The Hamptons Union, November 14, 1918

Hampton News

The Mothers' Circle will meet with Mrs Myers on Wednesday evening, November 20.

The inspection of the W. R. C. on Wednesday was a very enjoyable affair. About twenty members carried dinner to the hall, where it was served at two o'clock. Mrs. Louise Hayden, who inspected the Corps, said she had no criticism at all for the work, it was done in such fine manner.

Mr. and Mrs. John Gynan will spend the winter in town, having taken the west part of Hugh Brown's house.

The many friends of Miss Alice Marston will be pleased to hear that her health is improving.

Mrs. H. G. Lane attended a Trustee's meeting at Mercy Home, Manchester on Tuesday.

The members of Perkins Post and Relief Corps will attend the services at the town hall on Sunday afternoon. Meet in the lower hall at 2:30. The result of the Fourth Liberty Loan is now definitely known. $98,450 was subscribed by 618 individuals. A splendid record for the old town.

Cards for the subscribers to the Fourth Liberty Loan can be had by calling at the office of the Cooperative Bank.

The regular meeting of Oceanside Grange Friday evening will be for the election of officers. All members be present.

Last Monday saw many and varied demonstrations in recognition of the signing of the armistice which ends the great war. The bells were rung all day, there were parades, and in the evening a large demonstration by marchers with music, colored fire, fireworks, bon fire, etc.

Miss N. A. Henderson of Exeter will have millinery for sale at the Lane Block each Wednesday for five weeks, commencing Oct. 8. Orders taken for trimming. Mrs. Sadie Howard of Exeter will be in charge.

A Letter from Theodore Lamprey Somewhere in France, Oct.11, 1918

"Dear Mother: I received all of your letters and was glad to hear from you and that you are all well.

"I haven't had time or a chance to write before, for I was in a big drive and we sure did drive those Germans, you bet, for all that they used machine guns and artillery. I am sure that I did some dodging! Gee! Dodging those machine gun bullets and big shells! You bet! I am in the hospital now but am not wounded; I have rheumatism and sore lungs and my back is awfully sore, where I fell, and rheumatism is through my left side, but nothing serious. You know how I was when I fell and hurt my side and back; well, I am about the same now. I got Mary's letter and the things she sent me; also M. Creighton's letter and one from Leon's father. I was some glad to hear from him. I'll answer just as soon as I get a chance.

"There are a lot of boys here with me and only paper enough for us all to write a letter a piece.

"All around me soldiers were falling but I never got a scratch, and the good Lord only knows why I wasn't killed with the shells dropping everywhere. Frank Hall came out all right, too, and I told him how you saw his mother at the Beach. Please excuse this scribbling for I am lying on my back; it is the easiest way I can lay comfortably; I can't write very good, but I guess you can read it. I was sorry to hear Uncle Jason was dead.

"It is getting cold now and freezing at night.

"Tell Charles Palmer and the rest of the folks that I will write to them when I get a chance. I have not seen Hale or Munro or Frazer yet but have seen Raymond Walton and James Sanborn of Seabrook.

"You wouldn't know me if you could see me now for we have not shaved only once since the 26th of September, the night we went over the top.

"Our artillery barrage was a ripper and the heavens were sure a pretty sight; one continual flash, and the shells sounded like [?] as they passed overhead going into the German lines. I have killed six Germans in all that I am sure of.

"Say! I'd like to be home with you all today. Will close now.


School and Grange Exhibit:

The school and Grange exhibit and harvest supper held at the town hall on Friday evening, Nov. 8, was a great success, far exceeding expectations of the committee.

The vegetables exhibited by the children, which were raised by them, were fine specimens and in most of the classes gave the judges difficulty in awarding the prizes. The display of canned fruits and vegetables showed much skill on the part of the girls. Competition was keen in all classes of this display.

The exhibit of the vocational agricultural classes of the high school attracted considerable attention.

In addition to the display of vegetables which had been raised by the boys, there were the following: A collection of thirty native varieties of apples, materials necessary for testing soil acidity, and a complete outfit for testing the butter fat in milk, cream, and skim milk. An interesting and instructive feature of the evening's program was a practical demonstration of milk testing by Alvah N. Dow.

Although arranged for on short notice, the harvest supper was a very bountiful spread.

The committee consisted of Mrs. Addie James, Mrs. Katherine James, Mrs. Lillian Roberts, Mrs. Jessie Towle, Mr.Warren Hobbs and C. A. Lyon. The proceeds from the supper which amounted to $29.00 will be given to the United War Work fund.

In the evening the prizes for the best kept gardens of the school children of Hampton were awarded, the sum of $25.00 being appropriated by the town last spring for garden prizes and a like sum for exhibit premiums.

The winners in the garden contest were:

1st prize, Howard and Harbart Carleton, $10.
2nd prize, Lawrence Thompson, $7.
3rd prize, Russell True, $4.
4th prize, Norman Towle, $3.
5th prize, Owen Redman, $1.

The awards in the vegetable exhibit were as follows:

1st - Arthur Bowley, $1.25
2nd - Allston Snider, 75c
3rd - Joseph Farnsworth, 50c

1st - Winslow White, $1.25
2nd - Russell True, 75c
3rd - Lawrence Thompson, 50c

1st - Helen Peterson, $1.25
2nd - Joseph Raymond, 75c
3rd - Russell Durant, 50c

1st - John Perkins, $1.25
2nd - Barbara Johnson, 75c
3rd - Arthur Noyes, 50c

1st - Joseph Raymond, $1.25
2nd - Helen Gilpatrick, 75c 3rd - Dorothy Gilpatrick, 50c

The awards in the canning exhibit were as follows:

Fruit Preserves
1st - Leonore Lane, $1.25
2nd - Evelyn Shaw, 75c
3rd - Gerta Lamprey, 50c

Vegetable Preserves
1st - Virginia Tilton, $1.25
2nd - Gertrude Blake, 75c
3rd - Grafton Toppan, 50c

1st - Marion Noyes, 75c
2nd - Isabel Thompson, 50c

1st - Beatrice Farnsworth, $1.25
2nd - Dorothy Hobbs, 75c
3rd - Evelyn Shaw, 50c

All the prizes were paid in W. S. [War Savings] Stamps.

The judges of the vegetables were Rev. Edgar Warren and Horace M. Lane.

The judges of canning were Mrs. Warren H. Hobbs and Mrs. Edward J. Brown.