlotte Jenne are glad to welcome her, she being the guest of Miss Mary Toppan. Miss Jenne has been elected head teacher of Domestic Science in the Maryland College for Women at Baltimore.

Some of the grammar school children are having an outing at the Beach under the chaperonage of Mrs. Linton and Miss Stevens.

The services held at the Adventist chapel last Sunday afternoon were very impressive. Rev. F. L. Long preached a fine sermon to the G. A. R., Woman's Relief Corps, Boy Scouts and others who filled the church. Rev. F. M. Buker assisted Mr. Long. There was beautiful singing by the Adventist Male Quartet. The church was prettily decorated.

Praise is due to Mr. Lyon, principal of Hampton Academy and High School, for canceling the ball game which was to have been played on Memorial Day between Hampton and Sanborn Academies.

After the President's proclamation in which he requested that no ball games should be played on that day, we are glad to know that Hampton Academy heeded the request, even though others around may play on that day.

Mrs. Dorothy Godfrey Wayman, who has been a guest of Mrs. Donnell for quite a while, left with her two small children to sail for Japan where she will join her husband. Her mother is to accompany her.

The exercises by the schools in the town hall on Wednesday were very interesting and great credit is due to both teachers and pupils. There was a good attendance as all are glad to hear the children.

Ill luck seems to follow in the wake of the mile-long bridge which spans the Hampton river, and which, since its construction a few years ago, has been crossed by thousands and thousands of tourists coming from Massachusetts to the New Hampshire beaches. Last winter several hundred feet of the bridge was swept away by the ice and rebuilding of the damaged portion was nearly completed.

About 2:30 o'clock Saturday a. m. Amos Guyan of White Island, who is chief of the Hampton Beach fire department, was awakened by the shouts of fire and on going out discovered that two spans of the bridge were on fire. An alarm was sounded and the department responded, but were unable to use their hose. A bucket brigade, however, did effective work. The fire had been burning for some time when discovered and two spans about 75 feet were destroyed and two more were badly damaged, or a total of 125 feet, entailing a loss of upwards of $6000. A large quantity of workmen's tools, which were left on the bridge, together with a steam pile driver and a stationary engine, the property of Cashman Brothers, contractors, of Newburyport, went into the river in about 30 feet of water. The cause of the fire is not known.

Walter E. Connor, a member of the Salisbury Beach coast guard, was injured when the structure collapsed. He fell into the water, but held on to a twisted piece of pipe until rescued.

The fire will delay the opening of the bridge for several weeks.

Eugene E. Marston of Hampton, brother of Mrs. Rex C. Perkins, was one of 54 who left Portsmouth for Camp Devens on Saturday.