The Hamptons Union, December 5, 1918

Hampton News

The friends of Rev. J. A. Ross, who died Thanksgiving Day, were glad that he did not have a long sickness. He was sick only a few days and confined to his bed only at the last. Until these few days he had retained all his faculties to a remarkable degree, reading and writing as usual. He was always interested and well informed in all the current events. He was honored and held in great esteem by old and young. He was a kind and faithful friend, and as long as he was able to do so, visited all old and sick in the parish at least once each year.

He died calmly and peacefully, as he has lived. Since the death of Mrs. Ross he has been faithfully cared for by his old son and his wife with whom he made his home. He was buried on Sunday from the Congregational church.

Next week we will give a full account of the funeral, together with a carefully prepared memorial which we regret very much has to be omitted this week.

Prof. and Mrs. C. A. Lyons are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter on Monday, December 2.

Fish and Game Detective Fred H. Thompson of this town, who has returned from a trip to the northern part of the state, reports that he with Detective E. J. Deming of Newport, caught two Massachusetts sportsmen jacking deer in the Passaconaway valley. They were George Hatch of Nahant and William Natalie of Winthrop, who were arraigned before Judge Gibson of Conway and found guilty, each being fined $100 and the costs. The detectives ran onto the offenders at midnight in the thick woods, where they had powerful lights. The defendants alleged that the lights were being used as guide as one of the party was lost.

There will be a rehearsal of the degree staff of Winnicummet Rebekah lodge on Tuesday evening, Dec. 10. It is desirable that all members be present. At the regular meeting, Dec 17, the degree will be conferred upon candidates. This is the time for the annual election of officers. At the close of the meeting refreshments will be served. If there are people in town who belong to lodges in other places, a hearty invitation is extended to attend the meetings and become acquainted.

The Mothers' Circle will be entertained by Mrs. Henry Hobbs next Wednesday evening.

A get-together meeting will be held in the town hall next Monday night. Parents and all interested in our schools are cordially invited to be present and meet the superintendent and teachers of our schools.

Election of officers will be held at the meeting of the W. R. C. on Wednesday of next week. All come.

Mr. John Larcom of Beverly Mass., who was a well-known resident of Hampton Beach, died last week. His wife was Miss Laura Blake of Hampton. Mrs. Emma C. Sleeper, wife of Otis H. Sleeper of Exeter, died at her late home Tuesday morning after a short illness with pneumonia. Mrs. Sleeper was a lady of high esteem and widely known. She was a native of Deerfield and her maiden name was Hobbs. Survivors are her husband and four sons, William H. Sleeper of Exeter, county solicitor for Rockingham county; Capt. Almon L. Sleeper in the U.S. service, and stationed in Siberia, being of the first American expeditionary forces to be sent to that country; Lieut. Perley B. Sleeper, recently returned from France and now stationed at Camp Funston, and Otis H. Sleeper, Jr., now of the American expeditionary forces in France. Mrs. Louisa Janvrin of Hampton Falls, oldest lady of that town, died Sunday morning, aged 89 years and ten months. She was the widow of James Janvrin, and her father was Joshua Janvrin. Her mother was Mary Dodge of Hampton Falls. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon.