The Hamptons Union, March 16, 1922

Hampton News

Miss Adeline C. Marston was at home for the week end.

The Whatsoever Circle will meet with Miss Esther Scott on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Electric lights are to be installed in nine houses on the Lafayette Road. A new cable is to be established for this purpose.

Mrs. Addie Brown spent Tuesday in Hampton.

Strafford and Rockingham counties will unite in holding a convention of the W. C. T. U. in Portsmouth on March 30.

The Hampton male quartette sang several selections at the Smithtown Methodist church, Sunday afternoon.

The Ladies' Aid of the M. E. church met yesterday afternoon with Mrs. John H. Elliot, Mrs. Ware serving as joint hostess.

George A. Garrett of Portsmouth has rented a part of Wilbur Parker's building opposite the depot and will soon fit it up for a first class restaurant.

Talking of mosquitoes in January hasn't a patch on grasshoppers in March. Mrs. Lucy G. Haselton found a real live grasshopper in Miss Lucinda Batchelder's yard this week. He was lively and though somewhat lean was only waiting for the grass to grow to fatten up again.

A meeting to secure waist patterns under the direction of Miss Page of Exeter will be held at the home of Mrs. C. S. Toppan next Tuesday, March 21. An all day session is requested. Those interested come part of the day.

The Exeter and Hampton Electric Company is putting in some new and larger poles on High Street between the post-office and the shoe shop and changing the location of the transformers.

The Creasey Company electricians, who have a store opposite the depot, are receiving orders for considerable house wiring. They have already wired Fred Brown's house and are now at work wiring Orrin Lane's and Frank Towle's residences on Lafayette road.

Mrs. Martha W. Brown:

Many hearts were saddened by the death of Mrs. Brown, on Sunday. When it was learned that she was stricken with pneumonia, it was feared it was very serious on account of her previous ill health. Though everything was done by trained nurses, doctors and loving friends, nothing availed, as her summons had come to join the large circle of friends that had gone before.

Mrs. Brown was born April 2, 1848, the daughter of Enoch P. Young. Her mother was Lucy Cook, daughter of Rev. Gideon Cook, of Maine. Mrs. Brown was the last of a family of seven children.

Mrs. Brown was loved by a large circle of friends and held in great esteem by all. She was of a bright and cheerful disposition and the center of home life. She was a faithful attendant of the Baptist church as long as her health permitted. She has long been a member of the church and all of its auxiliary societies. She was very generous in her help in every way.

She was a member of the Rebekah Lodge, I. O. O. F. and had filled all the chairs.

The funeral services were held at the home and conducted by Rev. Mr. Thurston, of Milton. There was singing by Mrs. Arthur Young, Miss Alice Elliot and Miss Hazel Myers, of the following selections: "Lead Kindly Light," "Beulah Land" and "Nearer My God to Thee."

Mr. Brown in his loneliness has the sympathy of a large circle of neighbors and friends.

She is not dead --- the friend of our

affection ---

By guardian angels led,

Safe from all sorrow, in that land


She lives, whom we call dead.

Very peaceful and beautiful in her last sleep, but already awakened in Paradise.

The beautiful flowers expressed the love and sympathy of many friends. From the husband, a pillow, "Wife;" Mrs. Emma Young, Randle Young, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Young, Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. James Janvrin, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Young, a pillow, Aunt Martha;" Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Blake, White Carnations; Mr. Clarence T. Brown and daughter, Calla Lilies; Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Brown, a wreath; Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Nudd, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sanborn, wreath; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bracket, Carnations; Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Delano, Roses; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Yeaton, Jonquils; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lafayette, Roses; Mr. and Mrs. Joshua James and Mr. and Mrs. Hale James, Roses; Miss Norah Maroney, Roses; Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Batchelder, spray of flowers; Baptist church, blanket of Roses; Baptist Missionary Society, wreath; West End Club, pillow; Boy's West End Club, Carnations.

The bearers were Irvin Leavitt, Henry Emery, Joseph Farnsworth, Albert Coffin.

The arrangements were all carried out in an efficient manner by R. E. Tolman, undertaker.

School Meeting:

It took the school meeting some time to get started Wednesday night, for Byron E. Redman, who called the meeting to order, announced that he was not a candidate for Moderator, and Joseph B. Brown, the efficient clerk for 27 years, had made it known before the session that he was through. After various gentlemen had declined to stand for office, the Hobbses practically stepped into the breach, and Thomas Hobbs was chosen Moderator, Oliver W. Hobbs clerk and Warren H. Hobbs member of the school board for three years.

Edward J. Brown was elected treasurer.

The school budget as printed in the town report was adopted without a murmur, and $320 added for good measure, making the whole amount raised for schools from July 1, 1922 to July 1, 1923, $26,000.

George Ashworth from the building committee reported the costs of the central school building to date, which includes construction, heat, lighting and furnishing to be $87,981.33. Paid on contract, $68,678.99. Owe to-day, $18,834.94. There are several small jobs to be done, amounting in the aggregate to two or three thousand dollars. Report accepted and committee retained.

In the matter of raising $20,000 additional to cover all the indebtedness of the district, on motion of Ernest G. Cole, it was voted that the indebtedness be recognized at this meeting and that the method of raising the money to meet this indebtedness be left to an adjourned meeting.

The school board was empowered to advertise and sell to the best advantage all school property in possession of the district that shall no longer be needed for school purpose.

The school board with such others as they may select to help, was appointed a committee to arrange for the dedication of the new school house.

On motion of Rev. Edgar Warren adjourned to meet at the new Central School house on Wednesday evening, March 29, at 7:30 o'clock, when all remaining business will be transacted and the building committee will formally hand over to the school board the keys of the school house and when the house will be dedicated with appropriate ceremonies.

March 22 at 3 p.m. in the hall of the high school building in Portsmouth, Dr. Valeria H. Parker, Executive Secretary of the United States Interdepartmental Social Hygiene Board, Field Service, and Miss Mary Driscoll, Field Representative of the New England District, will present some definite plans for protective and preventative work with boys and girls. The Mother's Circle and friends have a cordial invitation to attend this meeting.

A republican caucus was held in the town hall Monday evening and nominated officers who were elected Tuesday. A vacancy in the town committee caused by the death of Joseph Holmes was filled by the election of Charles Francis Adams.

Rev. D. S. Jenks, of Manchester, was a guest at Mr. Albert L. Coffin's one day last week.

Rev. W. L. Linabury of North Hampton preached Sunday night at the union service at the M. E. church, to the delight and profit of an unusually large congregation.

There will be a food sale held at E. G. Cole's paper store on Friday afternoon from 3:30 to 6 p.m., under the auspices of the W. W. Class of the Congregational church.

There will be a pie supper and entertainment at the Baptist vestry, Next Tuesday, March 21. Supper, thirty-five cents; entertainment, fifteen cents. If stormy, Wednesday.

The U. W. Club was delightfully entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore, Wednesday evening. Dainty refreshments were served. Prizes were awarded as follows: first prizes to Mrs. Charles Raymond and Mr. Willard Emery; consolation prizes, Miss Dorothy Junkins, Mr. A. O. Stillings. The guests present were Miss Hazel Brown, Mr. Clyde Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Emery. The next meeting will be held March 30 with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green.

The March meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association was the victim of adverse circumstances. Illness prevented the attendance of the president, Mrs. Edgar Warren and Messrs. Hobbs and Adams who were to have led the discussion of the District warrant and the budget were both ill. At the request of the president, R. E. Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:45. He was named by the meeting as temporary chairman. The secretary read the record of the February meeting. The treasurer made encouraging report and Miss Trefethen made report of the month's activities of the committee of lunches, showing a small balance on hand. The executive board put on record the proposition to amend the sections in the constitution concerning election of officers so that the nominating committee shall be appointed at the April meeting and shall bring in its report at the May meeting. In absence of constitutional designation the May meeting was named by record vote as the annual meeting. At the meeting of the executive board earlier in the evening the retirement of R. E. Thompson from the publicity committee was announced and Mr. Charles Francis Adams was chosen to fill the vacancy. Three selections from the new book of community songs were sung. The chairman led in the discussion of the warrant and the budget, which proved to elicit considerable information, and seemed to be of interest to all. Sandwiches and coffee were served by the Social Committee and a pleasant period of conversation was enjoyed.

[Hampton] Academy Notes:

Base-ball practice has begun with enthusiasm at the academy and everything is favorable for an excellent team this year. Let us support the boys who represent Hampton.

Do not forget the drama "Back to Nature," March 24. Candy and ice cream for sale. Dancing with music by Berkmier's orchestra. Come and see the class of 1923 put something over.

The absence of one of our teachers, Dorothy Hannington, who is on the sick list, is regretted by all and we hope for her speedy recovery. Mrs. Robert Brown is taking her place.

The Freshmen, Sophomore and Senior classes are participating in a contest, the reward being a class banner. This banner is given by the Juniors to the class selling the greatest number of tickets for the drama. The Sophomores are leading which makes us wonder how the Seniors spend their spare moments.

The new superstructure called the horizontal bar, on the campus provides amusement for the Sophomores and Freshies, but we have noticed a few dignified Seniors and Juniors losing their dignity. One Senior is upon the bar so much we think he must be trying to reduce.

Additional from this issue


Tuesday's town meeting passed off quietly and with unusual dispatch, careful pre-election preparation facilitating early adjournment.

All the officers of 1921 were re-elected except Chester G. Marston succeeds Herbert Perkins as town treasurer, Mr. Perkins' appointment as postmaster causing his resignation from the treasurership. One new officer was elected, that of Highway agent, to have full charge of the highways during the ensuing year.

The meeting was called to order by Moderator Byron E. Redman. Prayer was offered by Rev. G. W. Clark.

Warren H. Hobbs was unanimously elected town clerk by 71 votes. Harry D. Munsey was unanimously elected as selectman for three years by 110 votes. All the other officers were elected by the casting of one ballot by the town clerk. The complete list of officers for 1922 is as follows:

Town Clerk --- Warren H. Hobbs

Selectman, 3 years --- Harry D. Munsey

Treasurer --- Chester G. Marston

Collector of Taxes --- Ernest G. Cole

Trustee of Trust Funds for 3 years --- Abbott L. Joplin

Auditors --- Simeon A. Shaw, Charles Francis Adams, Howell M. Lamprey

Highway Agent --- Eugene M. Leavitt

Library Trustee for 3 years --- Sarah M. Lane

Street Railway Committee --- Irvin E. Leavitt, Harry D. Munsey, George Ashworth, Charles G. Greenman, Herbert L. Tobey.


Article 4 --- appropriations --- was laid on the table until later in the day. When finally taken up the budget estimates as published in the town report for 1922 were adopted without changes except two items which were overlooked, the new construction of highways, $5,000 and sewer construction $1,000. These appropriations total $69,575 but do not include the same covering State and County taxes, for which no vote is necessary, amounting to about $15,000, nor the school appropriation of $25,000 which will be raised by the school district meeting.

The list of appropriations is as follows:

Town officers' salaries --- $2,000

Town officers' expenses --- 1,000

Election and registration --- 250

Municipal Court expenses --- 150

Care and supplies for town hall --- 400

Police department --- 3,500

Fire department --- 4,200

Moth extermination --- 400

Health department --- 2,500

Red cross --- 1,000

Exeter road --- 2,500

Trunk line maintenance --- 6,000

Town maintenance --- 4,000

General expenses of highway department --- 1,500

Street lighting --- 4,500

Libraries --- 800

Town poor --- 500

Memorial Day and other celebrations --- 150

Law department --- 2,000

Parks and playgrounds --- 1,000

Cemeteries --- 500

Sewer maintenance --- 1,500

School house drain --- 1,000

Interest --- 9,725

Breakwater --- 4,000

Sidewalk construction --- 1,000

Comfort Station --- 2,000

For notes --- 6,500

Street Railway department --- 5,000

Article 5, in regard to authority to borrow money in anticipation of taxes and to refund town debts, was also laid upon the table and later taken up and the required authority was voted the selectmen. Under the same article a motion made by Ernest G. Cole was voted which read as follows:

"To issue bonds of the town of the par value of Seventy Thousand ($70,000) Dollars under the provision of the Municipal Bonds Act of 1895 as amended by Chapter 129 of the Session Laws of 1917, to refund the outstanding notes of the town at a rate of interest not exceeding 5 per cent, payable serially in 15 annual payments, the first payment to be July 1, 1923."

Under articles 6 to 10 action on the Street Railway was taken. A brief report of the committee's doings since the last annual meeting was read. On motion of Edwin L. Batchelder amended by L. C. Ring, it was voted to accept the report of the committee and to elect by ballot a committee of six to vote the stock of the railway, etc. It was further voted on motion of L. C. Ring that the clerk cast one ballot for the six nominees. The names of the committee are given elsewhere in this article.

On motion of Charles G. Greenman it was voted:

That the Street Railway Committee be directed to have the Capital Stock of the E. H. and A. Street Railway reduced to $5,000, if agreeable to the Street Railway Commission or others in authority in such matters.

On motion of H. L. Tobey it was voted:

That $12,000 of Town bonds be issued and the money there-from be used for improvements to the property of the Exeter, Hampton and Amesbury Street Railway. Said money to be placed in the hands of the Treasurer of the Railway Committee.

Articles 11, 12, 13 were on petition of Joseph S. Dudley and 15 others. They read as follows:

Article 11. To see if the town will vote to instruct the Selectmen to expend the balance of money voted for Breakwater at Beach at town meeting, March 9, 1920, in building a jetty of loose rocks starting at foot of Exeter Ave. and extending toward Town Rock using all broken cement wall, rocks etc. lying around in that section, in construction of same.

Article 12. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate money to buy a combination fire pump, also fire hose, to be added to the Beach Fire Department.

Article 13. To see if the town will vote to raise or appropriate Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) to install lights similar to lights in Amesbury (White Way so called) through business section of Beach in place of present boulevard lights.

Under article 11 the discussion was opened by L. C. Ring who thought that before anything was done in this matter that we should have an expert tell us the scientific method of protecting the Beach property, and it was finally voted on Mr. Ring's motion that a government engineer be secured to advise the town.

Under article 12 discussion was opened by A. H. Brown who submitted estimates as to the cost of a combination pump, the one approved by those interested involving a cost of about $12,000 and annual upkeep of nearly $8,000 more.

After considerable discussion it was voted that a committee be appointed by the moderator to make further investigation and report at an adjournment of this meeting to be held Tuesday evening, April 11, at 7:30 o'clock. The committee appointed is: A. H. Brown, George Ashworth, C. G. Greenman, Kenneth Ross, Atwood Rowe and Abbott Joplin.

Article 13 was laid on the table to be taken up at the adjourned meeting.

Under article 4, while appropriations were being made it was voted on motion of L. C. Ring that the $5,000 in the budget which in previous years had been used for tarvia be used this year in newly constructing the beach road from Whittier's to the Beach, and a committee was appointed to meet the State engineer in consultation as to the best means of construction. The committee is: Walter Goss, Thomas Cogger, L. C. Ring, Edwin L. Batchelder, William T. Ross and Eugene M. Leavitt.

Article 14, relating to any other town business was not taken up, a motion to adjourn be offered and voted on conclusion of article 13. It can be taken up at the adjourned meeting if necessary.