The Hamptons Union, November 17, 1921

Hampton News

Mrs. Bryant of Exeter has opened a dancing class for children at the Hampton town hall. The class meets Friday afternoons at 3:45 o'clock, and it is hoped that all children who desire lessons will be in attendance next Friday, November 18.

With good weather for the balance of the week the new concrete sidewalk on High St. will be completed. Tile drain is being laid for a part of the distance.

The next meeting of the Men's club will be held Monday evening, November 24.

John B. Rich has closed the Seaview house of the winter. Mr. Rich will spend the winter at Daytona, Fla., and left this morning for the South, going by way of Washington where he will stop over for a day or two.

Paul Nudd is having [a] house built on one of the finest locations in town. It is on the elevation opposite his father's.

The Thank-offering of the Congregational Missionary Auxiliary was eighteen dollars. Several who were not able to be present sent their contribution among them being Mrs. J. Parker Blake and Mrs. Vianna C. Marston.

The monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be entertained on Friday by Mrs. Jennie Godfrey.

Ralph Johnson has returned home from the Peter Bent Brigham hospital in Boston and is able to go about on crutches.

Mrs. Ellen J. Blake and Mrs. G. W. Clark spent Wednesday in Newburyport in celebration of Mrs. Clark's birthday.

A very pretty wedding was celebrated in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Batchelder when their youngest daughter, Marian, was married to Mr. Chase of Wentworth, N. H., by Rev. George W. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Chase will occupy the upper part of the J. Parker Blake residence where the bride's parents reside.

Rev. Fred M. Buker and family sailed for Virginia Tuesday.

Mrs. Charles Philbrick started on her homeward journey to Kansas City. She will give up her apartments and be with friends this winter.

Mrs. Anna S. Ross spent several days in Portsmouth last week.

The "mumps" have now arrived and several children are ill. Mrs. Nellie Newton and two children are sick with them.

Miss Cronin, recently community nurse, who has done such good work in Hampton for the past two weeks, left town on Thursday. She will spend the next year in study.

Mrs. Horace M. Lane starts Friday for her brother's home in Philadelphia, where she will spend the winter.

George Munsey, who has been a motorman on the street railway for nearly twenty years, came out as a full fledged conductor on Monday.

Mr. Clifford Lindsey has been very ill this week and threatened with pneumonia but it now is better. Mr. Quimby is driving for him.

A surprise party was given to Wallace Philbrook recently by his classmates and other friends. Wallace was the recipient of a beautiful watch. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served at the close of a pleasant evening spent in a social manner.

Miss Emma Gilpatrick of Lebanon, Maine, and Ida Gilpatrick of Lynn have been spending a few days at the home of their brother, William Gilpatrick. The Whatsoever Circle will meet with Miss Isabelle Thompson on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock.

The school board has appointed Charles M. Batchelder janitor for the new Central school building. His long experience in such work added to his years of work on the school board makes him an especially valuable man for the position.

The District Sea Side Sunday School meeting held in Hampton Falls last week was largely attended and one of the best ever held. The address of Rev. Higginbottom of Portsmouth was very fine. Mr. Reel, the new State Secretary, is wonderfully wide awake and it is interesting to hear him talk. Everything in the afternoon session was helpful to all. Rev. James Hurlburt of North Hampton is President for the coming year.

What came very near being a very serious accident occurred last week near Mr. H. G. Lane's when Mrs. Foye of Portsmouth sideswiped between a car going past and Mr. Norman Coffin going with Mr. Lane's truck to his garage. Had Norman not driven way over on the car track the results would have been serious. As it was the glass was all broken in Mrs. Foye's Sedan car and she was injured. Mr. Lane's truck was wrecked on the left side. An ambulance was sent from Portsmouth to convey the injured ones home and Rev. G. W. Clark, who was passing, kindly accompanied them to Portsmouth.

Watch for the sign of the "Golden Goose", Monday, Nov. 28. More next week.

Mrs. Howard C. Lane attended a trustees' meeting in Concord on Monday.

The Rockingham Country W. C. T. U. will hold its next meeting on December 1st at the Baptist church, Hampton Falls.

Mrs. Barker's house near the Causeway, known as the Whitney place, will be occupied this winter by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Batchelder.

Mrs. Frank A. Ireland is spending several days this week with Mrs. Stillman Dyer in Portsmouth.

The movies which are given every Saturday evening are very good and are drawing large audiences. The hall was filled last Saturday night.

The committee for the Gentlemen's Night of the Monday Club has engaged the Colonial Dames of Haverhill for November 21, and all anticipate a rare treat.

Plans are being completed for Gentlemen's Night of the Monday Club on Monday evening, Nov. 21.

The members of the Congregational Ladies' Aid are planning to have a supper once a month at their meetings this winter. That is a pleasing innovation and always enlarges the attendance.

J. Winchester Berry and Gerald Smith are building the new home for Paul Nudd and already have the frame up for a good-sized house.

Mrs. George Elkins went to the hospital in Boston last week and was operated on for a tumor which was of immense size.

Mr. and Mrs. John Batchelder are entertaining their daughter, Mrs. John MacMartin and two children from Mansfield, Mass.

William Webster has sold his house on the Beach Road and will occupy John Dearborn's house on the beach.

Mr. John Rich, Mrs. Horton and her cousin, Mrs. Shea of New Haven and another friend started for the Southland this Thursday.

The usual annual canvass for contributions in aid of the Portsmouth hospital will not be made this year, but it will be greatly appreciated by the hospital authority if all those interested will leave whatever they can give with Miss Mary Toppan. Not money alone, but jellies, jams, and other such articles are most acceptable.

Mr. and Mrs. Churchill of Exeter have rented the J. H. Philbrick house on the Beach road, formerly occupied by Mr. Hill.

A serenade was held last Friday evening at the home of Mr. William Brown in honor of his son, Robert, who was married to Miss Helen Kimball of Lawrence on Friday, November 4. A large gathering greeted the couple and a very pleasant evening was had by all.

The committees for the fair to be held under the auspices of the Congregational Ladies' Aid are now at work preparing for the fair to be held December 14th. A drama, "Farm Folks", is being rehearsed under the direction of Mrs. Emma Young and promises to be excellent. Leaves Concert Orchestra of Exeter has been engaged and that is always enjoyed. The Woolworth table will be another new feature.