The Hamptons Union, February 10, 1921

Hampton News

Miss Cronin has accepted the position of public nurse for another year.

Miss Lorraine Lindsey spent Thursday and Friday of last week with Mrs. R. S. Carlton of Portsmouth.

A goodly number of the members of the Mothers Circle, together with their daughters and other invited guests, met at the Baptist vestry, Wednesday P. M., and enjoyed a very instructive lecture by Mrs. Arnold S. Yantis of Manchester. The many friends of Mrs. Yantis will be glad to know that she will again be with us March 24, with a lecture on birds and nature study, illustrated by colored slides from originals which she has taken and colored.

Saturday evening, February 19 a Jazzy-Jazz dance will be given with plenty of pep and life. The New Hampshire State College "Five Jazz Kings" will furnish music and it's up to you to furnish the coin and chickens. Come and bring your wife. Admission, 50 cents.

The U. S. Club met with Miss Hilda Paulson Tuesday evening. The first part of the evening was spent working diligently; the latter part in a general good time. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Adeline Janvrin, Hampton Falls.

On February 26 the Men's Glee Club from New Hampshire College will give a concert in the Town Hall, the proceeds of which will be given to the fund for continuing the public health work in our own town. As in former years, hospitality for the members of the Glee Club will be asked. Anyone willing to entertain two or more of the young men over Saturday night will please send their names to Mrs. Donnell.

The following is the program of the entertainment to be given by the Center School, Saturday evening, Feb. 12. Admission: adults, 25c; children, 10c.

Chorus, Primary School: A February Song, A Little Boy's Walk, Ride a Cock Horse, The Squirrel, The Swing, Three Little Heads, Up and Down, Marching, Icicles and Bicycles, Frosting, America. Folk Dances, Jr. High Girls: Lassie's Dance, Clap Dance. Recitation: Laurice Emery. Number Game, Shoemaker's Dance, Primary Grades. Solo Dance, Alice Wenzel. Minuet, Jr. High Girls. Piano Solo, Katherine Gookin. Reading, Hazel Shaw. Wand Drill, Jr. High Boys. Singing, Jr. High School: Evening Bells, Massa's in de Cold Cold Ground. Pantomime, The First Flag. Betsy Ross, Ruth Perkins; George Washington, Richmond Raymond. Don't forget the Valentine Party following the entertainment.

The Ladies' Aid met on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Samuel Brown, with a good attendance. A special collection was taken and five dollars sent to the European Relief. The ladies planned for an Easter Sale, March 23rd.

The drama, "Home Ties", which was so successfully given here December 14th and again December 21st, is to be presented in North Hampton in two weeks upon invitation.

Friends of the Junior Class must have been gratified with the result of their dancing party on Saturday evening which was very well patronized. There were fifty or sixty couples on the floor. The hall was beautifully decorated and the music fine.

A New England boiled dinner will be served in the Congregational Church dining room on Friday evening, Feb. 11, at 6 o'clock. Cold Meat, all kinds of hot vegetables, fancy jelly, whipped cream, doughnuts, cheese and coffee. All this for forty cents, at 7:30. An entertainment in the chapel consisting of music, readings and a short farce will follow supper. Admission, 10 cents.

Mrs. Annie Johnson has been spending the last two weeks with friends in Waltham and Boston.

Miss Alice Desmont of Malden, Mass., was a weekend guest of Mrs. George Batchelder.

Mr. Eugene Tilton injured his hand quite badly while at work at the shoe shop last week.

We understand the River Side home is to be occupied again.

Mr. W. S. Emery is making extensive repairs on his home, both inside and out.

Miss Alice Wenzel, Solo dancer, is to take part in the coming school entertainment.

The I. B. D. Club are to have a super and dance at Hampton Beach next Saturday night. Leave the square at 8 o'clock. All invited. Wear Regalia.

Miss Finnerty spent the weekend in Lowell.

Mrs. Lang is in Florida for the remainder of the winter.

On Friday evening last eighteen members of the Seabrook Grange spent a most enjoyable evening with Mrs. George Perkins on the Landing road. Whist favors were won by Mr. Samuel Brown and Miss Lillian Perkins, and Mrs. M. D. Brown and Mr. Guynan. After a delightful entertainment of music and song, delicious refreshments were served. It also being Mr. Perkin's birthday he was remembered with a number of fine presents. The party left shortly after twelve, voting Mrs. Perkins a most charming hostess. Mrs. Perkins was presented with a bouquet of tea roses.

Mrs. Lizzie Page, after spending six months as housekeeper for Mr. Plummer Mace has returned to her home on High Street.

Mrs. Ellen Blake, Mrs. G. W. Clark and Miss Etta Blake spent Thursday in Portsmouth.

Mr. Thomas Cogger was a visitor in Boston on Tuesday.

The H. T. G. Club observed Gentlemen's Night in Grange Hall Wednesday evening. The hall was prettily decorated and looked very inviting. The affair was in charge of an efficient committee, the members of which were gowned in white. A delicious luncheon of chicken salad, frozen pudding, cake and coffee was served. Favors were won by Mr. Hale James, Mr. Lamprey, Mr. Hobbs, Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Dearborn and Mrs. Coffin.

Mrs. Mary Brown, mother of Mrs. Thomas Hobbs, is spending several weeks in Manchester.

Mrs. Hale James spent Thursday in Rye with her parents.

Mrs. Hugh Brown went to Chelsea, Mass., on Thursday to spend several weeks with her sister and Mrs. Forrest Pratt. Mrs. Brown was very tired and this rest will be a great benefit.

Rev. George W. Clark went to Manchester Monday to attend a convention.

Hampton has gone "over the top" on the European Children's Fund, as she always has in all drives. Accounts are not closed but will give a report next week.

Mr. Wallace S. Ware is enjoying a two weeks vacation.

Rev. R. E. Thompson, pastor of the Methodist churches in this village and at Smithtown was unanimously invited to return for a sixth year by both parishes at the fourth Quarterly Conferences held on Sunday.

The Monday Club was pleasantly entertained this week by Mesdames Donnell and Olney in the pleasant home of the latter. A paper upon the life and works of Henry W. Longfellow was read by Mrs. Toppan. Quotations were given by members. A poem was read by Mrs. Noyes and music furnished by Mesdames Olney, Lane and Young. Mrs. Edwin Batchelder and Mrs. Teague were elected to full membership.

A long article in Sunday's Globe in regard to Mr. and Mrs. Farnum doing pioneering in Washington lumber camps, near Hillsboro, N. H., was intensely interesting. Mrs. Farnum is a Hampton girl and was graduated from this High School last June being then Miss Lucy Lamprey.

Miss Mary Toppan is planning a visit in Boston in the near future.

The W. C. T. U. will hold the annual Frances Willard Memorial meeting on Friday, the 18th, at Mrs. H. G. Lane's at 2:30 P. M. This meeting is open to all who are interested in Temperance work, whether members or not, all are welcome.

Pastor Thompson addressed the W. C. T. U. of Exeter on Wednesday afternoon on the theme "The parental instinct, with some suggestions for safeguarding ourselves and our dear ones from the perils attendant upon perversion of that instinct."

A very pleasant meeting of the W. R. C. was held on Wednesday. The new President, Mrs. Coffin, was unable to be present on account of illness. Mrs. Buker was admitted to the Corps by transfer.