The Hamptons Union, July 25, 1918

Hampton News

Rev. Inor Partington, formerly a pastor of the Congregational church here, is planning to spend August in this locality and on August 4 has been invited to preach at the college church, Durham, and also to address the soldiers.

Jacob T. Godfrey has recently returned from a visit with his son in St. Paul, Minn.

Rev. James McLaughlin, a former preacher at the Adventist church, was a recent visitor in town.

Miss Jeannette P. White, a trained nurse, formerly of Hampton and now in Alabama, expects soon to go overseas for service in France. Mrs. Leonora B. Marston Wing has also offered her services to the country as a nurse and has orders to be ready on August 15, to report to Camp Dixie, N. J.

Andrew Russell Perkins has volunteered for limited service and will leave on July 30 for Syracuse, N. Y.

The ringing of the bells of victory last Friday evening for our boys in France was a notable event. The occasions are rare indeed that all the four bells of the town are chimed.

At the Riverside, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Steven's big house at the Landing was held an unique event on Friday evening. It was a "Victory Party" and was much enjoyed by about 40 guests, including those invited from the village. The evening was spent with games, music, dancing, a talk on the significance of the first great victory of our troops in France, and a dainty lunch served by the host.

Rev. Frank L. Long has been again seriously ill and has been ordered by his physician to take a complete rest, and he has gone to the northern part of the state where he will remain for a couple of weeks. It is the hope of his many friends here that he will gain complete recovery.

There is a movement on foot to see if anything can be done to prevent the encampment of gypsies within the limits of the town.

Rev. E. A. Roys will occupy the pulpit of the Congregational church next Sunday.

The W. C. T. U. will hold a Food Sale on the lawn at H. G. Lane's on Friday at 4 o'clock.

The Birthday Club meets today with Mrs. Melinda J. Blake, it being her birthday. Mrs. Jennie P. Thompson entertains with her as one of the hostesses.

There was a very pleasant gathering at Mrs. Vianna C. Marston's on Thursday last in honor of Mrs. Marston's 77th birthday. There were present many of Mrs. Marston's old friends; some from out of town. Also Rev. J. A. Ross and Rev. F. M. Buker. Her daughter, Mrs. Alvin S. True, served refreshments, assisted by Miss Esther.

Warren H. Hobbs is suffering from a broken bone in one of his wrists, the accident happening while cranking his automobile.

Miss Elizabeth Norris met with a painful accident to her ankle on Tuesday of this week.

Edward J. Brown is expected home from the hospital soon, where he has been confined for so many weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon A. Provandie were at Mrs. O. H. Marston's on Sunday.

The liquor problem is being handled in a very efficient manner by Chief Tolman at the Beach. Many arrests were made on Saturday evening. It is a rather risky business to return from Haverhill with a load of liquor and pass through prohibition towns. Also, it is a serious offense to be found selling cider. Perhaps some who are still doing this do not know what may happen to them if they continue.

Search Many Autos for Liquor:

Last Saturday evening County Solicitor W. H. Sleeper, assisted by a campaign against automobile parties who are bringing liquor into New Hampshire from out of the state, and parties returning from Haverhill, Mass., the nearest licensed place to the New Hampshire line, were held up at Smithtown and at the Hampton River Bridge. Some thirty or more autos were found to have more or less liquor aboard. One man, who was returning this way to Berlin, had 200 quarts of whiskey. It is said that he had been making trips via Nashua, but Saturday night changed to this route and was caught.

There were many other cars searched but nearly all of the cars from Portsmouth got by, as they did not have any liquor aboard.

Those arrested were ordered to appear at the municipal court in Exeter.

There were 18 respondents, each charged with transporting liquor from Massachusetts to New Hampshire, and all but one of them was found guilty and given varying sentences of fines or jail terms.

The 18 respondents were also arraigned before Burns P. Hodgman of the United States Federal court and all but one of them held in bonds of $100 for the Federal grand jury.

Among the officers having a part in the arrest and arraignment of the respondents were: Deputy Sheriffs Fred S. Thompson of Hampton, Fred S. Corson of Candia, and Frank O. Tilton of Exeter; Chief of Police R. E. Tolman of Hampton, and Officers Charles L. Mitchell and Fred G. Goodrich of Exeter.

Between $300 and $400 worth of liquor was seized, and is said to be the largest haul since the days of prohibition some thirty years ago.