The Hamptons Union, June 6, 1918

Hampton News

P. J. Paty of Portsmouth has purchased the Garland pharmacy and he took possession last Monday. The store will be open from seven in the morning until ten at night. Mr. Paty is a registered pharmacist and will give special attention to the filling of prescriptions. He will also carry a complete stock of such goods as have heretofore been kept in this store.

A very pleasant meeting of the Woman's Missionary society was held in the Congregational chapel on Wednesday afternoon. All were glad to have Pres. Mrs. Howard G. Lane back again. Mrs. O. H. Godfrey had charge of the program. A picnic lunch was enjoyed at the close of the meeting.

Memorial Day exercises passed off as usual, the men of the G. A. R. a year older and some much feebler. The exercises in the hall were very fine. Mrs. Sprague's orchestra deserves much praise. We are very fond of our young people who are also fortunate in having such a good leader.

Those who had heard Rev. J. W. Flagg before were anxious to hear him again and all were very much pleased with this fine address. The children, as usual, were pleasing in their exercises. The Post were very sorry not to have with them their beloved honorary member, Rev. J. A. Ross who was unable to attend on account of sickness.

Quite a number of ladies are attending the W. C. T. U. convention in Portsmouth today. A great attraction as a speaker is H. G. Rountree of the U. S. Navy who will tell of his work among the sailor boys.

Mr. Charles H. Palmer and Miss C. Ruth Leavitt were quietly married by Rev. F. M. Buker on Wednesday.

The grain and coal sheds in the Hampton freight yard near the freight house, owned by Thomas Cogger, were totally destroyed by fire about one o'clock Monday night, together with several tons of land lime belonging to Edwin Batchelder which was stored in the grain shed, and a quantity of hard coal belonging to Mr. Cogger. The Village chemical responded to the alarm and prevented the loss of a large amount of soft coal. The cause of the fire is unknown.

The Village and Beach fire departments went to the fire at the Batchelder residence in Hampton Falls on Sunday.

The Hampton and Hampton Beach Board of Trade will meet at the Board of Trade rooms Saturday evening, June 8, at 8 o'clock. All members are requested to be present.

We are pleased to hear that Wallace Blake has a fine position at the Salem Commercial school, from which is about to graduate after a two-year course. He is to be secretary to Mr. Lord, principal of the school, and will also have charge of the general office and partial charge of the model offices. We certainly wish for him the very best of success.

The epidemic of mumps and measles seems to have quieted down a bit just now but there are still several cases of whooping cough about town.

Hale and Munroe Lamprey were called to the colors last week and left Saturday for Fort Slocum with the other draftees from this vicinity.

The annual Tag Day for the Exeter Cottage Hospital will be June 8 this year. Solicitors for all the neighboring towns have been appointed, and all families in Hampton will be visited Saturday and invited to contribute what they can for this worthy institution.

Oceanside Grange will observe its annual Children's night on Friday, June 7. Patrons and their children are invited. Those not having children of their own are privileged to invite some child.

The Newfields honor flag which was given for work in the Liberty loan drive can have seven stars, as the amount subscribed was that number times the quota, the figures as returned recently being $26,200 and the amount of the quota $3,600. Citizens claim it is the best record in the state.

The final and official tabulation of subscriptions for the third Liberty Loan show that a total of $44,450 was subscribed for and credited to the Town of Hampton, this sum being $3,950 over the allotment. This is a most satisfactory showing and a great credit to the citizens of Hampton, who have with hardly an exception subscribed to the above mentioned issue of bonds. Of the above mentioned total our summer residents subscribed for and credited to Hampton approximately $11,000, which was of substantial help in putting Hampton "over the top."