The Hamptons Union, September 5, 1918

Hampton News

All Male residents between the ages of 18 and 45, inclusive, MUST register at the town hall next Thursday, Sept. 12, between 7:00 a.m. and 9 p.m. By direction of the President Herbert L. Tobey has been appointed the registrar and Charles F. Adams assistant for the town of Hampton. It is expected that there are 86 to 90 who will have to register here.

Mrs. Edward J. Anthony, who has spent three months in Hampton as the guest of Miss Mary Toppan, has returned to her home in Boston.

Miss Ruth Riley has returned to her school duties in Haverhill, Mass. after a pleasant visit with Mr. and C. S. Toppan.

Albert T. Brown was in town over Labor Day.

Christopher S. Toppan picked a spray of apple blossoms this week from a tree already full of grown apples, an unusual circumstance.

Charles S. Stickney of Brownsville, Me., former station agent in Hampton is visiting friends in town.

Chester N. Godfrey has closed his cottage in the North Beach colony and returned to the city for the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Searles and daughter Bernice spent the holiday with Roy Woods.

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Norton lies very near death at the hospital in Newburyport, with no hope for its recovery.

At a meeting of the local Public safety Committee on Saturday evening a committee was appointed to erect a suitable "Honor Roll" for the sons of Hampton in service. The committee is Howell M. Lamprey, chairman, S. Albert Shaw and Charles F. Adams, and any suggestions from the public will be appreciated.

Frank S. Mason has this week thrashed out 32 bushels of wheat which was raised nearby.

It is hoped that the W. C. T. U. convention which will be held in the Baptist church on Thursday of next week will be attended. All will be interested in hearing Rev. W. A. Loyne tell of the work among the lumbermen. Some may be glad to come in to dinner which the ladies serve at 25 cents.

Miss Martha T. Chipman was the guest of her cousin, Adeline C. Marston, over the Labor Day.

Miss Wilda Chipman sang in her usual pleasing manner at the Baptist church Sunday.

The friends of Mrs. Grace Wilmer Ware are glad to see her out again.

The Women's Missionary society of the Congregational church will meet at Mrs. Bennett's on Tuesday of next week.

Mrs. Frank Lord Johnson and family are guests of Mrs. Johnson's niece, Miss Elizabeth Perkins.

It is being remarked that our clocks will soon be turned back to the old standard. Most of us will be glad of the change.

It has been a gala week for this town and nearly everyone has had some part in one way or another in the Beach carnival and many prizes have been won. Next week we will publish a complete list of them.

New Teachers:

The following are the new teachers who have been engaged for the Hampton Schools for the fall term beginning next week:

Eunice Evans, Kensington, first and second grades.

Marion A. Sutton, Keene, third and fourth grades.

Miss Murphy returns to the fifth and sixth grades.

Ella H. Smith, Alfred, Me., seventh and eight grades.

Helen Kimball of Lawrence, Mass., takes the place of Miss Moses who resigned to take a position in Ware, Mass.



At 10:45 Sunday the pastor will preach on a theme that will meet the needs of humanity.

At 7:00 p.m. following a service of song there will be a short address evangelistic in nature. "Come ye yourselves apart and rest awhile" is the Master's invitation: lay, aside the secular life for an hour and devote, the time to worship of God.


"Pop Concert" a Great Success.

The "Pop Concert" held on the Bennett estate on Friday last proved a great success from both an artistic and a financial standpoint. About $150. was cleared.

Miss Rose Marie Douglas gave some very clever impersonations, coming from Boston for this occasion. The artistic dancing by Miss Zyltha Woods of Portsmouth and Miss Kelliher of Dover was much admired, and the singing and violin solos by Mrs. White and Miss Mary Chase added to the enjoyment of the afternoon.

One of the most enjoyable features was the clever violin playing and the piano accompaniment by the two talented daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Nason of Hampton Beach.

Much gratitude is felt toward all who contributed in any way, and to Mrs. Bennett, who not only opened her grounds, but materially assisted in other ways.

The fete will go down in the annals of the Hampton Branch as one of the most enjoyable which has been given in the interests of the Red Cross.

The attention of all is now directed to Red Cross Day at the Beach on Friday, Sept. 6.

Will the school children help the Local Branch to make a good showing? It is very desirable that all who are physically able to march and belong to the Red Cross will do so, as the Branch having the largest number in line will receive a $50.00 Liberty Bond. As we are "on the spot" it seems that we should win it. Autos and children meet at Leavitts hotel at 2:00 p.m. Those marching meet at Cutler's hotel at the same hour. Veils will be distributed there at that time.

There will be no meeting of the Red Cross this week owing to the Carnival at the Beach, but next week two meetings will be held, on Wednesday afternoon and the other on Friday as usual.

The pledges are again due, payable to Miss Shaw at Cole's periodical store, or the other treasurer, Mr. Edwin Batchelder.