The Hamptons Union, March 31, 1921

Hampton News

Remember the W. C. T. U. meeting at Mrs. R. E. Thompson's on Friday, 2:30.

Will the sisters of Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge No. 26 I. O. O. F. please remember to bring a jar of fruit or a pound of home-made candy to the I. O. O. F. Hall Tuesday night, April 5, 1921. If unable to attend this meeting please leave the same with the Secretary, Belle S. Dearborn. Committee to forward a box to the I. O. O. F. Home.

The U. W. Club was pleasantly entertained by Mr. and Mrs. William Cash Wednesday evening. Dainty refreshments were served. First prizes were awarded to Mr. Charles Raymond and Mr. A. O. Stillings. Consolation prizes to Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Nudd.

The U. W. Club will be entertained April 13, by Mrs. Belle Dearborn.

Mrs. Frederic Remick of Eliot, Maine, is visiting her son, Mr. Frank Remick and family.

Miss Caroline Shea is spending two weeks with relations in Boston.

Mrs. Wilfred Finney with her little son is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Abbott Joplin this week.

A sewing club has been organized for the little girls, meeting with Mrs. Tobey Saturday afternoons. Last Saturday the girls had a pleasant time making fudge after the sewing hour and as they had been making fudge aprons this was a very appropriate ending. The members are: Constance Tobey, Doris Remick, Ethel Remick, Elizabeth Brown, Isabelle Hobbs, Margaret Tobey and Etta Murray.

Mrs. Hugh Brown, who has been spending the winter with relatives near Boston, returned home on Tuesday.

The Good Friday service in the Methodist church was well attended and Mr. Buker preached a most excellent sermon. The solo sung by Miss Alice Elliott added to the joy of the service.

Mr. Carl Mitchell will, with a partner, have charge of the business in the Strand Building this summer.

Building has opened up very well this spring. Mr. Langley is putting an addition on his house and the building of several cottages has commenced. Mr. Harry Noyes and Mr. Walker are working on a building in Exeter.

The H. T. G. Club was royally entertained by Mrs. Florence Brooks on Thursday. The handsome favors were awarded to Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. Wiggin and Mrs. Mitchell. Salted nuts of various kinds and cheese bits were served during the afternoon and at the close of the game a choice luncheon consisting of a Club Sandwich, composed of toast, lettuce, chicken, cucumbers, sliced tomatoes, bacon and garnished with salad dressing; harlequin ice cream, various kinds of cake and coffee were served by the hostess. Mrs. Brooks presented each member with an Easter basket lined with nabiscos and filled with chocolate and white cream eggs. Attached to the score cards was either a white china blue bird or a rabbit. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Brown at the beach.

Miss Elisabeth Norris and her aunt have returned home after a pleasant winter in Wellesley.

Says a correspondent to the Union: I am puzzled to understand why, when so many things are named for Hampton's Indian name that it is always misspelled. Winnecunnet is called by them all Winnicummet. Look in your town history for information.

The Friendly Class will hold a food sale at the periodical store on Friday, April 8, from 3 to 5 o'clock. Bread, rolls, doughnuts and cakes will be on sale.

Do not forget the School meeting next Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock.

John Roberts is having "Shadylawn" put in most attractive shape for this year's summer visitors. The interior is being renovated and the exterior freshly painted. Mr. Charles Fellows died very suddenly early Sunday morning from apoplexy. He was sixty-three years of age and leaves a wife and three sons and two grandchildren to mourn his sudden demise. The funeral was held in the Line church on Tuesday and burial in Seabrook.

Mr. Nathaniel Batchelder has purchased the John Hoyt farm. The residence will be much more convenient for Mr. Batchelder's ice business.

The lecture upon birds by Mrs. Yantis under the auspices of the Mother's Circle and the Monday Club was well attended and greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Yantis has a most pleasing personality and her charming voice makes listening a pleasure. One receives valuable information from her lectures. She was entertained by Miss Mary Toppan.

The next meeting of the Monday Club will be guest day and the Hampton Falls Club and executive board of the Women's Club in Exeter have been extended an invitation. It will be held in the Congregational chapel on Monday, April 4, at 3 o'clock. In the account of last meeting it was omitted that the club either gave a quotation from Kipling or gave a current event and Mrs. Gertrude Young read a poem. The following meeting will take the form of a Colonial Tea which it is hoped will be liberally patronized.

Mrs. Orrin L. Lane has purchased a Ford touring car and expects to have much pleasure in driving it.

Rev. Mr. Buker has received calls from two churches, one from the south and one from Plaistow but while congratulating Mr. Buker it is earnestly hoped by all that he will remain in Hampton. Mr. Buker has won the admiration and respect of every one in Hampton during his pastorate here and the church has grown and is flourishing.

Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Lane have returned home after a pleasant ten days' visit with Mrs. Benjamin Colvin in Shelton, Conn.

Mrs. Ellen J. Blake and Miss Rachel Blake have returned home after a delightful visit in New York and vicinity.

Mrs. Joshua James had a shock this week and is very ill, but a little better at the present writing.

Mr. J. Payson Blake had the misfortune to break his wrist while working with a team at the beach on Tuesday. He was carried to the office of Dr. Ward who at once diagnosed the case and said it was a case for the hospital, so Mr. Blake went to the Exeter hospital where his arm was treated and later returned home.

We were pleased to learn that Mrs. Isabel Shaw was able to ride to Mrs. Parker Blake's on Tuesday where she spent the day.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holmes are traveling from Orlando, Fla. and expect to reach Hampton this Thursday.