The Hamptons Union, September 22, 1921

Hampton News

Coming, Oct. 12th, at the Hampton Town Hall, a big dance with music by Farnham's Jazz Orchestra of six pieces. Admission, 40c; dancing from 8 to 12.

Two candidates took the examination for carrier Sept. 10.

Mrs. John W. York of Kensington was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Otis H. Marston on Wednesday.

Mrs. Augustus Parker recently found several violets in a field near her home on Exeter Road. They were in full bloom and had not been harmed by the fall weather.

Loads of apples are being carried to the mill to be made into cider. There are still many drinks that the thirsty can procure which are not yet placed under the ban of prohibition. People can make cider for their own use, but unfortunately it is not always kept for that purpose; many jugs and milk cans are carried to and fro.

The death of Joseph W. Redman occurred on Wednesday at Concord where he had been removed for treatment a short time ago. Mr. Redman was the oldest man in town, being 94 years old last June. He was the son of John Redman and lived most of his life on the old homestead. He married Mary J. Hobbs, daughter of Morris Hobbs. There were no children. The funeral will be on Saturday at two o'clock.

The Friendly Class will meet with Miss Olive Nudd on Friday evening.

Don't forget the Big Dance at Exeter, September 30th, in the Town Hall. Something doing from 8 to 12. Music furnished by Farnham's Jazz Orchestra. Balcony, 25c; dancing, 40c.

Mr. and Mrs. George Rogers of Fall River have returned home after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. William Gilpatrick.

Mrs. Peter Walls and husband and friend Mrs. Arthur Towle of Newton who were visiting Mrs. Jessie R. Towle last week returned home late Friday afternoon. On Wednesday of the same week Mrs. Towle entertained other friends and in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Walls gave a fine exhibition of some of the Scotch dances. A very pleasant time was had by all.

Rev. F. M. Buker, Mrs. Lucy Redman, Mrs. Lucy Marston, and Mrs. Howard G. Lane went to Salem Depot on Thursday last to attend the county convention of the W. C. T. U. Mrs. Lane carried the party in her auto. It was a delightful trip and a pleasant convention. An amusing mistake made by the Salem people, who being near Mass., have daylight saving. They did not realize that other towns in New Hampshire had the old time and waited an hour for any one to appear before they discovered what the trouble was. Rev. F. M. Buker delivered a fine address on the influence of the home, particularly a mother's influence. Two pastors present had just come to the place, Revs. Crowder from Iowa and Mr. Merrill from the South, both wide awake men.

Buy a Bond:

The school bonds have begun to sell, and as only a portion have been reserved for the towns people they are advised to purchase or reserve theirs at once. It is hoped that every one who is interested in the new building will take a bond, even if it is a small one. Information may be obtained at Cole's paper store, or of members of the school board. Make a good investment for yourself, and at the same time show your interest in the children.

The Mother's Circle and the Men's Club cordially invite all parents to a teachers' reception to be held in the town hall on Wednesday evening, Sept. 28, at eight o'clock.

Miss Edith Livingston, Concord, is spending a few weeks with Mrs. E. G. Cole and enjoying meeting old friends.

Miss Eloise Lane has accepted a fine position in Rhode Island, and begins her duties on Monday.

The Congregational Missionary society will be held on the last Wednesday of this month, Sept. 28, in the Webster chapel instead of the first Wednesday in October. The hostesses are Mrs. Locke and Mrs. Tolman and Mrs. Sarah M. Lane, leader. There will be special music.

Rev. Edgar Warren will occupy the pulpit of the Congregational church next Sunday in exchange with the pastor.

Stillman Hobbs returned to Andover Academy last week, and Clayton Johnson enters Colby College in Waterville, Me. this week. He attended Colby Academy last year.

The Misses Olive Nudd and Annie Johnson returned last Monday from a pleasant vacation among the mountains.

Mr. and Mrs. William Cannon and mother, Mrs. Mabel Blake, are spending their vacation in New York and Brooklyn.

Selectman Joseph B. Brown has been called to Littleton to attend a session of the Federal court.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Lane and son Wheaton are in New Jersey this week where Wheaton enters Princeton College. They will have a beautiful trip in the auto going over the Mohawk trail to Troy, then down the Hudson to Tarrytown, then by ferry to Nyack and thence to Princeton.

The Portsmouth Association of Baptist churches, of which the local church is a member, met with the Baptist church here Tuesday. It was an all-day meeting. A delicious dinner was served to more than a hundred. The sermons were delivered by Revs. Higgins and Randall, both of Portsmouth, and both were helpful and interesting.

The Woman's Relief Corps will meet promptly at 1:45 so as to enable its members to attend both the missionary meeting and the Corps meeting.

Mrs. Abbott Joplin is spending a short time with her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Joplin of Quincy, Mass.

Mrs. Gilman Mace, while still quite ill, is a little better this week.

Mrs. Mary Chipman, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. York of Kensington, has returned to Hampton. Mrs. John Nutter closed her house at the Beach last week, and with Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Ward, returned to Chelsea on Sunday.

