The Hamptons Union, December 15, 1921

Hampton News

A dance will be given in the town hall on Monday evening, Dec. 26. The admission will be 35c. Come and enjoy a good time. The following Monday, Jan. 2, another dance will be given. Remember the dates, Dec. 26th and Jan. 2nd.

Word has been received from Mrs. James Hutchins that she is a little better but still has a trained nurse.

Mrs. Addie B. Brown is visiting her niece, Mrs. Marian York Jewett in Laconia.

The members of Ocean Side Grange are requested to bring a little gift for the Xmas party Friday night, Dec. 16.

The Fair and drama held under the auspices of the Congregational Ladies' Aid Tuesday evening was a great success and about $275 was realized. Notwithstanding the weather the hall was filled for the drama, everyone knowing that a drama staged by Mrs. Emma J. Young would be worth braving the elements to see, and they were not disappointed in "Farm Folks." Many pronounced it the finest amateur performance ever placed on the stage. Each part seemed to have been assigned to just the right person and each one certainly carried out the part finely. Mrs. Young always pleases the audience with her portrayal of the busy neighbor. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Clark and Walter Clark were exceptionally fine in their parts while Mr. Donald really did his part as a professional as did Mrs. Scott Noyes. Miss Bradbury was as typical a servant as Mr. Emery and Mrs. Berry were "Farm Folks." Miss Cutts was a sweet city girl and charmed the audience.

The Supper Committee from the Ladies' Aid Fair of the Congregational Church wish to thank everyone who contributed so generously for the success of our supper. Also the Chairman extends especial thanks to the rest of the committee for their efficient help, to the girls who waited on tables, to the ones who collected food and those who helped prepare the vegetables.

The Congregational Ladies' Aid will meet on Tuesday afternoon, the place of the meeting to be announced on Sunday.

Mr. Howard G. Lane, seeing the advertisement of a copy of Hampton's town history in a book store in New York City, sent on and purchased it last week.

Mrs. George Moore is visiting friends in Haverhill a few days this week.

The regular December meeting of the Men's League will be held next Monday evening in the Congregational Chapel. Rev. Edgar Warren will deliver the address. All members are urged to be present.

The market established last spring in Cogger's building by the depot yard and known as Woods Cash Market, has been sold to John Carberry of Portsmouth, who took possession last week. Mr. Carberry has long been in the market business, formerly with the Boston Beef Company and later with Shaw's Market at Portsmouth. He promises the citizens of Hampton an attractive line of meats and fish at the lowest possible prices.

Frances Donnell has been kept at home several days this week with a bad cold.

The Women's Relief Corps met Wednesday with a good number present. There was an election of officers which resulted in the following persons being elected: Pres., Sarah M. Lane; Senior Vice Pres., Anna S. Ross; Jr. Vice Pres., Mrs. Frances Blanchard; Chaplain, Alfie Godfrey; Treas., Belle Dearborn; Conductor, Marian Leavitt; Guard, Carrie Perkins; Delegates to convention, Annie Akerman and Marian Leavitt; alternate, Elizabeth Philbrick and Addie Marston. It was voted to hold the next meeting Jan. 11th, to have a dinner at noon, to which each member may invite a guest, and to have the installation in the afternoon with Miss Paul of Portsmouth as installing officer.

The H. T. G. Club will meet with Mrs. John Janvrin this Thursday and the club will be very glad to welcome Mrs. Wallace Day of Exeter who has been unable to attend before this year.

Rev. G. W. Clark preached another of his excellent sermons last Sunday before an unusually large congregation. The singing was excellent and added greatly to the service.

Rev. Mr. Buckingham will again supply the Baptist pulpit next Sunday and be entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coffin.

The School Committee hopes to bring the town schools into the new building about Feb. 1st. The carpenters have already begun the interior finish and the building should be ready.

Christmas Seal Campaign:

The Christmas Seals were put on sale the first of December and each town in the County has a chairman. Most of the towns have sent in favorable reports and following is a report of Hampton, North Hampton, Little River and Hampton Falls.

In Hampton, Mrs. C. S. Toppan, chairman, reports $44.00 has been raised. Last year $27.12 was raised for this work.

In Hampton Falls, Rev. Charles Parker reports $14.00 has been raised for the campaign. Last year $15.00 was raised. The quota is $50.00.

In North Hampton, Mrs. Edward Smith, the chairman reports that $3.00 has been handed in. Miss Blanche Boynton reports $15.00 has been raised in the Little River District. The quota is $175.00. Last year nothing was raised for this work.

Charles D. Palmer was successful in shooting a deer on his hunting trip. Mr. and Mrs. David Asbury Marston announce the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage Sunday, December 25th. They would be pleased to receive the congratulations of their friends on that day from 3 to 6 P. M. No presents desired.

The Rebekah Degree I. O. O. F. will have a Christmas tree on Tuesday evening, Dec. 20, in their hall. All members are asked to give a ten cent present to be placed on the tree. A lunch will follow the distribution. Come and enjoy a delightful evening.

Don't forget the Community Xmas tree in Friday evening, Dec. 23rd. Everybody welcome. Each child is asked to bring an ornament for the tree with his name on it, that it may be returned. There will be someone at the hall from two to six to look after all gifts and ornaments. Refresh your memory on Luke, second chapter, 8th verse.