The Hamptons Union, May 5, 1921

Hampton News

On account of the school meeting there will be no class meeting at the M. E. church this week.

W. R. C. meeting next week. It is hoped a good number will be present.

The June Conference of the Rockingham County W. C. T. U. will be held in Northwood, June 9. This will be a pleasant trip. Kenneth Ross will probably carry members from this and adjoining towns. It will be a good plan to report as soon as possible if you wish to go.

Mr. William Watson of Nottingham has been a visitor in\town this week and was a welcome guest of the H. T. G. club upon Gentlemen's Night. Mr. Watson was seven years in town while attending the Grammar and High Schools.

Mrs. Coffey who has been with Mrs. Rebecca Leavitt for a number of years goes to Boston this Thursday.

Mrs. Howard Lane and Leonore motored to Orleans with Mr. Partington and spent several days there as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Partington.

Gordon Godfrey of Wollaston is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Godfrey.

Mr. Warren Hobbs has purchased from Mr. Frank Mason a horse to match the one he has and now has a good working team.

Mr. Lester Perkins has finished his work in the navy yard and is now working for Mr. Dow in North Hampton.

Mrs. Eugene Leavitt sent 18 broilers to Boston last week. They were hatched March 1 and weighed nearly 2 pounds apiece.

The Rhode Island Whites are still keeping up their record for laying. Mr. Godfrey is receiving daily from 19 to 21 eggs from 22 hens.

The children of Mrs. Irvin Leavitt gave her a delightful surprise party upon her birthday, April 21st.

Mrs. Franklin Perkins and son Carl were recent guests in town.

A candy sale of home-made candy will be held in the Periodical Store, Saturday, May 14, by the Y. M. B. C.'s of the M. E. church.

Mrs. Albert Coffin was called to Somerville Mass. on Saturday by the serious illness of her mother. Harold E. Merchant and Miss Alice Irving, daughter of Mrs. John Purington, were married on Saturday, April 30, by Rev. Mr. Thompson of the M. E. church.

Rev. G. W. Clark spent Tuesday in Boston.

Miss Maria Perkins of Newburyport is a guest of her brother, Mr. Henry Perkins.

S. Albert Shaw for the petit jury and William A. Blake for the grand jury were drawn last week to serve at the May term of the Superior Court.

A very pleasant meeting of the W. T. C. U. was held with Mrs. Addie Brown last Friday. It was voted to hold a food sale Friday of this week, but on account of many wishing to attend the S. S. Conference in Epping the food sale is postponed till Saturday in Lane's store.

The Semi-annual meeting of the Dover District W. F. M. S. of the M. E. Church was held in the Methodist church last week. Attendance was large and program excellent. Mrs. Lamont of Somerville, Sup't for N. E. of Young People's work and Miss Mabel Hartford, thirty-three years missionary in China, were among the speakers.

The return of Rev. Roger E. Thomson to the pastorate of the M. E. church for the sixth year was signalized by a jolly surprise party and reception social at the parsonage. Attendance was large and many "pounds" of good things were left to furnish the parsonage larder. A liberal purse of money was presented to Mrs. Thompson to make possible attendance upon the graduation of their son Everett from college in June. An impromptu program of music and readings was rendered and refreshments were served. The pastor and his wife deeply appreciate this evidence of the good will of their people.

Mrs. Hill, a missionary from Africa will speak at the Baptist church next Sunday evening. She will have a very interesting story to tell. A hearty invitation is given to all to come and hear her.

The West End Club and the gentlemen were entertained on Thursday, April 28th by Mesdames Towle and Bowley at the home of Mrs. Jessie R. Towle. Two long tables were very tastily arranged and as soon as the guests arrived supper was served by Mesdames Towle and Bowley consisting of cold meat, mashed potatoes, salads, hot rolls, a variety of pies and hot coffee. The guests pronounced the supper a very fine one. The evening was passed by playing games, singing, a solo on the Jews harp by Mrs. Jessie R. Towle, and one on the Harmonica by Mrs. Joshua James. There were twenty-seven present and they all had an enjoyable time.

Everett W. Thompson has accepted a position on the faculty of Tilton Seminary.

The Monday Club was pleasantly entertained by Mrs. Spackman this week. It was the annual meeting and the following officers were elected: Pres., Mrs. Margaret Noyes; V. Pres., Mrs. Emma Young; Sec., Mrs. Tobey; Treas., Mrs. Donnell; Custodian, Mrs. Mary Notes; Auditing Committee, Mrs. Sarah Lane and Mrs. Anna Ross; Committee on outings for June and July, Mrs. Ethel Munsey, Mrs. Edwin Batchelder and Mrs. Donnell. For Aug., Sept., Mrs. Vrylena Olney, Mrs. Gertrude Young and Mrs. Spackman. Mrs. Lane read a most interesting paper on the life and works of Celia Thaxter. Quotations from her works were given by club members. Mrs. Shea gave some very interesting details and facts of Mrs. Thaxter and showed some relics from her home, among them a doll dressed by Mrs. Thaxter's mother. A memorial service was held for an honorary member of the club, Mrs. E. D. Berry. The next meeting will be Past Presidents' Day and the first and last presidents, Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Toppan were named as chairman. Choice refreshments were served.

Mrs. Ellen Blake entertained a friend from Ridgewood, N. Y. over the weekend. Messrs. Fred and Elbridge Watson of Dorchester motored down on Sunday.

Two visitors from Maine surprised the Elliot family on Highland Avenue, [Ed. note: now Dearborn Avenue] Saturday. Mr. William Hunter stopped in on his way home to Wiscasset from Boston and Robert Day rode up from Bath on his motorcycle.

Mr. Charles R. Sargent, notice of whose death was printed in this paper a fortnight ago, was not, as stated, 86 years of age, but a full ten years younger.

The next meeting of the Mothers' Circle will be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Perkins, Wednesday evening, May 11. The Circle was last entertained by Mrs. Edward J. Brown with a good number present. Mrs. R. E. Thompson, who had charge of the evening's program read a most interesting paper on "Home Decorations," which had been prepared by Miss Della Ingerson. The W. C. T. U. will hold a food sale on Saturday from 3 to 5 P. M. at Lane's store. Cake, rolls, doughnuts, pies and bread are for sale.

The large plate glass window facing the Lafayette Road in Lane's grocery store was broken out by a truck Monday evening. The driver did not stop so Mr. Lane followed in Bertie Lamprey's machine and the police in Portsmouth were telephoned and they had the truck held up when Mr. Lane arrived. It is fool-hardy for a driver of a machine to not stop as he is quite sure in these days of telephone, autos and motorcycles to be captured.

A most successful gentlemen's night was held in the Mechanics Hall, Monday evening, by the H. T. G. Club. Favors were captured by Mrs. Drew, Mrs. Cash, Mrs. Day, Mr. Hobbs, Mr. Wiggin and Mr. Drew. Refreshments of chicken patties, harlequin ice cream, cake and coffee were served. The annual meeting will be held Thursday of this week.

The Congregational Missionary auxiliary meeting was held on Wednesday with a good number present. The speaker of the afternoon was Dr. Gitterson of Boston, who gave a very interesting address on India. A delicious supper was served by Mrs. Addie Brown and Mrs. Watson. The next meeting will be the fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the auxiliary and the committee in charge is Mrs. L. Marston, Mrs. Vianna Marston and Mrs. Elizabeth Hobbs, the latter being the only living charter member.