Now that cold weather is here the radio concerts are much better. Last Monday the Radio Station at Pittsburgh, Pa. (Westinghouse Electrical Manufacturing Co.) gave a very interesting program. It was started by several phonograph records, the farmers' bulletins followed, stock news, prices of grain, alfalfa, etc., were announced; after this several more of the popular pieces were played; then came the baseball reports of the day; then music again. Then they made an announcement about the Young Men's Christian Association Radio School in Pittsburgh; a violin solo followed and then a baritone solo by Mr. Whitmore. This completed the program for the evening. The voice and music were clearly heard all over the room. This is quite a record in receiving wireless telephone as Pittsburg is 500 miles from Hampton and over such long distances fading is usually noticed. There was very little of this fading noticed at this concert however. Amateurs notice the time schedule printed elsewhere in these columns.

The popularity of Cutler's Seaview House remains undiminished under the management of John B. Rich. Many banquets are being served. Last Saturday afternoon 250 employees of the Towle Manufacturing Co. of Newburyport were banqueted. In the evening thirty members and friends of Hampton Base Ball team participated in the second annual banquet. Wednesday, this week, the employees of the street railway were banqueted.

Miss Ruth Hutchison, who was operated on about a month ago for appendicitis by Dr. Heffenger, is making excellent improvement at the Portsmouth hospital and expects to return home this week.

The churches cooperating in the union services are proving that it is not only possible but most enjoyable for folks who honestly differ to work together for ends about which they are agreed. They are fully agreed that Jesus deserves a larger place in human life. To promote this they are all working. For this the meetings are being held. The speakers from out of town have been greatly enjoyed. Rev. F. E. Banks has preached twice, Rev. E. S. Trasker once, Rev. E. F. Newell once, and Mrs. M. H. Wakefield, who spoke so hopefully Tuesday night, will speak again tonight at the Baptist church. Even in the rain of last evening the service of song and prayer and the open Word was much enjoyed. If the reader of this line has not attended any of these meetings won't you hear Mrs. Wakefield this Thursday night? If you have been coming you need no invitation. Meetings Friday and Sunday nights at the Baptist church.

Second Annual Banquet of the Hampton Beach Team:

The Hampton Beach Base Ball Team wish to extend their thanks to the Board of Trade and to Graves and Ramsdell of the casino, for their help in financing the team for this season.

They also wish to express their gratitude to any and all others who helped the team in any way.

On Saturday evening of last week the Second Annual Banquet of the baseball team was held at Cutler's Sea View House.

The food served by Mr. Rich, proprietor of the hotel, was of the highest quality and the keenest appetite of the hungry team and the invited guests was fully satisfied.

After the meal was over and the party had "lighted up" Toastmaster James Eastman called on different ones to speak and the remarks of all were much enjoyed. Mr. Carl Mitchell, who umpired several games this season, suggested that the team should be fully equipped with new uniforms. The cost of these was said to be about $175.00 to $200.00 and Mr. Rich immediately presented them a check of $25.00. Others of $10 and smaller denominations were soon forthcoming and it was found that around $90 was in the treasury toward the new equipment, including the balance of last year.

A committee was appointed with Mr. Carl Mitchell as chairman to get up an entertainment this coming winter to raise the rest of the money and all declared their willingness to help in any way.

A loud cheer was given Mr. Rich and several members of the team by those present, and the party left with the invitation to come again the next Wednesday to a banquet given to the employees of the Street Railway by Cutler's Hotel.

Any wishing to help the team financially may see Mr. James Eastman, Manager for 1922.

The marriage of Charles W. Walker, son of Mrs. Charles H. Walker of Portsmouth, and Miss Marianna H. Scammon, daughter of Hon. and Mrs. John Scammon, took place at the home of her parents on Lincoln street, the wedding and reception which followed being attended by some 250 guests, including many from Portsmouth where the groom is from a prominent family.

The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. W. Bixler, pastor if the Exeter Congregational church, assisted by Rev. L. H. Thayer, pastor of the North Congregational church of Portsmouth. The bride was attired in a white satin gown, with old lace, and her veil caught with orange blossoms.

The Groom was attended by Rockingham County Solicitor Jeremy R. Waldron, a brother-in-law, as best man, and the bride by her cousin, Mrs. C. H. Batchelder of Exeter as matron of honor. The ribbon bearers were Misses Muriel Smith and Eleanor Willis, both of Exeter, and the wedding march played by Helen Doeg, also of Exeter.

The room was handsomely decorated with seasonable flowers, the background of the wedding scene being of green, the effect produced by junipers. The ushers were Leo Marshall of Boston, Ralph W. Junkins and John McPhee of Portsmouth and Henry G. Scammon of Exeter, brother of the bride. The groom is a graduate from Dartmouth and now engaged in business in Portsmouth, where his father, the late Charles E. Walker, was long a prominent merchant.

The bride is a graduate from the Robinson seminary with the class of 1914 and later studied at Miss Wheelock's school of Boston, where she prepared for teaching, and has held positions in Newfields and Exeter, where she last taught in the Hall Place school.