The Hamptons Union, March 24, 1921

Hampton News

Mr. Kenneth Ross and Mr. Victor Mitchell have purchased the express business of Mr. Carl Mitchell, it is rumored.

Miss Susie Brown, who is nursing near Boston, has been visiting her father for a week but has now returned to Boston.

The U. W. Club will hold its next meeting March 30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Cash.

A large delegation attended the County Convention of the W. C. T. U. in Portsmouth on Thursday last. At the close the County President, Lucy A. Marston, was greatly surprised to receive from the State President Mrs. Abbott, in behalf of the county, a beautiful emblem pin of gold studded with three seed pearls. W. T. C. U. next Friday at Mrs. R. E. Thompson's.

We are pleased to know that Miss Mary Emma Locke is progressing as well as can be expected from her operation.

The sudden changes in temperature are very trying to both the sick and the well. The temperature dropped more than forty degrees between Monday and Tuesday of this week.

Mrs. Rebecca Leavitt and Mrs. Marston who have been confined to their homes for several weeks are reported as gradually regaining their health.

The utility of the Rhode Island white hens is being realized and Mr. Everett Godfrey has received an order for a large number of eggs from a party out of town.

Everett and Dorothy Thompson are at home from college for the Easter recess.

Pastor Thompson of the Methodist church has been laid up for a few days with a lame back.

The neighbors say that an eight-cord pile of wood looks as if the Methodist minister was planning to come back. He says, "If I do not use it, someone else will."

The King's Heralds will meet at the home of Etta Murray next Wednesday evening at which they will tell their experiences of how they earned their Thank-Offering money.

The Friendly Class will meet with Miss Irene Trefethan, Friday at 8 o'clock.

Is Easter week losing its significance to Christian people? This question is being asked on account of the many festivities on Easter week. Easter balls, Easter sales, Easter fashions and everything which should not be given the name of Easter. If we are growing sacrilegious let it not be done in the name of the church. Let the church as least keep "Holy Week."

The U. W. Club was pleasantly entertained on Wednesday evening, March 16, by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raymond. Dainty refreshments were served. First prizes were awarded to Miss Alice Brooks and Mr. William Cash. Consolation prizes to Mrs. William Cash and Mr. William Brooks.

Mr. George E. Farnham has resigned his position as teacher in Washington, N. H. and has accepted a position to teach as principal of the Union Grammar School in Wakefield, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. Farnham have enjoyed a pleasant vacation at the home of Mrs. Farnham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perley Lamprey.

The Mothers' Circle will hold its regular meeting in the Baptist vestry next Wednesday the 30th. Dr. Edith Robe of Boston is expected to be the speaker, at 2:30.

Mrs. William Henderson and children who have been visiting her parents in Boston the past six weeks returned to her home in Hampton on Saturday.

The Monday Club was entertained this week by Mrs. Batchelder and Mrs. Ross with twenty-eight ladies present. The program consisted of a paper on the life and works of Rudyard Kipling written by Miss Powers and read by Mrs. Thompson. Music consisted of a piano solo by Mrs. Olney and vocal solos by Mrs. Coffin accompanied by Miss Leonore Lane. Refreshments were served.

The A. G. League held a social gathering at the home of its secretary on Friday evening, March 18th. All were present except one member, and one guest honored the League. Delicious refreshments were served and enjoyed by all. The next meeting is looked forward to with great anticipation.

The H. T. G. Club will be entertained by Mrs. Brooks in Portsmouth this Thursday. A pleasant afternoon is anticipated.

A large number attended the sale and entertainment given by the Congregational Ladies' Aid on Wednesday evening. The tables filled with beautiful cakes and bread and candies were well patronized, as were the apron and mystery packages and ice cream stands. The entertainment consisted of a fine musical program. Solos were finely played by the Misses Hobbs, Woods, Mullen, Scott, and Harboldt. A one hand solo was deftly rendered by Harold Clark and Mrs. Hamilton sang two solos very sweetly. A farce followed entitle, "Sewing for the Heathen," which was very pleasing and the parts very well taken. A goodly sum was realized. Many of the little aprons were returned well filled.

Mrs. Frank Dennett and children have gone to Ogunquit to be with Mr. Dennett for a while.

Mrs. Jennie P. Thompson:

Mrs. Jennie P. Thompson died at her daughter's home in Ossipee on Tuesday morning. Mrs. Thompson was born in Hampton 73 years ago, the daughter of Albert and Sarah (Lamprey) Godfrey. Her brother, George Washington Godfrey, died a year ago, and only one of the large family remains, William of Kittery, Maine. Mrs. Thompson has been ill for a long time and at the last was taken suddenly from a shock. She had many friends being of a very entertaining disposition. She was a fine singer, and was very fond of singing songs of long ago. She leaves two daughters and a number of grandchildren

Stephen B. Tarlton:

On last week, Thursday night, occurred the death of Stephen B. Tarlton of North Hampton, a member of Perkins Post G. A. R. of this town. Stephen, as he was called by hosts of friends, was almost as well known here as in North Hampton. He was in the blacksmith business at North Hampton depot for many years. His wife, a much loved member of the W. R. C. here died 15 years ago. Stephen has been faithfully tended by his daughter, Mrs. Addie Drew, during the long years since he has been unable to work. He has been confined to a wheelchair for a number of years.

The funeral was held in the church in Little River, with Rev. Edgar Warren, the pastor, officiating in a very impressive manner. A large number were present including state officers from G. A. R. and W. R. C. The Odd Fellows of Hampton to which he was a member, held their service in the church. The G. A. R. held theirs at the grave.

At the sound of the bugle, another of the few remaining old veterans was laid to rest under the flag he had fought for.

There are only a few remaining and we would ask that on next Memorial Day you would help them (maybe some for the last time) by your presence at their exercises.

Master Norman Remick cut his face quite badly by falling on a sharp rock on Monday.

Mrs. Winchester Berry who is wintering in Portsmouth.