Hampton News
The W.C.T.U. will meet on Friday at 2:30 with Mrs. R. E. Tolman. As this is the annual meeting it is hoped that all members will be present.
The Woman’s Relief Corps holds a meeting on Wednesday next to which all members are requested to be present to practice for inspection.
Mr. Lester Perkins has been quite sick with the grippe. Many new cases are reported.
Mr. Edward Bennett, who has been quite sick at his mother’s home, is some better.
Mrs. Ellen J. Blake spent Sunday with her niece, Miss Helen Watson, in Dorchester.
Mr. Jason Lamprey died after a long illness on Saturday, and on Sunday evening occurred the death of John Lyman Lamprey, a neighbor and friend. Not often come two deaths so near in one neighborhood.
Pvt. Marvin F. Young, who is now located at Camp Upton, L. I., sends a glowing account of the camp life, and its efficiency in every detail. Marvin was one of the first young men to enlist from Hampton, in April 1917 when he went in training with the Exeter Coast Artillery Co. under Capt. Alvin Foss at Fort Stark, New Castle, until the following July when he was honorably discharged. He next enlisted in January from the Packard Motor company as machinist going to Fort Slocum, N.Y., then to Camp Dix, N.J. Again taking the federal examination was rejected of Physical disability. Not satisfied he enrolled for government service went to work at the ship yards at Newington until called for selective military service on Sept 4th, leaving Portsmouth Sept. 5th for Camp Upton, not knowing how long the stay there, but wherever duty calls he is ready to go.
Remember the Red Cross meeting at Odd Fellow hall on Tuesday afternoon. Your help is needed and there is work for all.
Friday evening Sept. 20, the grange meets at the town hall. We hope all members will be present after the summer vacation as important business comes up before the meeting. An interesting program has been arranged and all are expected to do their part.
Evelyn Alice Perkins
Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Perkins who lost their only child little Evelyn Alice, last Saturday night, after a few days’ illness. Little Evelyn was a very bright, attractive child, and was the light and comfort of the home, particularly of Mr. and Mrs. Gilman Mace with whom they lived. Mr. Perkins has been like a son to Mr. and Mrs. Mace, and when little Evelyn came she ever after filled their hearts and lives with a complete happiness. It is a great blow to the entire family. Evelyn was three years old last March. Many friends gathered on Tuesday to look upon her lovely face for the last time, as she lay amid the beautiful flowers. Rev. Roger E. Thompson spoke very tenderly of the little children of whom the Master said, “Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” The friend can think of nothing but their loss now, but the time may come when the can be glad that little Evelyn is safe, from all the cares and sadness of this life.
W.C. T. U. Co. Convention
The quarterly convention of the Rockingham County Woman’s Christian Temperance Union was held on Sept. 12 in the Baptist church, Hampton. The convention was welcomed by the Rev. Mr. Buker, pastor of the entertaining church, who put everyone in a cheerful mood by telling a story of a little engine that moved great things, just by persistency.
The County president, Mrs. Lucy A. Marston, also gave a cordial welcome. The morning session was taken up with reports of superintendents and business. The officers of the past year were again chosen. A memorial service was held in connection with the noontide service. Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Coffin sang, “Only Remembered,” during this service for those gone on. A bountiful dinner was served by the ladies for the sum of 25 cents.
The afternoon meeting opened with a praise service led by Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Coffin. A paper on Peace was read by the secretary. The feature of the afternoon was address by the Rev. Mr. Loyne, who is now at Lawrence, Mass. For many years he has been connected with the work among our lumbermen, particularly in the northern part of the state. The music added much to the interest of the exercises, the ladies’ quartet of Hampton rendering two beautiful selections and Mrs. Parker, also of Hampton, sang a solo with accompaniment by Mrs. Parker. The Rev. Mr. Buker testified to the fact that he who works must win in the Christian conflict. A vote of thanks was extended to everyone who had contributed in any way toward the success of the convention.
Big Drive for War Funds
A big drive for war funds will be launched on Nov. 11th. At the request of the government seven different organizations will cooperate in this drive instead of holding separate campaigns. The Y.W.C.A. is asking for $15,000,000 that they may “carry thru” for the coming years the wonderful work for our boys and girls who are fighting our battles with Germany in trench and ammunition factory.
Anyone who has had an opportunity to visit one of the Hostess Houses, which are in operation at so many of the cantonments, cannot help but realize what this touch of home must mean to the lonely homesick boys. Here they may meet their women folk; feeling that the mother or the young wife and baby or even the shy sweetheart is comfortably housed and well looked after during their visit to camp.
The Y.W.C.A. is doing a wonderful work amongst the three million women who are working in ammunition factories and other lines of war work, looking after their housing conditions and providing protection and recreation for them. They are alive to the fact that these women stand just back of the trenches, that in winning this war they are next in importance to our splendid boy in khaki.
Mrs. Charles P. Bancroft of Concord has been selected to organize New Hampshire so that there will be no difficulty in raising our quota.
Rally Day will be observed Oct. 13.
The Woman’s Auxiliary will hold their Sept., Oct. meeting at Mrs. Newcomb’s cottage, North Beach, next Wednesday, Sept 25th. Take your lunch and go down on the 10:40 a.m. car. If stormy, the next fair day.
The pastor’s subject next Sunday morning will be: “The Sword that Brings Peace;” In the evening, “Real Discipleship.” The evening service will begin at 7:30 and continue one hour.
After next Sunday there will be no church service until Oct. 13, as the pastor is to take his vacation. During this time he will attend the United Baptist convention at Newport Sept. 30, Oct. 1 and 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Buker attended the Portsmouth Baptist Association Tuesday of this week at Plaistow. A fine program was given. We regret that more of our people could not attend and get a measure of the inspiration from the excellent address.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank the neighbors and friends for their kindness in our time of sickness, and especially the G. A. R. for their services.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Lamprey and Relatives.
The Hampton Academy was open on the 9th of September. We have a school of fifty pupils. So far our school has been a success.
Our former teacher, Miss Moses, has been succeeded this year by Miss Helen Kimball of Lawrence, Mass.
On the second week of school we were sorry to hear of the illness of our principal, Mr. Lyon. He has been greatly missed and we hope he will recover soon.
Class meetings have been held by all classes and the election of their offers have taken place.
The Senior class of 1918 hope that the people of Hampton and the surrounding towns will patronize the entertainment and dances which will be given for the benefit of their class during the winter. C. H. B.
The committee in charge of the recent Red Cross day at Hampton beach turned over to the treasurer of the Hampton Branch this week a check for $917.49. This, together with the prize money of $125,00 brings the total up to $1042.49, a magnificent showing for one day’s fete. All along the shore it has been the custom this summer to arrange festivities of different kinds to benefit the Red Cross, but we feel sure that none have been more successful than this at Hampton Beach. The committee of the day, Mr. Ford, Mrs. Nason and Mrs. Drew, worked very hard and the response from both the summer visitors and the town residents was hearty and generous. It seemed as though everyone within a radius of ten miles went to the Beach that day, not only to enjoy all the sights but with wide open purse strings, as the results have proved. Certainly this spirit of cooperation whether in relief work or in the actual fighting, proves the determination of the American people to “hang together” as did our forefathers of old, until the Hun is taught that liberty and freedom is for all peoples.
The office and executive committee of the Hampton Branch express their grateful appreciation of both the interest shown by the Beach people and the financial assistance which is a result of that interest. The burden of meeting the demands that are expected of the Branch falls upon those, and many times it has be a source of keen anxiety as to where the next month’s resources were to be obtained. During the cold and storms of the winter it is difficult and often impossible to carry out successfully any projects for the raising of funds. Realizing that the whole organization is virtually “under orders,” it is a question of honor that each request be met in full, each pledge of work be kept. The responsibility to do this is, of course, upon each individual, yet the pressure is greatest upon the various committees and for the present at least all their efforts and thoughts can be concentrated upon the work itself much to the advantage of the whole branch.
Save all stones of peaches, prunes, plums, and the shells of nuts. These may be deposited in the various stores of the village where receptacles are placed to receive them. When sufficient numbers have been acquired they will be sent to Manchester. The Government needs them to make the gas masks.
Another call for cast off garment of all descriptions where the material is strong, for Belgium and Northern France is now made. Worn underwear can be made into children’s garments, old shoes or serviceable pieces of leather for patches, etc. The week of Sept. 23-30 is set aside for this purpose, and packages may be left with Miss Thelma Shaw at Cole’s store.
The adults have not been the only workers for the Red Cross during the summer. A club called the “Betsy Ross Knitting Club” was formed by Alzena Leavitt and has met regularly all summer. The members all children under twelve, knit, had dues and fines all of which were carefully collected, and devised various means of raising money. One of the cleverest was a Jack o’ lantern with a most capacious mouth and a sign attached, “Help Jack, help the Red Cross.” Of course no one could resist such an appeal. The result of these patriotic endeavors is about twenty knitted squares, and $22.77, which was handed to the chairman of the local branch and duly turned over to the treasurer. Very many thanks to all who helped and especially to their energetic and patriotic little leader, who has knitted and worked constantly since the organization of the local branch.
Liberty Loan Notes
People living in the Hamptons will have an opportunity to see the government’s exhibit of war relics that is to be taken through the state in connection with the Forth Liberty Loan campaign, by visiting Exeter on Oct. 14.
This will be the only stop of the train in this part of the state, and it will be of at least two hours duration.
The exhibition includes small arms and guns, shells, depth bombs such as are used in, fighting submarines, trenches weapons and implements, uniforms and a great variety of things used of captured by the Americans and Allies.
It is the desire of the state loan committee that the coming of the war relic train be made the occasion for a series of demonstrations in which all the towns adjoining the stopping places shall participate, and loan organizations, churches, schools women’s societies and war workers generally in all these towns are invited to unite in arranging great meetings at the train. There will be a brief speaking program immediately after the train reaches Exeter and then the exhibition will be open to public.